Sequel to But I Love You. I was not planning this but i couldn't help, but bring it back. I thought about it while i was taking a shower so it was just a moment of thought that told me that i had to do this. so i hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the frist one.
1 2 3 go. I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. I looked into his green eyes; they stared at me confusion clearly showed. He was worried and in a way he had a reason to. I looked down and quickly glanced at his blue converse. I looked back up and did not look into his eyes as I said the words that would surely destroy him.
"I can't marry you" I whispered I felt him slowly let go of my hand.
"I can't marry you," I said as I looked at him. I slowly pulled my hand out of his loose grip and ran my hand through my wavy brown hair.
"Why" he whispered as he looked at me. He wanted answers, he wanted to know and I had to tell me.
"I'm not ready," I said, he sighed and smiled.
"That's okay you're just scared. It will be okay, Ally I love you. I won't let anything happen," he said as he reached for my hand, but I moved them away as I turned around to face the ocean.
"No, Jonathan. I don't want to get married," I said as I focused on the ships.
"Ally" he whispered as he placed his hand on my shoulder. The touch made me shiver; His hand was so cold against my warm body.
"I'm sorry," I whispered back as the tears slowly fell.
"Why" he repeated
"I just can't," I said as I moved away from him. I took one last glance at him; he was broken I knew I did it, I knew I was the reason. I could easily fix him, but I couldn't. I turned away and walked out of the balcony and quickly out of the Restaurant. I quickly got into my car and drove away.
It had been seven years since high school, since I met him. I was in love with him there was no denying that. As the years past by my love for him died. It seemed like with both just stopped. He did love me I knew that, but he never really showed it not after three years. He asked me to marry him just last year and what did I do. I said yes because I was scared of losing him. I didn't want to marry him. I fell out of love with him and I couldn't explain that to him. The day of our wedding was coming up and I just couldn't deal with it. I couldn't wait until that day to tell him I felt. My mother would kill me I know that, but she had to understand that I was not in love with him, I would never love him as much as my first love and if I was ever going to get married it would be to someone I love more then him.
His face flashed before my eyes as I made a right turn. They day he came back to me; the day Holly left him was a day I always wished for, but he didn't mean it. I could see it in his eyes he only wanted to feel something he wanted to feel loved because his heart was broken, but I was not going to be that person. I had to think about myself. The day he was in the hospital was the worst days of my life, he didn't look like himself he didn't look like my best friend. He looked like a sick person; there was no color in his body. That was one of the last time I saw him. Trent had gone to rehab and I wasn't allowed to see him and I hadn't not in seven years. Was he dead? No his mother called and said he would be at the wedding. The wedding that was no longer going to happen.
I shook my head as I pushed the button that opened the garage door. I parked my car and got out. I quickly walked up the stairs to my apartment and as I got to the door I took out my keys. I opened the door and closed it behind me dropping the keys on the table as I unzipped my strapless silk dress. I turned on the lights and walked into my room letting the dress fall. I put on a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. I sat down on the living room couch and stared at the black screen of the television as I grabbed the phone and dialed my mother's number.
"Ally?" She answered after the fourth ring.
"Hi mom"
"Why are you calling me, aren't you out with Jon right not?"
"I left him" I said
"Why would you do that, did you get a headache"
"No mother. I meant to say that it's over"
"What do you mean it's over?" she said in a panicked voice.
"The Wedding is off"
"What!" she yelled.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't marry him"
"Ally, stop this. You love him. You are going to marry him"
"No mom, I'm not. I don't love him anymore."
"She's talking about ending it, Judy"
"What is Trent's mother doing there"?
"Ally you can't not marry him"
"What is Trent's mother doing there?" I asked once again.
"They came to visit me" she sighed.
"I'm sorry mom"
"What can change your mind?" she said back
"Do you need to talk to someone I could ask Trent to go over."
"No, nothing can change my mind"
"Tell Trent I said hi." I said before I hanged up.
I turned on the TV and began to flip the channels not really looking at them. I couldn't think I hadn't seen Trent for years and it could have been so easy for him just to come to my house and see me. Would I feel anything if I saw him? I know that the day of the dance he looked different. It was as if the things I loved about him were no longer things that he did. As if he wasn't the one I loved. I knew that wasn't the case I loved him once he was my first love and even though I know now that I will never be with him, I can't help, but to wish for that kind of love with someone else. That someone will not be Jonathan. I looked at the TV and stopped as a familiar face popped up. As he talked I noticed that his voice has not changed since the first time I heard him talk. He looked so much like an all American boy. He was so clean cut no facial hair and black suit and red tie. He talked about his new creation, something that I knew I will buy. The scene slowly turned into him standing near his mother and brother as he cut the red ribbon declaring a store open. I changed the channel and frowned. I wasn't angry not anymore. It was just that he was so successful and I well lets just say that I was not living the life. I was happy that he had a life that he was rich and happy. I just couldn't help but feel bad about not having that.
It turned off the TV and looked out at the trees that stood high in the sky. I could leave this. I could go away to the city and just live a life I always wanted, but I couldn't. I couldn't leave this quite town. Not now, not ever. Because I am too afraid to leave a place were I've lived all my life, I'm scared that no one could find me. If I stayed here they'll know where to look. I lay down on the couch and slowly began to close my eye when the buzzard started to buzz. I got up and pushed the talk button.
"Ally please let me come up" I sighed
"Go home, Jonathan"
"I can't. I love you" he yelled I pushed the button to let him in and waited until he knocked.
I opened the door and found my self shocked it was two hours since I told him and he looked like a mess. He began to cry as he grabbed me by my waist. I slowly placed my hands on his back scared that if I pushed him away he would do something that I would regret.
"How can this happen. Do you not want me?" He said to me
"I don't love you anymore" there I said it. He looked at me and let go.
"How, how can you be so cold about it. Can't you see what you have done to me? I freaking love you and now you tell me that you don't love me."
"I'm sorry," I said as I took in his red shot eyes.
"I drank myself to numbness and I could still feel the knife you stabbed my heart with. You ruined me Ally"
"You get over it. Your just like this because if just happened. You won't drink I know you. You'll be fine and you'll move on," I said
"I can't just get over this. I can't just forget Ally. I can't forget seven years." He yelled.
"Please Jonathan, just go," I said as I looked away from him.
"I can't. I don't want this to end," he whispered.
"It has to."
Mirah- The Garden
Hope you liked this chapter
Please tell me if you like the fact that i'm doing a sequel or not.