Lemonade Stand
Chapter One: Repressed Emotions
occ: this is not the original Lemonade Stand, so please do not assume it is, because it's not.
All characters belong to the twins Darcie and Marissa Blain (or Kouen and Suna Kitsune)
And as always, we'd like to dedicate the chapters, so Alexander Rowe, here's to you.
Epicure awoke in the middle of the night, awakened by the moaning in the next room.
'Poor Paean, probably having another nightmare', thought Epicure. He put on a pair of jeans, though not bothering to put on a shirt. Epicure, the 15 year old older brother, crept silently through the dark hallway to his 12 year old younger brother's room. He opened the door ever so slightly, to reveal his brother tossing and turning in his sheets.
'He's having a wet dream' thought Epicure with a chuckle as he approached his brother's bed.
Paean woke up and the first thing he realized was his sheets were wet. Again.
"Damn" he muttered, pulling the covers off. The dinosaur print pajamas he was wearing were soaked from the waist down.
"Are you alright?" asked Epicure, gently brushing Paean's lavender bangs from his eyes.
"I'm fine" said Paean, getting off the bed. He sighed, gathered up his wet sheets, and stuffed them in the hamper.
"Epicure...do you know why...this is happening?" asked Paean, turning to his older brother. He thought he had gotten over the 'Wetting-the-bed' stage a long time ago.
"It's what you call a wet dream" explained Epicure, "It happens a lot when you go through puberty"
"Whas' that?" asked Paean, looking at his brother with sleepy maroon eyes.
'Dammit, Mom shoulda told him already' thought Epicure
"Well, when you grow up, you go through a lot of changes. You get taller, and you become a man" replied Epicure, his face flushed.
"I'm not gonna grow up!! I'm gonna stay a kid forever!!" said Paean defiantly. He then picked that moment to remember he was still in wet pajama bottoms.
"I'll get you some new pants," said Epicure, noticing Paean's wet pants. He also noticed the bulge. He couldn't help the feeling of arousal as he pulled apair of pajama pants out of his brother's dresser and handed it to him.
"Epicure...I had this dream about you" said Paean, accepting the pajama pants. "Is that...normal?"
Epicure's face flushed with color, and he could feel himself stiffening.
"Uh, yeah Paean, it's normal" he replied.
"Oh" said Paean, his own face turning red. "Uh, 'cure..." he said, pointing to Epicure's pants.
Epicure's face flushed even more as he tried to disguise to bulge in his pants.
Paean turned to go into the bathroom.
"I'll be right back" he said, leaving the room. He took a left into the hallway, went into the bathroom, shut the door leaving it unlocked, and began to undress.
Epicure anxiously followed his brother, hoping his mother was out cold. He noticed the door was unlocked, and peeked through the crack as he watched his brother undress. Though he felt guilty, and even though he knew it was wrong to watch his brother like this, he loved to see that beautiful body of his, his hips plump and almost feminine, and his skin soft and supple from what baby fat he had left.
Paean was stripping off the wet pajama pants and putting on new ones until he paused. Didn't he have to go to hell, er, school tomorrow?
Epicure noticed Paean had stopped, so he quickly went back to his own room, hoping Paean hadn't seen him.
Paean quickly put on the pajama pants and rushed back to his room, hoping it wasn't going to start tomorrow.
Epicure heard his brother's bedroom door click, and he collapsed on his bed with a sigh of dispair.
'I feel like such a pervert. Watching my own brother like that. What kind of brother am I?' he asked himself.
Paean walked over to the calender hanging above the toy box. Tomorrow, or rather today, was the first day of school. He sighed and flopped on his now stripped bed. He hated school. All the boys called him "Pretty Boy" or "Beauty" because of the color of his hair and his body figure.
Epicure wanted badly to go to his brother, to touch him, to hold him, to kiss him. He sighed again, and looked at his calender. Yup, school in the morning. They called him "Brainiac" for his intelligence, and "Scarecrow" because of how skinny he was.
Paean sighed and drifted to sleep. He was about to become friends with misery in the morning.
ooc: we'd like to thank Alexander Rowe for helping us kick this story off. And like I've mentioned before, this chapter is dedicated to him. Please gimme a review!!