AN: Here's a real treat for both fictionpress and fanfiction readers alike. Yes, I've finally completed and original piece that I've also incorporated into a fanfic. Please forgive me if the stanzas aren't separated. My computer tends to screw them up, but you'll be able to figure it out. This was inspired by some foolish behavior amongst my co-workers. Remember the one I slammed? you don't. Enjoy.


What makes you think your

pale jade eyes can stare into

my soul and read it like

an uncanny popular epic?

I suppose you think that

jet black mop of curls on your head

has the right to lure me into

your presence like an elusive seduction.

Did you really think I'd allow

your towering form stand so close

your enticing cologne would

invigorate my senses like crisp air?

How dare your smile think it can play

the strings of my acoustic heart

like an outrageous electric solo,

feeding it an agonizing melody.

Since when did your sonorous voice think

it could mesmerize my fragile mind,

drowning it with unspoken lust like

a therapist might a gullible patient?

Truth is I'm too old to play these

infernal teenage games like

a fresh wide-eyed school girl.

I thought you knew better...

What the hell?

Call me.


This poem has two titles, one for fictionpress and one for fanfiction. Tell me what you think. I appreciate your constructive input. As always, I thank all those readers and reviewers out there.
