Author's Note: 100 randomly generated words, with a 100 word drabble for each.
I got tired of editing this. So I'm just posting it.
Thanks Katy for the splendid review! All you others should review as well. I don't bite.
Bit of a warning, this drabble has a hint of slash. Nothing big.
Word Two: Seraph
James could feel Mark staring again. He lightly dabbed his paintbrush on the canvas, then groaned in frustration and threw the brush down. He couldn't concentrate.
"What are you painting?" Mark asked.
"A seraph."
"Oh… alright…."
James glared at him, before sighing in defeat.
"I need a break. What are you painting?"
"The assignment was a fantastical creature! Are you kidding me? You're going to fail!"
Mark hesitated before replying, "You are one! Like… an unbelievable angel!"
He almost laughed, but James wanted it so badly not to be another joke of his. Quietly, he returned to his seraph.