AN: I hope this one really makes you sit down and think. I'm rather fond of it.


Dear Friend,

If probable, not likely, I'd surrender my life to partake in this conversation with you. I know you're reading this. I see it in the laughter behind the insincere smiles your peers render me. How sad it is for you to think I'm nothing more than a spectacle for all your friends to publicly humiliate. You know what's worse? What's worse is your act of cowardice in dissecting my flaws until those same friends pull a muscle from yet more laughter at my expense. Aren't you confident enough to perform this act before me instead of behind that awfully heavy curtain you're so fond of? Truth is, I could call you a pussy bearded whore to put it mildly. However, this isn't about instigating adolescent behavior. This is about me being my genuine self, the real me, who you've conversed with face to face. This is about what I've wanted to say to you, if not in person, then these worn out words I've brought forth from the depths of my soul will have to do.

Did it ever dawn on you that my only desire was a much needed platonic relationship with you? How could that result in such cruel jokes when I've been nothing but nice to you? So, I take my humanity to a level above the majority. So what? I'm not the majority. If I wanted to be a carbon copy of so called moral ideas and shallow insight, then I'd plant myself into the middle of a political convention, but that's beside the point. The point is, I'll try anything to avoid the norm, and if you say I've joined that crowd, I'll take it a step further to defy you. This isn't to say I preach anarchy or am without ideals. I have my own set of values, what I believe to be very good ones at that. Is this what caused you to emanate awful contempt toward me? Did my presenting you with a gift strike fear in your ability to reason? I don't hand out my creations for anyone's benefit. They're reserved for those whom I believe are my friends, but obviously, that's not the case, and it hurts. Yes, Sir, my heart is ever exposed to endure considerable damage. Not only does it hurt that you won't accept me a friend, but it kills me you're unable to accept me for who I am. Now, I'm ready to tell you the honest truth.

I can't say that I don't like you. I do. I'm not gonna say I love you. I don't. I'd hope you'd know better. Let's get one thing straight. I never thought you liked me. What possessed you to think it? Was it your overinflated ego. I like the you who's not purposely knocking me down with sadistic blows. I like the you who said you liked talking with me because I had unique ideas. I suppose I singled you out because I thought I found something in you I'd never found in anyone else. Guess I was mistaken, 'cause you bear no original thoughts of your own. Would it bust your brain to openly admit your dislike in one of my interests, then challenge me to a debate and back it up with your frank opinion? The best person you can be is your true self. Remember, whether you accept me as your friend or not, I'll always be a friend to you.

So...when you actually drive down that road of confusion I've oftened visited throughout my life, feel free to pull over. Maybe, just maybe, I'll lend you some advice.

Yours truly,




AN: Well, well, well, I encourage you to give me some input on that one. As always, thanks for reading.