--4 years later--

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

My little boy runs into my arms. I pick him up and put him on my hip.

"What is it hunny? What's wrong?"

"There's strange men in the front yard and they have funny clothes on."

My daughter comes calmly up to my side and tugs on my shirt. I look down at her, knowing I'll get a reasonable answer.

"Mommy he's right. They're in unimaforms I think."

Suddenly from the front yard I hear something that makes me smile and tears fill my eyes. Taking her hand, and shifting him up on my hip, I walk barefooted around to the front yard. There stands 4 marines in the front lawn, looking around and smiling. When they see me a cheer goes up.

"Darlin'!" cries David.
"Kid what took you so long?" demands Barak with a smile.

"Dang Beautiful! You look good!" says Tony winking.

"My my Sweetness. Swear you look better every day!" says Austin looking me over.

My son thinks for a minute then pokes my shoulder and looks at me in confusion.

"Mommy, why'd they call you all those funny names?"

I smile at him and laugh. "Because sweety they've called me that since I was 16."

The boys look at my children and then at me.

"They're beautiful, Darlin'," says Dave softly.

I smile and nod. "This little man on my hip is your nephew Barak David."

The two men who's name had been said look at me in shock. The other two hang their heads slightly. I smile and put a hand on my daughter's shoulder.

"And this little angel is your niece Austin Tony."

Both of the others heads shoot up and look at me surprised. Little Austin curtsies slightly, never taking her eye off the new strange men.

"Well aren't you just the cutest thing," says Tony softly, smiling down at her.

Her face remains the same as she watches the guys. Dave makes the comment to big Austin that she's got the same careful eye as her mother. I smile and hand little Barak to his older self. He smiles at the little boy who isn't sure about the situation.

"Kids, these are your uncles. Uncle Barak."

I hug my brother tight, careful not to squish my son at the same time. Then I turn to the next marine, hugging him as well.

"Your Uncle Tony."

He smiles. "It's good to see you Beautiful."

"Uncle Austin."

He kisses my cheek. "Still the same as always Sweetness."

"Your Uncle David."
"Missed you Darlin'," he says softly.

Little Austin tugs on my shirt lightly and looks up at me with her big blue eyes. I kneel down next to her and hug her to my side, asking what is it.

"Mommy why do they have the same names as me and brodder?"

I smile and look at the guys. "Because sweety, you were named after these guys."

She looks at me and then at the marines in front of her, then back at me. "Why?"

I laugh. "Because these are my marines and I didn't want to forget them. They're very special to me just like you are."

"God she looks so much like her Daddy," whispers Tony.

"Except for her eyes. That's most definatly her mother," says David, winking at me.

"He looks like his momma," says Austin. "All but his grey eyes. Those're his dad's."

"They're both beautiful," says Barak looking at me. "Just like their mom."

He hands little Barak to David, and hugs me tight. "Guess I never realized just how pretty you were grown up Kid. But then I didn't want to admit you were grown up."

I smile and hug him tight, then look at the others. David and Austin are playing with little Barak while Tony tries to crack little Austin's outter shell. She looks at me for approval and when I nod, she throws her arms around Tony's neck in a big bear him, taking him by suprise. He laughs and hugs her back, spinning her around in a circle. Suddenly there's a voice from the back yard.

"Hey! Where'd my Butterscotch go?"

"Out front baby! We got some unexpected company."

Jay and my life friend Andy walk around the house and smile at the guys. Jay kisses me and they both shake the guys hands.

"Good to see you all in one piece," says Jay softly.

"One could say the same for you. You have to live with her," says Barak motioning with his head towards me.

I smile forcedly and elbow him in the ribs, making him crumple to the ground. Suddenly Austin jumps on him with little Barak in his arms, calling out "Doggy Pile!" I laugh as I watch the other marines pile on top of him with my two children on the very top. Little Barak smiles at me and waves for me to come join them. Andy elbows me and Jay lightly.

"Well go on you two. Get in there!"

Laughing I set on the very top, with the two little ones on my lap. Poor Barak groans at the bottom, making the rest of us laugh. Andy runs into the house and grabs the camera, taking a picture of us all together. After dinner I find the old ones and we compare while the kids play in the back yard. The one from basics is slightly tattered and the one from the wedding has frosting on the corner but it doesn't matter. But I like the one of us just now the best. I smile as I look back at the old memories. Jay takes my hand and we watch as the guys chase the two little ones around the yard and play. I smile. If only this could last forever. As if reading my thoughts, Barak says he's planning on moving into town now that he couldn't serve any more. He had been hurt in action. The chunk missing from his leg was just to much for him but he could still work as a self defense teacher at the local gym. I look at him in surprise.

"Are you serious? You want to stay here?"

"Yeah. I mean why not? The rest of the guys are."

"They are?"

They must have heard the conversation because each of them nod. They talk about two of them each sharing an appartment until they found something that was better. Tony and Dave were ready for a place of their own and Austin didn't mind sharing with Barak for a while. They had all had enough of the marines for now and were ready for a little settling down. After I put the kids to bed we have a beer while Andy and Jay start a fire in the pit. I set around and talk about the old days with them and laugh at old memories. I look around at the crowd around me and smile. My family. That's what they were. Not just my marines any more, but my family. And they were here to stay.