He'd been running all night, but they were close on his trail. No cars on the road beside him and no town in sight in front or behind him. Exhaustion wore him down, making his body sore, tired, and slow. Finally it's to much and he collapses along side the road, praying they or the sun won't find him until he's regained his strangth.
She closed up the bakery late again. Mrs.Witenberry had gone home hours ago. Almost 9 o'clock and still a 2 mile walk home. Dad had borrowed her car to go to Jersey for the week so she was stuck walking. Pulling her jacket tight around her, she started the long trek through the dark in the direction of home. About half way there a noise behind her startles her and she glances behind her, still walking. Suddenly she trips over something and falls on her face. Getting up she brushes herself off and looks down to see what she tripped over. A man lies, seemingly dead, before her. Checking for signs of life, he suddenly opens his eyes and looks at her. In shock she watches as he reaches up and brushes the side of her face with his fingertips.
"So beautiful..." he whispers.
Swallowing hard and ignoring his statement she asks his name. Before he falls unconious he whispers so softly she can barely hear, "Mathew."
Waking up, he finds himself in a plain 2 room appartment. Trying to sit up is difficult because some one had bandaged his broken ribs. The girl from the night before walks in smiling.
"Good morning. Finally awake I see."
Nodding he attempts to get out of the bed but is forced back down.
"No no no. You stay in bed until you're healed. You were hurt bad."
Sitting back down, he watches as she bustles around the tiny room. Yes, he's hurt but a vampire heals faster than humans. But he isn't ready for her to know what he really is yet. He watches her and learns her features silently. Her blond hair falls in straight golden waves and her eyes are a bright icy grey blue. Her smile is small and her lips a bright pink, no make-up involved. Finally when she notices him watching her, she speaks.
"So what are you doing in town?"
"I'm new here. Just got in last night. I'd walked a long away so I was gonna rest for a minute but I guess I was in worse shape then I thought."
She laughs lightly, sending shivers down his spine. "That was almost a week ago. You've been out a long time."
He thinks for a minute and it makes sence. His ribs were almost completely healed and the bruises on his face were gone when he looked in the mirror. Her voice breaks him from her thoughts again.
"You got a place to stay yet?"
He shakes his head no. She smiles and says he can stay here until he finds a place. What an interesting and beautiful girl. Smiling he lay back and closed his eyes, not meaning to but quickly falls asleep.
He is undenialby handsome as he lay sleeping in her bed. She couldn't believe that she had agreed to let him stay here. Dad will be furious if he ever finds out. But he had already been here for a week so what could it hurt? He was injured so it's not like he could really attack him. Besides, something about him seemed different. Addicting almost and she doesn't even know what it is about him that makes it seem so. Setting beside him on the bed, she brushes a lock of curly brown hair from his forehead. His features where that of a male model and his blazing green eyes were easy to get lost in. Smiling to herself, she went to her couch and lay down with her favorite book, thinking she'd read until he woke up again. But after only a few pages in, she too fell asleep.