I laid there next to him listening to his steady breathing waiting for the sun to come up. I couldn't believe that he didn't love me. I couldn't stand being so close to him not after what happened. As soon as the sun came up I got up, got dressed and walked out the door without leaving a note. I took the elevator down and walked out of the lobby, down the street to the nearest coffee shop. I order a coffee and sat down near the window. Everything just felt so robotic. I felt so numb and most of all tired. I was tired of trying to make a relationship work. I was tired of falling for the wrong person. Most of all I couldn't believe that my life had just gone nowhere, I relied on Jonathan I don't even remember doing anything on my own since him. I don't even remember when the last time I drew or took a photo was. I used to love doing artsy things and now I do nothing, I just spend my days doing whatever Colby's mother wants to do. The sad part is that I have no desire to do anything but have him love me...
"Excuse me" I looked away from the window to find the guy from last night standing in front of me.
"Can I sit down?" I looked around and found that every other table was taken, I sighed and nodded. He sat down across from me and I took a sip of the coffee which magically appeared.
"Thank you" I nodded and went back to the window.
I was about to zone out again when he began to talk.
"You are very beautiful, you know that?" I didn't look at him; I really didn't need this right now.
"I'm sorry did I offend you?" I sighed
"If you're trying to hit on me you better think twice. I'm engaged" I said as I held out my hand with the huge rock.
"I'm sorry; I wasn't trying to hit on you. I was just admiring your beauty." I take a sip and take a good look at him. He was tall and slender with brownish hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a simple white t shirt and dark jeans. He was a looker. He began to smile
"Admiring my beauty?" I took a sip of my coffee to hide the fact that I was blushing.
"How are you by the way? Last night was a bit strange…"
"Fine" he looked at me with these sad eyes, I couldn't help but get angry. Who the hell was this guy? I was about to ask him when he began to pull out a notebook from his bag.
"I know this is going to sound weird. You have to hear me out. I couldn't get you out of my mind last night. I mean the whole scene was so surreal. I just couldn't think of anything else, but you. A beautiful girl who's broken standing out for the world to see her…" he starts flipping through pages until he finds the one he was looking for. "… I just had to draw you." He looked at me before he handed me the notebook.
"I stayed up all night making that sketch into a painting. It's not finish, but as soon as it is I'll let you check it out. It's been so long since I found inspiration. I had to go with it once I felt it…" He kept talking while I stared of the sketch of me standing alone in an empty elevator with the flashes of the cameras focused on my sadness. "…What do you think?" I looked up at him his face so hopeful he needed me to love it and I could see it in his face. I was about to answer him when my phone started ringing. I looked down and saw his face. I picked up the phone without a second thought.
"I'm on my way to the airport. I hope you have a key for the hotel room"
"I do."
"Good, well you have till noon to leave. Ian will be there to pick you up; he needs you to go to an event with him tonight. You will be representing me so please be in your best behavior. Don't pull another stunt. After the event you'll be going back to our house, I'll be in California for a couple of days. By the time I come back I hope you'll be over this whole thing and we can go back to just being friends."
"Being friends… really is that what this is."
"Ally, please."
"No, I can't do this" I choked out and I hung up before I began to cry.
He didn't say anything, but I could feel him staring at me. He wanted to ask…
"Just say it" I said as I took the last sip of my coffee.
"Did you like it?" I looked up at him and he gave me a simple smile
"It's beautiful." I said with a small smile looking back down at it.
"Just imagine it with color" he said with a laugh.
My phone began to ring again. I didn't pick up. It kept ringing again and again until his hand went down on top of it and clicked it off. I looked up and found him there with a frown on his face. I turned to look at my artist and he sat there with no expression.
"Let's go" he demanded.
"I'm sorry, but I'm having coffee with my good friend…"
"Liam" he finished for me.
"Ally, I'm going to be late for my flight. Say good bye to your friend and let's go."
"I thought you were on your away already. What are you doing here?" He took a deep breathe.
"I came back for you. Now let's go." I looked right at him and hearing him say those words made my heart ache. I began to get up and he held out his hand. I grabbed it and he instantly interlocked our fingers.
"It was nice meeting you Liam" I said before Colby had the chance to start walking. He smiled at me and handed me a card.
"Let me know if you want to see the finish product."
"Will do" I said as Colby began to walk away
"Good bye, my muse." Liam said once we reached the door, I turned around and smiled right back at him.
We got into the car and once the car started moving he began to talk.
"What the hell, Ally! Fucking answer me when I fucking call you! Do you know how much time I wasted coming down here to find you? I had to call someone to fucking track your phone and we drove all the way back here for what? So I can find out that you're having coffee with a guy you don't even know! I don't fucking understand you"
"I'm tired, Colby"
"You're tired? Are you fucking kidding me! What the hell are you tired of? You do nothing! All you have to do is get dolled up for these events and pretend to be my girl in front of everyone."
"I'm tired of loving someone who doesn't love me" I said as I looked out the window. He grabbed my face and held it near his…
"Deal with it" he spat.