Willow Tree.
He spots her in the dead of night underneath the willow tree; the wind blows through the leaves like a beautiful rhythmic symphony. She is just visible across the stretch of valley where the air is crisp and tempting, from the smell of her blood oozing from her body, and the sound of her pulse, she is dying. He glides to her, so smoothly, so beautiful, his shape, his muscles reflect the moonlight, he is virtually opaque. Now he is beside her, a smile parts his darkened lips. He needs to feed tonight.
Her pulse begins to slow; her breathing has become short helpless little gasps. He takes a second to take in the beauty of her face, her smooth helpless human body; she would be perfect for his mate. He has now become more concerned with changing her, and making wrong things right. He wraps his bleached white fingers around her little waist, he sighs out of pity as she lets out a slight gasp. Her hair blows from her face, exposing her still pulsing neck, he closes his eyes, pulling his head back he inhales her addicting aroma, and he licks his soft pale lips. He only pauses slightly, making sure she does not object, before he takes his bite.
Her warmth seems to sustain him; it floods him to the core. Her memories of her human life start to leave her, as he lies her down so gently beneath the willow tree. He removes his sleeve from his wrist to expose his porcelain skin, where one pulsing starving vein is clear beneath the skin. He slides his long fingernail across his now exposed writs; he cuts his arm like paper, as if his granite skin did not exist. He lifts her head gently and presses her rich lips to his wound; he seems to understand her newfound need. She drinks until her heart gives in. He leaves her now for the dawn beneath that willow tree, Her soul has fled with the night, but her body has now moved on. Watching her now from afar, holding no regrets to what he had just done, as dawn pushes against the horizon, he disappears into the darkness of the trees…
I Woke with a start, heart racing, and all the veins in my body felt the terror my mind felt. Something—no someone, was in my room. My dream felt so real, it was hard for me to collect myself, where am I?
It took a few seconds to get my heart rate down, to realize I was still at the hospital safe in my bed. I looked over at the clock.
I had only been asleep for an hour now, but it felt longer. That dream had me worried. Would this one come true too? I really hoped for that girl it doesn't happen.
I collected myself fast realizing what had woken me, was in my room. Surprisingly I could not find the emotions that should have triggered my panic by now. I knew by the current circumstances I should be off the fall freaking out. But I wasn't.
"Who's There?" I said to the empty space in front of my bed, my voice was horse but still no sign of panic.
Nothing replied, but I knew he was there. He had come back. Was this why I did not panic? How am I sure it is him? I should be freaking myself out right now, I know that I am, but I'm not. What was he doing to me?
"Be Calm Violet" came his southing voice behind the shadows of the room's door. I could barely see but I caught a glimpse of his eyes. They should be frightening me right now, but I was still calm. His eyes were no longer a beautiful blue; there was no hint of blue. They were completely red—with hunger.
"Please Violet, stay calm. I am about to show you something that will frighten you."
Stay calm he said, calm? He looked like the predator getting ready to make his kill. I wasn't going to be calm and be the sitting duck.
But for some reason, that is all I could be. Now I knew I was not in control of my own emotions. What the hell is he doing to me? Better yet what does he want from me? How is he able to control me like this. I cannot begin to understand. My mind started to hurt, I wish I could go back to sleep and forget about this. But what awaited me in my sleep—I did not want to face.
So I had to face this. Whatever power he was holding over me, I had to fight it. Whatever it was I knew in my heart I had to gain my control back. I forced myself to think of what I should really be feeling right now. Obviously not calm—anything but calm.
I caught him watching me with suspicions. I choose to watch him in return. I stared right into those deep red eyes. I thought about what I should actually be feeling, I should be scared because he was here, to kill me. I should be panicked. I needed help, if I reached for the emergency button on the side of my bed, how fast would he be over to kill me, or reach it first? I was angry, what right did he have to kill me? I did nothing to him. He doesn't even know me, well least I don't know him.
His eyes now looked as if they were in pain, no longer full of hunger. He was struggling to keep his control over me—I knew because I could feel my emotions creeping up on me. I was winning. Haha sucka, I thought to myself. I felt the calm shift slightly. I had to keep going. I've almost won.
Now I'm thinking how smug I must feel kicking his ass in this mind control crap. I should be feeling happy that I, a plain Jane human, own him. If only I could gain enough control to get out of bed, and run for the door.
Everything hit me like a flash of light in the dark of night. Thoughts swirled inside my head, my emotions bounced back and forth around—my emotions, I had my emotions back. I defeated him. I can feel everything—oh crap. Fear and confusion rushed through my body like acid.
"How?" I jumped not expecting him to speak. He whispered through a tired breath, to me, "how were you able to do that?" his face twisted in confusion.
"Do what?" I honestly had no clue what the hell I did, that had him so confused.
"It is true," he whispered again, this time I believe more to himself "she is the one, but how? How is it possible? There is more danger to come then…"
"What the hell are you talking about?" I shouted at him, not really meaning to but he was fucking creeping me out.
"Huh?" he responded as if he had forgotten I was there. "Oh, Violet I'm sorry." He seemed to be ashamed, but for what? "I will explain later" he said as if he heard my unspoken question, or was my facial expression that obvious. "What do you remember from last night?" he turned and asked me.
"Like, as in what?" I took a second to think, did he really want to know what I remembered, because I didn't even want to know.
"Just tell me everything. Trust me I won't judge you." What was that suppose to mean? Now I feel like an idiot, how can I tell him everything when he says that, wont judge, pfftt yea right? My ass he wouldn't judge me.
He gracefully glided beside me and sat down on the single chair beside my bed. Ugh he was so hot. Mentally closing my mouth, I finally collected all my thoughts to retell what I remembered. It was hard, because I had to separate my dreams from the realities of last night. I made sure I didn't tell him this, that I had repeating nightmares of that night, I had know Idea how he would take it. Everything was weird enough. As I was retelling I couldn't help notice that he kept his eyes on me the whole time, literally, he didn't blink or shift his weight. If that were me, I would have shifted after my ass fell asleep. But he didn't move, he just sat there like a beautiful stone figure.
"For a hell of a night, you sure remember a lot of minor details" he said in his deep poetic voice. I was to into the sound of his voice; I didn't even fully get his comment. When I finally clued in I realized, did I say too much? Is he going to suspect something of me? Uh oh, I gulped—I'm in shit.
"I don't know, I just tend to remember things." Ugh he totally didn't believe me.
"Huh, I see. You tend to remember that much?" he asked raising his eyebrow.
"Yes, Yes I do" I said confidently, but he still did not believe me on bit.
"You can't really lie to me Violet, I know what you are, and do you know what I am?" Aw shit, how the hell does he know? And another thing how do I explain to him, that the thing I think he is, does not exist! "Try not to be totally honest this time" he said with a smirk. Oh so funny, ugh.
"You're a vampire," I said with a slight embarrassed shutter. He just looked at me impressed, with that smirk still on his face. "I know, stupid, I read to much supernatural shit, I'm sure there is something logical to explain everything."
"No Violet, your right." He said with an even bigger smile, now I could see them, his fangs he was flashing them at me. "I am a vampire, everything you read about my world—is real."
I could not move. I was in shock. This can't be real, there is no such thing as vampires, there can't be—can there?