New story!

...well, it's not really all that new. Inspired by Blue October's wonderful song Congratulations, we have a shorter story this time. If you enjoy it, please review!

Title: From the wrong end (aka Congratulations)
Rating: M, I suppose.
Summary: MM Slash. Sometimes love starts from the wrong end. At his best friends' wedding, Xander wants to be happy for them, but can't help being heartbroken. Then the bride's brother makes him an offer he can't refuse...

Disclaimer: This story contains homosexual relationships. If that freaks you out, please move on and find your fun elsewhere. You have been warned. Plot and all characters belong to me. Please don't borrow without permission!

On to the story!

Xander gave a muted sigh, playing absentmindedly with his napkin, and stealing glances at Gabe and Eden. They looked happy together, as always. As he'd always known they'd be, long before the two airheads had noticed themselves. A smile twitched at his lips, although he really just wanted to cry. But he couldn't ruin their important day by being down. He had to be happy for them. They deserved to be happy.

He just wished he was, too. And he couldn't drown his sorrows, either. He was afraid that if he did, he'd end up actually telling Gabe how he'd been in love with him - his best friend - for as long as he could remember. He couldn't do that to Gabe. And he couldn't do that to Eden, either. It had taken the two of them twelve years to get to this point. How could he possibly ruin the happiness of the two people he loved the most?

The only choice was to bear it, shut the feelings away, forget it all. Gabe wasn't his. Never had been, never would be. He'd known it for years, and thought he'd be fine when the moment finally came. But apparently, he wasn't.

He smiled at Eden's wedding dress, expression a mix of fondness, sadness and a slight touch of envy. He wondered if he could ever get over Gabe to find someone else. He snorted in a mix of contempt and amusement, looking back down at his napkin. As if. He really was pathetic, wasn't he?

Loosening his tie slightly, he shifted impatiently, praying for this whole thing to be over soon. Although he'd have no such luck. They'd go on for hours, yet.

"Hey, Xan," a familiar voice said next to him. "What's up? You look down."

He looked up in surprise. When had Eden managed to get away from Gabe and the families to come to him? Why had she? He managed a grin at her.

"Oh, just envious, Ed. Now that my two best friends are married, who am I gonna hang out with?"

"Don't call me that," she said sternly, although her eyes were twinkling with mirth. "Haven't you got a special someone tucked away that you haven't told the two of us about?"

Xander almost laughed at the irony of that. Oh, he did. Her new husband. The one he could never get. "Nope," he lied with a sigh. "Sadly, no hottie hidden away anywhere."

"Really?" Eden pressed, before shaking her head. "It's insane, though. With how pretty you are, you'd think potential lovers would flock around you."

"Yeah, right. Are you thinking that flattering me will get you blackmail material to make Gabe do whatever you say?" he joked, smiling at her.

"Heavens, no!" she protested before grinning mischievously. "I don't need that to make Gabe do whatever I say." They shared a laugh at that. It was the complete truth, though. Gabe was besotted with Eden, and would do anything for her.

"Hey sis, you can't just randomly take off. It's your wedding, you have to be in charge," a boy called, coming closer to stand behind her and poke her shoulder.

"Oh, shut up, Wade. Of course I can. It's my wedding, I can do whatever I want, especially if what I want is to talk to my best friend," she sniffed, not looking at him.

"Gabe is gonna be jealous, though. Looks-wise, he's definitely the loser here," the boy smirked. "So, how about you introduce us, and then go back to your darling."

"Xan may be pretty, but Gabe is hotter," she protested indignantly, ignoring the muttered 'love makes blind, huh...'. "Wade, this is - as you know - Xander, me and Gabe's best friend. Xan, this is Wade, my younger brother." She smirked evilly. "Who's had a crush on you ever since I first showed him your picture. Get along now, boys." She cooed, ignoring Wade's pink cheeks and indignant splutters as she got up and pretty much bounced back to Gabe's side. It was astounding, really, how she managed that in the dress she was wearing.

He smiled politely at Wade as the boy sat down. Although perhaps 'boy' was a bit cruel. Wade was only four years younger than his own 26, if he remembered correctly. The only reason they hadn't met before was Eden's parents' strict refusal to let her two guy friends into the house. Apparently, it wasn't proper. Although he didn't see how it was less proper than the three of them hanging out anywhere and everywhere else at all times of day.

"Don't worry about it," Xander replied gently. "She's always like that, trying to pair me up with some random person, preferably by embarrassing us both to death. Have a seat."

Nodding, Wade sat down. "You okay, though? You've looked like you were about to cry all night..."

Xander gave him a surprised look, before he managed another smile.

"What, have you been looking all the time?" he joked, hoping to change the subject. Wade, who was staring at the table, sighed as he finally got his blush somewhat under control.

"You really like her, don't you?" he asked, glancing up at a surprised Xander.


"You like sis, don't you? That's why you're so down," the boy stated, eyes still only leaving the table cloth for split-seconds at a time, and therefore didn't really notice Xander's confused blinking. Wade thought he was in love with Eden? It almost made him want to laugh. But then again, that was indeed what people would usually assume.

"Can't you pick me instead?"

The sudden statement, together with Wade suddenly looking up, and straight at him startled him so much he knocked his glass over. Luckily, it'd been empty. He gaped at the boy.

"I swear, I'll make you feel better than Eden ever could, and I'll be real nice and I'll always protect you."

Still too shocked to formulate a reply, Xander simply stared. A voice in his head offered that Wade could probably make him feel way better than Eden could, no problem, and he didn't even have the strength to mentally kick it to silence. Well, he hadn't ever really thought of Eden that way, anyway. That was like... ugh, no. Not Eden. At his lack of reaction Wade slumped.

"You don't do guys?" he asked sadly. "Please, can't you give me one chance? I promise, you'll like it."

"No, ah... I haven't really considered anyone but the one I love, but I..." he protested, trying to find a way to comfort the poor kid. "I don't really mind if it's guys or girls..." Was this really the kind of conversation you had at your best friends' wedding? This had to be wrong. So wrong, on so many levels. He wondered absentmindedly if Eden had somehow known this would happen. He wouldn't be surprised if she had. The girl was nuts, after all. Then Wade's hopeful look registered. Oh crap.

"Really? You don't mind?" Xander would almost swear he saw a wagging tail. Oh god. How on earth would he ever manage to get out of this one? "C'mon, why don't you go out with me then? I'll take your mind off of everything, you don't have to worry about a single thing!"

Yep, he was screwed. Accept the offer and be killed by the guy's sister and parents. Hurt the kid by declining, and yet again death awaited him. He studied the other. Hmm. Nicely built, tan, with piercing green-grey eyes and light brown hair in feather-soft layers. Lips that looked very kissable, if a bit dry and chapped. Long, slightly bony fingers. He wasn't too bad, this Wade, if completely different from blond and blue-eyed Gabe, and normally not his type. But hell, if he was going to be killed anyway, he might as well have some fun first. He smiled in what he hoped was seductive confidence, even if that was as far from how he really felt as you could get.

"You seem confident. Perhaps I'm curious about what you base it on...?"

Wade smirked at him and grabbed his hand, gently running one thumb over his knuckles. "Perhaps I should show you, then?" He leaned in closer and whispered in Xander's ear. "I have a room at this hotel. Just a few floors up from here."

Stunned by what Wade was suggesting, Xander didn't even resist when the other raised his captured hand to his lips and gently kissed his fingertips. He blushed slightly, trying not to think about how indescribably and illogically hot it looked.

"Room 528. I'll be waiting, so don't let me down." With that, the boy - man - got up and left the room with one last suggestive look.

Xander simply blinked into thin air. Well, it would look ever so slightly bad if they left together, but... Huh. Mind-boggling. Insanity probably ran in that family, or something. He accidentally glanced at how Gabe and Eden were laughing happily together, and carefully hid a wince at the sudden stab of pain in his chest at the sight. Adorable, sexy Gabe, who was blushing, but beaming with joy. He obviously belonged with Eden, Xander had never even questioned that. He wanted it all to go away. The pain, the loneliness, the unshed tears.

Well, at least letting Eden's younger brother fuck him, or whatever it was the guy wanted, would take his mind off things. Even if he knew he'd regret it. But right now, he'd do anything to make it all disappear.

Sighing, he got up and made for the exit and the elevator. 528, wasn't it?

He pushed the button and slumped back against the elevator wall, staring at his shoes, brightly polished for the occasion. Looking up into his reflection in the elevator's mirror panel walls, he sighed again. He really did look on the verge of tears. How pathetic. He'd hoped he could hide it better than this. But obviously, he'd had no such luck. He wondered idly what the other guests had thought of it. But then again, most of them had probably been too busy watching the bride and the groom to notice him. The elevator ping notified him that he'd arrived, and he got out, searching for the room. Following the arrows through the hallways, he found it much sooner than he'd hoped.

He wanted to stall, this really wasn't a good idea, but...

With a deep breath, he knocked, and was soon greeted by a brightly grinning Wade. Xander was ever so slightly flattered that someone was that happy to see him. Trying his best to will away the heat in his cheeks, he entered at Wade's invitation, and sat down on the only available space in the fairly small room; the bed. He bounced slightly as Wade settled next to him. Trust hotel beds to be that springy. The thought was chased away by the warm arm reaching across the small of his back to settle at his waist, dragging him closer. This was quite possibly the stupidest idea in the history of mankind. He should probably leave...

"Hey," a gentle voice interrupted. "No thinking." And then his face was tilted upward and slightly dry lips were pressed against his, before a questing tongue sought access. As he granted it, he was pushed down on the bed, Wade half on top of him. Wade, who clearly was a really good kisser. Well, at least like this, he wouldn't be thinking about stupid stuff.

A sigh bordering on a moan escaped him as Wade tugged the buttons on his shirt loose, sliding the garment off as far as he could.

"You know, I've been trying to picture how you look without your shirt all day, but the real thing is so much better than any day dream of mine," Wade grinned, leaning back a little to take a good look. Xander stared at him, wondering if he'd lost his mind. How could anyone actually say a line that cheesy? And how come he found it so damn flattering? Blushing, he looked away, which got him a small laugh.

"So beautiful," Wade leaned in and whispered in his ear before he could even get angry at being laughed at. He shivered at the warm breath tickling his neck and ear, arching his back with a slight moan when Wade licked and nibbled gently. He'd never known his ears were so sensitive. Heck, he'd never known anything could feel this good.

Although he wouldn't admit it out loud. It was embarrassing, still being a virgin at his age. But the only one he'd ever wanted to do anything with was taken, so what could he do? And he certainly didn't want Gabe to think he was some slut, who'd sleep with anyone. Sure, he'd dated a few girls his two friends had set him up with, but it never lasted long. He couldn't bring himself to care deeply enough about them for it to work out. Judging from Eden's behaviour earlier, it seemed she'd finally realized that he'd rather date boys.

Suddenly, his cock was grabbed, and he shouted out loud at the sparks of pleasure running through his body.

"You're thinking again," Wade admonished. "I can tell."

Well, he sure as hell wasn't thinking now! When the hell had Wade managed to open his pants, anyway? And how could the man tell? They'd been introduced for the first time less than half an hour ago! He tried to ask at least one of the questions, but the words wouldn't form properly, with how Wade kept touching, caressing, kissing, teasing. Oh god, how could anything feel this good? Becoming addicted seemed a likely possibility. It wasn't a comforting thought. And then, suddenly even those simple thoughts flew away as his mind turned completely blank and he came with a soft shout.

"Been a while?" Wade asked with a grin as Xander came back to this world. He blushed.

"Oh, shut up, you," he snapped back.

"Why?" His forehead was kissed. "I think it's cute." That didn't exactly help things. He glared at Wade, although he suspected the effect was ruined by his blush. Especially with how Wade was chuckling softly.

"One more word, and I'm leaving," Xander threatened, trying to get up. He didn't get far before he was once again pinned to the bed.

"But I kinda like you where you are now."

"Well, what if I don't?" he countered, feeling instantly guilty when Wade stiffened with hurt. "I'm so-..."

"So I can't win against sis after all?" Wade interrupted, the defeat and hurt evident in his voice affecting Xander way more than he thought it should. "Why? She's been in love with Gabe for ages! Why can't it be me."

"I know," he replied softly, before laughing bitterly. "I've known those two belonged together far longer than they have themselves. Ever since we first met..." He sighed. "I might be their friend, but there was never room for me to become anything more than that."

"Then why?" the younger man demanded. With a sad smile, Xander reached up and ruffled his hair gently.

"Love doesn't work that way. It's not exactly something you can control." He sighed. "And you seem to have the wrong idea here, so... I'm not in love with your sister. It's Gabe. But don't go around telling anyone!"

He got a completely stunned look in return.

"The whole 'can't win against sis'-thing was starting to freak me out!" he continued hurriedly in his defence when he got no reply. "I've never thought of her like that! Eden's... Eden... kinda like a sister, or something."

"Oh," Wade said simply, before grimacing. "I'm not anything like Gabe."

"Nope. Cause that would be unnerving. And really, really cruel. Substitutes are... icky business," Xander said with a shiver.

"You sound like you speak from experience." The accusing tone was really obvious. He almost wanted to laugh. Why was he having this conversation. But he paused in thought.

"Well, I dated a few girls, pretending to be 'normal'. Some of them we're vaguely like him. But it was never the real thing, and the one who ended up disappointed and hurt was myself." Giving Wade a crooked smile, he continued. "I was even looking forward to the wedding, hoping it would be the kick in the butt I needed to get over him. But no such luck, apparently."

Suddenly, he found himself gathered in a tight hug.

"Then stay with me? I'll help you forget him. And I'll never make you feel alone or sad like this. I'll take care of you, make you feel better than he ever could, make you happy!"

Xander couldn't help the slight laugh. "You really have no trouble at all with those cliche phrases, do you?"

Startled, Wade pulled back to look at him, before grinning. "I used to watch a lot of romance movies with sis. Can you tell?"

"Used to?" He snorted. "I'll bet you still do."

"Well yeah," Wade admitted, still grinning. "Some of them had more than just cliche phrases, though. How 'bout I show you?"

"Oh god, I really didn't need to know that Eden likes perverted movies," he groaned. "There are things you don't want to know about your best friends."

"You think it's any better for me, as her brother?"

"Probably not," Xander agreed, before smiling. "Well, what was that you wanted to show me, then?"

After a puzzled stare, Wade smiled back, before leaning in for another kiss. "Oh, lots," he whispered against Xander's lips. "It might take all night. I hope you don't have anywhere you need to be anytime soon?"

Laughing, he looped his arms around Wade's neck. "Nope. I'm completely and utterly free for the whole weekend. Think that's enough time?"

Wade considered that, before grinning. "Maybe. Guess we'll have to find out."

"Guess so."

Xander stifled a groan, stretching discreetly in his chair, hoping work would end soon. He really just wanted to go back home and pass out on the couch. He had stiff and sore muscles in places he hadn't even known he had muscles. And he really didn't want to think about exactly how he'd acquired all those aches. He blushed as the memory assaulted him anyway. Wade sure had an active imagination. Xander hadn't even thought some of the stuff they'd done possible.

A full weekend where he'd hardly even left that small hotel room. It was insane, really. Well, he sure as hell wasn't a virgin anymore. He blushed at the thought, even if his stomach churned uncomfortably. What had he achieved? Two days without thinking. In a way it seemed so little, yet in another so massive a thing.

But the guilt was still there. Guilt for betraying his love for Gabe. Guilt that he'd done those things with the younger brother of one of his two best friends. Even if Eden had seemed to encourage it, what with her matchmaking, it didn't seem right. And Wade, who had seemed so... happy, as he'd kissed Xander goodnight when dropping him off at his apartment. He hadn't really meant for the weekend to have any deeper meaning. He'd just wanted to escape!

And now...

Well, he still wanted to escape, most strongly whenever the slightest thing reminded him of Gabe. But he couldn't keep using Wade as an escape. It was cruel enough that he'd actually done it in the first place, without continuing to encourage the man's... crush, or whatever it was.

Rubbing at his face, he sighed. Well, he could blame no-one but himself. He'd known, even before he did it, that he'd regret it. And it was already over and done with. He should just block it all from his mind and go on with his life. He'd done perfectly all right without such an escape so far, he should be able to do it again. It wasn't as if he'd exchanged phone numbers and addresses with the man. He'd known Eden for more than a decade without ever meeting her younger brother. It shouldn't be too hard to avoid him for a decade more.

Checking his watch, he sighed in relief. He could finally go home! Rolling his head to work out the kinks, he turned off the computer, getting his jacket before discreetly rushing to the elevator. The boss had a nasty tendency to catch people on their way out, giving them "urgent work" which meant staying late.

Which sucked. Evil boss.

Finally, he was out of the stifling building, breathing another sigh in relief over having managed to get away.

"Hello, beautiful," a familiar voice greeted him from behind, making him jump.

He turned so fast the world almost spun. Wade? What was Wade doing here? How did he know where Xander worked? He was pretty sure he hadn't told the man! He cursed inwardly. This ruined all his plans.

"Hello back," he replied with a slight smile. He hoped Wade couldn't see how unsure he felt. Then he'd probably be dragged to either man's apartment, and he'd give into a repeat of the weekend. And he'd promised himself he wouldn't do that. Not to himself, not to Wade.

"I was hoping perhaps you'd like to catch dinner and a movie?" Wade smiled, moving away from the wall he'd been leaning against, and invading Xander's personal space.

"We're in public, Wade," Xander reminded him, voice low.

"I don't really mind if the world finds out how I feel about you," Wade shrugged, still smiling in a way that was both adorable and seductive at the same time. How that was even possible boggled Xander. And how he could be so affected when he loved someone else was even more mysterious.

He fought a blush as memory assaulted him. Okay, so maybe it wasn't that mysterious, after all.

"Yes, but we're currently right in front of where I work. I'd appreciate it if you could keep that in mind," he finally managed to counter.

Wade's smile turned slightly sheepish. "Sorry 'bout that. Why don't we relocate, then?"

Xander glared accusingly at Wade's smile, but couldn't keep it up long. Eden's brother was simply too adorable to stay angry with. "Fine," he sighed in defeat. He raised a warning finger. "But no way I'm watching one of those chick flicks you watch with Eden."

"As you wish, my lord," came the joking reply. The infuriating man even sketched a shallow bow!

Growling softly, he grabbed Wade's hand and dragged him to the company parking lot. And he was definitely not hiding a smile. Nope. Not at all. "How did you even know where I work, anyway?" he accused as they got into his old and rather beat-up car.

"That? Oh, I heard that from sis ages ago," Wade replied, shrugging it off as if it wasn't really important. "So. Did you want to rent a movie and order take-out, or go to the movie theatre and restaurant?"

Xander groaned as he started up the car. "Ugh. Please, I'm in no shape for being in public," he protested, and drove out of the lot and into the streets. He almost jumped in surprise as a warm hand settled on his thigh. "Wade," he warned, trying to stay calm. The hand sliding upwards didn't really help matters much.

"What, did the weekend wear you out, pretty?" Wade's husky voice whispered in his ear, and he had to fight very hard not to close his eyes and shiver in pleasure. Wade had learned all his weak spots way too fast.

"I'm driving," he managed, if a bit more breathlessly than he'd wanted. "Do you want to die?"

"Well, dying while touching you like this wouldn't be a too bad way to go," he replied carelessly.

Something inside Xander snapped, and he grabbed Wade's hand and violently threw it off him. "Don't even joke about things like that, you asshole," he growled. Astonished silence filled the car until it was broken by a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry, Xander. That was a really stupid thing to say."

A slight glance showed Wade's slightly sad, apologetic smile. Xander nodded. "Well, as long as you realize it, I guess it's okay."

They continued their drive in silence, and soon they'd entered the underground parking lot below Xander's apartment complex. A sudden thought hit him, and he cursed. "The movie! I completely forgot about it." The car was already parked, engine turned off.

A rustle of cloth, and then he was gathered in a hug made awkward by the angle and how cramped the car was. "It doesn't really matter. The movie's not important. I just wanted to be with you."

The inside of the car suddenly seemed too hot. How did Wade manage to keep sprouting those lines of his? And why did it make Xander feel so happy and... well, warm inside. He felt... Needed? Loved? He wasn't sure what the right word was, but it certainly wasn't a bad feeling. Yet...

It should be. Hadn't he promised himself he wouldn't do this again? No matter how pleasant it was to use Wade as an escape, it really wasn't fair to either of them. He shouldn't have let Wade into his car, no matter how off guard he'd been. He shouldn't be encouraging this foolishness any more. He needed to stop...

"You're thinking again," Wade admonished, completely interrupting Xander's thoughts. "I believe our deal was 'no thinking'?"

Xander opened his mouth to protest, but what came out was a soft moan as Wade trailed gentle kisses down his neck. The slightly wet trail they left made his skin prickle at Wade's warm breath. He knew there was something he was supposed to say, but he was becoming hard pressed to remember it. How could Wade undo him so quickly?

"This," he started, pausing to remember how to continue the sentence. "..isn't right..."

Wade stiffened, and recoiled as if he'd been hit. The hurt on his face was painful to watch.

Xander tried to explain. "No matter how much it hurts, I shouldn't have used you as an escape. It's not right of me to lead you on like this, I'm so sorry. I knew I'd regret it, but I was just so sick of dwelling, and I..."

"Lead me on? So what you're saying is that this could never be?" Wade demanded, pain obvious in his low voice. "You don't like me? If not, what can I do to make you? Anything you say!"

"It's not..." Xander protested. "I can't do this because I like you. You're too sweet to be forced to go along with my running away from the truth. I... I don't want to feel like I've become some total slut over this. I want you to be happy. And I don't think either of us would be in this kind of fake relationship."

"Fuck you!" Wade snarled. "If you want me to be happy, then don't take away from me what's making me happy! You're just running away all over again."

"Well, maybe I am," he yelled back. "I've loved Gabe for twelve years. Twelve! I need time to get over him. Can't you give me that? Please?"

"How do you expect me to answer that? Time? How much time? You say you've known all along that you could never have him, so if you couldn't give up in those twelve years, how much longer will it take? Another twelve years? Twenty?" Wade's words cut through Xander like knives.

The truth always hurt.

"I don't know," he replied weakly. "If waiting's really that impossible, why don't you find yourself someone else? Surely I'm not enough of a catch to be worth all this trouble." He curled up slightly at Wade's expression, unable to help the feeling that he was gonna get a punch to the face. Not that he didn't deserve it.

That's why he was so surprised at Wade's gentle touch, before those arms reached to cradle him in a possessively tight hug. "I don't want anybody else," came the hardly audible whispered reply. "Please. Don't do this. I know that you're still in love with Gabe. I don't care. I want to be with you anyway. Isn't that enough?"

"I'd still hate myself for it," Xander replied with a soft sigh. "I'm so sorry, Wade. I swear, you'll be the first to know when I feel like I'm ready." He couldn't stop himself from hugging the other man back slightly.

But those warm arms let go, and Wade leaned back into his seat with a weak laugh. "So that's it, then?"

"I really am sorry," Xander repeated. "I'm not expecting you to wait for me, but I'll promise I'll do my best to work my way through this as fast as possible. And if you're still willing to give someone as pathetic as me a second try then, I'd be honoured."

"I'll be waiting for you," Wade replied, voice low and shaky, yet strangely confident. "No matter how long it takes."

The pain evident in Wade's eyes as they met Xander's was really agonizing to watch. He could hardly believe he was doing this. He was almost starting to regret it already. But he couldn't - wouldn't - continue the foolishness he shouldn't even have started in the first place.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking down.

As the silence descended, he could her the soft snaps and crackles of the car's engine cooling down. The car door opened, and he looked back up at Wade one more time.

"I love you," Wade said, although to Xander, it sounded more like 'goodbye'. Which shouldn't sound so sad. This was what he'd wanted. What he'd decided. It was for the best.

A rustle of clothes, and a slight tap as shoes hit concrete. The car door slammed shut, and then more taps of shoes on concrete as Wade walked away.

Sighing, Xander let his head fall down on the steering wheel.