February 27.2008
This is just something I wrote for a contest at school.I just wanna know what you think.No harsh criticism please.
These Tears I Cry…
SMACK! Lena's face went to the left as he slapped her again. Silent tears ran down her face; she would not give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry. Seemingly content with her tears he picked her up by her black hair.
"Don't ever talk to me like that again," Will whispered menacingly. "Understand?" He looked at her expectantly through the dim light in the room. She said nothing, made no move to even indicate that she'd even heard him. He sighed exasperatedly and yanked her head back and grey eyes were forced to stare into icy green ones.
"I said do you understand?" He hissed. Still as stubborn as before, she spit in his face, earning her another slap with a punch this time. She collapsed to the floor as he released her hair. He bent down to her level and yanked her head up. Her eyes remained emotionless to his rage, only making him angrier. It was fear that he wanted; just the pleasure of intimidation made him all the more demeaning and even more of a sadist.
Suddenly his horrid expression died down until it was a mere smirk.
"Oh, love, you really think you're something? Huh?" He slanted his head toward her ear carefully in his steel grasp. "But you're wrong."
A silent cry of desperation freed itself from her determined lips. The feeling of metal peeling your flesh is like pain you could never believe. And it was just too much. She screamed, so loudly it reverberated off the ceiling of the dark room they were in. The cutting stopped instantly and she was on the floor, cradling her arms where he cut her wrists.
She felt a hand stroking her hair and she flinched, despite her bravado earlier. But this touch was different, it was gentle. Lena felt an arm entwine itself around her waist. He held her close. And whispered,"I love you baby, I always have and I always will."
She cried out when he pressed his lips to hers roughly and her body was jerked tightly against his chest. Even more tears made their way down her cheeks .He picked her up bridal style and took her back upstairs. The whole time he kept apologizing, saying he never meant to hurt her, she would just have to learn how to stop making him jealous. Yes,that was it, and things would get better, he promised. The words were like some other language to her at the moment. She felt so tired her body refused to let her stay awake and his voice was the last thing she heard before she blacked out.
Lena looked at her many scars and bruises she had accumulated over the years, the wounds that he inflicted on her if all she did was breathe. The gun she had purchased was placed on the counter. The shiny metal gleamed in the light, and it seemed to mock her as she made the decision that would make everything the way it was again. Will was still asleep; he always woke up at 9:00 on Saturday mornings, expecting his breakfast on the table when he got to the kitchen. If it wasn't there the consequences would be dire.
She tried to remember the good times, before Will had been on the medication. He had been so sweet; a comforting change from her other dates, boy had she been wrong. A couple of months after they started dating Will had proposed to her. Lena was so in love and she truly felt he was the 'one' so she said yes; that was when everything seemed to go wrong. She and Will had been shopping for her wedding dress and a salesman had offered to help her with her pursuit. Will left to look for a tuxedo for himself.
To make a long story short,she had almost lost hope until she saw one in the back that she had missed. The salesman complemented her generously when she tried it on, at exactly the moment Will walked in. Of course it was the salesman's job to do this, but Will took it badly. He made her put the dress back and they drove home in silence. Lena tried to explain that the guy was only being nice. Will ignored her and when she said a smart comment under her breath, he pulled the car over and slapped her.
The poor girl was beyond shocked and, when she started yelling at him he drove them speedily home. Upon getting inside he slapped her again and dragged her to the basement by her hair, with her screaming bloody murder. They lived out of city limits so no one heard her cries of pain and anguish. The next morning he apologized fervently and told her about his medication. Will had a disorder that made him have a sort of split personality and the medication kept it at bay.
She was surprised but she still agreed to marry him. She still loved him. The first few years were complete bliss; it was when Will was taken off his medicine that conflict arose again. (His medicine became illegal in the U.S. because of a certain drug that was in the ingredients.) Now years later, as Lena looked back she wondered why she didn't listen to the part of her that knew this marriage wouldn't work, as much as she had convinced herself it would, that he would get better with time; he didn't.
Lena forced the unpleasant memories back and focused on the task at hand. She only had 5 minutes to do this. She just wanted to escape. To leave and never come back, but she knew she didn't have enough money. He had supported her all these years.
Lena slowly opened the bathroom door and strode towards the large body on the bed. As she drew the sheet back time seemed to freeze. Gone was the face of the man she had fallen for so hard, now it was the face of the one she had come to hate with every fiber of her being. As she pulled the trigger back his eyes fluttered open. The same green she used to get so lost in now were widened with fear and shock as he registered the nine millimeter pointed between his eyes.
"Lena what are you-" Will began, trying to sit up in the bed. She cut him off-putting a finger to his lips.
"Shh... sweetheart, I love you baby, I always have and I always will,"she said softly. The irony was overwhelming as she pulled the trigger before he could even gasp. Blood splattered all over her white outfit but she didn't give it a second glance before she placed the gun against her abdomen and pulled the trigger for the final time.