The day he died was the day my life ended. It was like any other day in sunny California, except that it was 110 degrees out and I was wearing a black dress standing in the center of a cemetery with too much people surrounding me, which made it so much more unbearable. It wasn't a shock that there was over hundred people there, my father was a good man he never thought people only used him, but I knew better. It made me sick to know that most of the people here expected something at the end of the day. I stared at the coffin as it went down warm air blew past me bring the scent of everyone around me to my nose. I took a deep breath and as the dirt fell on the coffin I walked away. I waited in the limo for my famous stepmother to appear with her sons.
My stepmother is a women who was to young for my father, but she made him happy and I couldn't take that away from him. She moved into our mansion with her sons the minute he proposal. She was really beautiful which always made me feel so small when I was around her. Her sons weren't so bad; well they didn't really talk to me, which was all right with me. It had been like that for four years, they never talked to me – none other then my father did. We were on are way to the lawyers office where he was going to read us his will. I really didn't want to be there but I had to be. Everyone who was close to my father or thought they were close was there, thinking that they would have a share of his millions. I sat down across from my "Family" and waited until the lawyer began. The lawyer read my name, my stepmothers name and her sons, which meant that everyone else were not in the will. They left without a word angry that they were left with nothing. I was finally happy they were gone I wouldn't ever see them again. The lawyer began and told my Stepmother that she had the house to her self. She smiled and gave me a sympatric look I shook my head and knew that I had to pack my bags as soon as I get home. Thomas her oldest son was given enough money to start his business and her youngest son who was my age- Toby- was given my fathers cars except for one. His 1969 Ford Mustang convertible was left for me as for the beach house. The last thing was the money, which was split into two – his wife and I. We walked out with out saying a word. I looked around the building to see if anyone of his friends stayed to wait, none did. I slid into the limo and stared at out the window as the driver drove home. The car finally stop but no one got out.
"Zara" my stepmother whispered, I looked up at her and her beauty shocked me.
"Yes" I whispered back.
"I know that this is hard especially for you dear, but you have to know that you are a big girl now and that you have to be brave and move on with your life." I stared at her confused
"Mother, I thought we said we wouldn't ask her until the end of the week." Thomas said as he lightly ran his hand on his head to flatten any strand of hair that was standing up, which none were.
"I know, but I think it is best if she left now." She whispered to her son. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"I'll leave tomorrow morning." I said she looked at me
"I just need time to pack and get Wilson to help me move it out." He smiled slightly and nodded. She opened the door and each of them left, I slowly got out and there she stood waiting for me. She placed her arm around my shoulder
"You can always come by." She whispered in my ear. That's when I knew I would never return to that house. I walked up to my room, and begin to pack everything up; I had no time to waste. I was not going to stay with someone who did not want me. Everything was packed and all that was left was for me to move it all, but I couldn't do that till the morning it was to late to bother the staff.
I sat down by my window still and looked out at the pool were Toby was swimming, I looked past him and stared at the spot were my father would read to me as a young girl. I began to cry for the first time since the day I knew he died. I didn't want to cry because if I cried then that was it he was gone and the love I had the only love I had for anyone would be gone forever.
On and on and on- Wilco
I've been wanting to write a new story and here it is. I hope you guys will like it as much as the other ones. I know it doens't say much about what it's going to be, but I'm hoping it would be better then my other stories.
Oh and sorry i haven't updated anyother story, my brother took away my computer so i couldn't write anything for like three weeks.
Please review and tell me what you guys think... Thanks :