Trinity laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling for what seemed like 2 hours when it was only 15 minutes. Time flew by when she was with Damon, and she liked that, but when he wasn't around it seemed like time just stood still for her. Suddenly she heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" she called from the bed.

"Its me, Matthew."

"Go away, you said you wanted nothing to do with me, that I was a whore."

"Please Trinity, I need to talk to you."

"Fine hurry up though Damon should be back soon." She sat up on the bed as he entered the room. He moved to a chair next to the bed against the wall and faced her.

"You have grown to be so beautiful, I just wish you didn't have to go through all of this."

"Oh shut up Matthew, you don't care anymore, I'm just a whore now." He winced at the word 'whore'.

"I was just so mad that you wouldn't just stop all of this nonsense and leave with me. This is just something that you shouldn't have to go through."

"Well Matthew, things have been like this for a long time now. You think that you could just come here after how many years and just take me away? As much as I hated it here, this is home. I have no where else to go or run to, and they would find me and kill me if I ever left. That's just how it is. This is what my life is now. I am going to be married to Damon in 3 days, and nothing can stop that, and I'm not running away from it either. He treats me well Matthew, he doesn't hurt me, he actually lets me eat good food, he treats me like a princess, and he never rushes me."

"But that's not what I had heard, didn't he try to hurt you a few years ago?"

"That's in the past now, he has grown a bit since then, and so have I. He has saved me Matthew. Drake was going to hurt me, twice, and he saved me both times. He thinks I don't know about the second time, and I am just trying to move on. He came to my rescue. That means a lot to a girl Matthew."

"I tried to save you from all of this, does that mean nothing?"

"Your idea of saving me is taking me away from everything I knew. Your way would mean that we both would die. It means something but, I can't just leave. You had a chance to maybe be a part of something with me, but you blew it. You stepped down, and now Damon has all rights to be with me. We are together now, and it will be official in 3 days, please just be happy for me and let me live my own life."

"But Trinity, your uncle was going to have us fight if we both still wanted to be with you and Damon would have killed me, literally. How can I save you if I am dead?"

"Just leave Matthew, that makes you look even worse. You are such a coward. That's what makes you guys different, Damon would fight for me, you would cower and run for me. Just leave."

"But Trinity,"

"No Matthew, just leave."

He just looked at her with hurt eyes, and left. He stopped outside the closed door, and with tears in his eyes said "I love you Trinity, I'm sorry I came too late."

Trinity was upset at the whole mess, she was done playing this game between males and it hurt her to tell Matthew to leave, but he was weak. What was she thinking? That wasn't like her, she never used to be like that. But then it set in, she needed a strong male to protect her. Someone who could defend her honor, but still be the man she needed to care for her. She had lived around the vampires for too long, she was beginning to think like them. She would soon be one too, so she guessed it was all for the best.

Finally Damon came back into the room, he had been gone for only 2 hours, but it was long enough for Trinity to worry. When he entered the room she saw his arms were cut and bleeding, she ran over to him to inspect his wounds.

"Oh baby, I'm ok, I just need to take a shower and clean up. I don't want to get you all dirty." She held on to his arm and looked up at him. He was smiling gently realizing that she was really beginning to care for him. His arms were massive and each muscle was perfectly defined, she let go of his arm and went in to the bathroom. She began to draw him a bath, it was the least she could do for him.

"Baby, what are you doing, you know I need to get in there." He was half laughing hearing the bath water running.

"Just a minute Damon, I uh, need to take care of something." She could hear him laughing on the other side of the door. The bathwater soon filled and she opened the door for him. He kissed her softly and began to undress.

"Thank you baby," he smiled at her warmly and got into the bath. She kneeled next to the tub and took a washcloth and cleaned his arms of the blood, she tried to look only at his face but her eyes soon wandered. "Its ok baby, its all yours now."

Her face flushed as she realized what he meant. He was hers just as much as she was his. Her eyes looked over his chiseled body, every muscle was perfect, everything was larger than life. She ran her hand down his chest, taking in the very sight of his beauty. He was amazing, so strong but yet she knew he could be so sweet and gentle. His eyes were fixated on her face watching her as she examined him. She helped him finish his bath and laid on the bed waiting for him.

"You must be hungry, you haven't fed in a few days." She looked up at him, she was offering herself to him.

"Yes baby, I am. May I please?" He asked permission as if it wasn't his to take. She nodded and tilted her head to the side allowing him access. He leaned into her, holding her with his massive arms. He kissed her neck softly and allowed his fangs to penetrate her soft flesh, she whimpered slightly as she adjusted to the initial pain. He took only what he needed and cleaned her soft skin of any trace of blood. She kissed his neck and his chest as he tried to lay her down beside him. She wanted him, he was so perfect, so strong, and so good to her. He couldn't deny her anything so he allowed her to kiss him all over. She was on top of him now, kissing his neck and chest. She began to slide lower, and kissed him right above his underwear.

"Baby, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, you know that right?" He didn't want her to regret anything she did, and he wanted her to be ready for him, as long as it took her.

"I know, but I want to." But she wasn't as convincing as she thought she was. He knew she wasn't ready for anything yet, and she was determined to prove him wrong.

"Baby please, just lay with me. I want to hold you." She began to cry softly as she laid next to him. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I want to make you happy, I want to be with you, but I'm so scared."

"Baby, I know, but you just aren't ready yet, it takes time. I'll wait for you to be ready. You do make me happy too, you do so much for me, this isn't the only way to make me happy." She buried her head into his chest.

"Thank you." He kissed the top of her head softly, and held her tight.

"Your welcome baby, I love you."

"I love you too." This time she said it, he knew she meant it, and he was in awe. He just held her tight as they drifted off to sleep.