Chapter 1

The day started out like any other day. People at school running to and fro classes, boyfriends sucking on their girlfriend's faces, hands wondering everywhere possible. Popular girls starring at they're reflections searching for any possible flaw.

Then there was me, not in the 'in' crowd but not in the 'out' crowd, I fit somewhere in between, not really being able to fit in anywhere. My hair was a plain brown that hung to my shoulders. My eyes were never sought after in envied; they were just a plain light shade of brown that got lighter when I was in the sun. I was completely and utterly not on the notice board at Lone Peak High.

As if to make matters worse guys didn't even notice me, they just walked on by as if I was just someone there that they tolerated.


I turned to the voice of my one and only friend. Her hair was a fine shade of blonde it was short, ending at the middle of her neck. Today she was sporting the slight flip of the ends due.

"Hey Abby."

She bounced up to my locker with a bubbly smile, her ultra blue eyes blazing. "You'll never believe who asked me out last night!"

I could tell she was forcing herself not to jump out of her shoes in excitement.

"Who?" I asked, switching my AP Biology book for my AP Language book.

"Austin Normand!"

The famous Austin Normand, if his tall frame didn't catch you then his light green eyes would. His brown hair complemented his eyes, making him the object of every girl's daydreams. Knowing this knowledge turned him into the schools biggest hot head.

I pasted a smile on my face, hoping it was real.

"Really? That's great." As I said this her smile faded into a frown. I guess my smile wasn't convincing enough.

"You hate him. I don't even know why I told you." She held her books closer to her chest, the happiness she had earlier vanished. Biting my lip I shut my locker, turning the keypad. "I'm sorry, I really do think it's great." My apology seemed to be enough, her face lit up again. As we began to walk down the hall to our first class she started to talk about how the whole event had taken place. Every detail from where she was sitting to what he was wearing and the way his smile had melted her heart, making her vulnerable to his every wish and desire. I listened closely, nodding my head and flashing a smile in the right places.

Sitting down in my seat I set my bag on the ground. Leaning on my hands I turned to her and continued to listen to her babble on about her feelings about Austin. The teacher entered the room and I was relieved when she had no choice but to save the rest of her story for another time.

"Turn in your essay about the British rulers." Mr. Franz, our AP Language teacher said as he put a wired basket on top of his desk. I passed my paper to the person in front of me, who took it and passed it along with theirs. Once all the papers were collected he took out his white board markers and began to teach us more about writing papers correctly. To save myself from boredom I took out my notebook and began to doodle. I drew pictures of hearts and flowers, the traditional girly stuff that girls tended to draw on their notebooks. But then I drew a pair of eyes, eyes that would scare any normal person, but to me it held me in awe.

"You need to stop reading Twilight." Abby whispered while the teachers back was turned. I looked up from my drawing to glare at her. Twilight was apart of every girl's life even if they wished they had never read it. For me it was the only thing that kept me sane through the wicked life of high school. Edward Cullen was everyone's fantasy; everyone wanted to have someone that could become what he was to Bella. Was it so bad if I held onto that dream as well?

"Its better then dating a freak that can't stop looking at his reflection." I shot back, not wanting to have this discussion.

Abby rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Mr. Franz. Putting my pencil back on the paper I began to draw again. This time a face went along with the eyes. Then slowly there was a body. Once class was done I had to close and re open my eyes to see what I had just drawn. The man in the picture was gorgeous, everything about him was just right.

Abby stood next to my desk, her hair falling in her eyes. "That's really good Rebekah. Who is it?"

I was wondering the same thing. I set my pencil down and put my hands flat on the desktop. When I didn't answer Abby sighed. "You really need to get a life."

I looked up at her, shutting my notebook, hiding the picture from view. "It's not like I try to be this way. Everyone just naturally shies away from me, I can't explain it. Please, tell me why everyone does that when they are around me. I'd love to hear what you think of the matter."

She just shrugged her perfect shoulders. "Maybe it's because you never put yourself out there. You're always in that notebook of yours either drawing or writing who knows what." Instinctively my hands tightened on my notebook. "Besides, it wouldn't kill you if you used more makeup then just eyeliner and mascara."

I stood up, slinging my bag onto my shoulder. "Right because that's the way to be noticed, right?"

Abby frowned, "Don't be that way Rebekah. I'm just worried about you. There's so much you are capable of and yet you just keep to yourself. If you just gave everyone a chance to see the real you there would be no way for anyone to hate you."

"Just because I keep to myself doesn't give anyone the right to hate me. If they do then they are just low lives and they don't deserve to know me." I gnarled my teeth, wanting nothing more then to just get in my car and drive home.

Abby reached out and put her soft hand on my arm. "Becca…please." There was no way I could stay upset at her. Abby had this way of getting people to do anything she wanted them. I relaxed my jaw and smiled timidly.

"I'm really sorry Abby; I guess I'm having an off day today."

The bell rang for second period to begin. Abby threw her arms around me, hugging me close. "Its all right, I'll see you after school." Then she was off, running down the hall and out of sight. I walked even more slowly to my next class. It was the class I dreaded the most, Physics.

When I entered the room the teacher glanced up from his desk, "You're late, sit there." He indicated the vacant seat at the far side of the room. There was only one person sitting there, a boy whom I'd never seen before. Sluggishly I walked over to the seat and sat down, not caring that every eye in the classroom was on me.

"Today you will be working with your partner at your table. I expect you to finish the first two chapters of the text and do the questions that follow. There will be a quiz on this material first thing next class." The whole class groaned as they pulled out their textbooks.

The boy at the table opened his textbook, flipping through the pages we were required to finish. There was something odd about this boy; his skin was so white it looked like he had risen out of a coffin. His hair was a light brown shade, and his eyes…they were nothing I had ever seen before.

I held out my hand, "I'm Rebekah Stevens." He looked up into my eyes and I couldn't help but catch my breath. His blue eyes where breath taking. It was like looking into the deepest ocean. Taking my hand he shook it, the coolness of his skin made my heart jump.

"I'm Kyle Davis."

He released my hand, finding my voice I asked, "Are you new?" Of course he's new! I feel like a total idiot. Instead of giving me a look as if I was crazy he smiled, taking my breath away again.

"I just moved in."

I smiled back at him, realizing that I could never dazzle him the way he dazzled me. My cheeks grew hot and I knew I was blushing. Stupid emotions always got in the way. I looked up as he chuckled.

"You seem really tense, is everything all right?" his voice was the sweetest music I'd ever heard. Shaking my head to clear it I nodded. "Just trying to get out of the bad day."

He smiled, knowingly.

"I believe I know how that feels." He fell silent then, turning back to his book. There was so much I wanted to know about him, it was odd since I had hardly spoken to him and yet he already had me under this strange spell I couldn't pull myself out of.

"How long have you been here?"

Looking up from his book, he looked away in thought. "I'd have to say I've been in this town for probably four days."

"How does your family like it here?" I found myself asking, I mentally kicked myself in the gut.

He turned and studied my face for a long time. It looked as if he was battling inside of himself. Finally he looked away, down at his book. His hands rested on the tabletop and I couldn't help but notice how flawless his skin looked. I wanted to reach out, to touch, and feel the texture of his skin.

His mouth formed a tense line, "I'm here alone, my parents died a while back."

There was nothing that could himulate me more then what I had just done now. I had brought up memories he must not want to remember. Biting my lip I looked down at my un-opened textbook.

"I'm so sorry."

He shrugged, clearly not wanting to speak about it any longer. We worked in silence for the rest of class. The teacher stood up five minutes before the bell was going to ring.

"Okay, as you all know your final project is going to be due in a couple of months. I decided that this year I would pick the partners you have. So everyone look at the partner you worked with today because you will be spending a lot of time with them until the school year is over."

I looked over at Kyle, who in return was looking at me. Putting a strand of hair behind my ear I smiled tentatively back.

"Make arrangements until the bell rings." With that said the teacher sat down at his desk and propped open the novel he was reading.

Angling my body towards him I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook.

"Here's my cell phone number, you can call me whenever you have free time to get together. And if you want to wait until a few weeks before it's due that is totally fine with me. I'm sure we can finish it whenever you're ready." Hand shaking I handed him the small paper, hoping it wasn't too small he would lose it.

Careful not to touch my skin he took it from me while sliding me a half sheet of paper. "That's my address and my cell phone number. The apartment is just across the street from the local Macy's." He clarified as he put my piece of paper in his notebook pocket.

I looked down at the paper he had given me. It was strange…that cell phone number didn't seem to be from the US.

The bell rang; I glanced up in enough time to see him walk out the door. How was he able to move so quickly? Gathering up my things I rushed after him.

"I forgot to ask you if you have texting." I huffed as I caught up with him; he clearly had known I was walking after him.

His breath -taking smile appeared on his face, "Doesn't every teenager have texting? You can text or call me whenever you want to work on the project. I think the sooner the better, that way we can have it done and out of the way."

The intensity of his stare began to make my head cloud with mist. It took all my concentration to remember how to breathe. Quickly he took his eyes off my face. "Or you could text whenever you need someone to help you out when you're having one of these bad days again. Its nice having someone to talk to that doesn't immediately jump down my throat asking about my whole life."

I blushed, realizing I had done just that. He seemed to have not minded in the least.

"Umm…thank you. This is nice for me too; usually everyone avoids me like I have the plague or something."

He looked at me incredulously, "That can't be right. Why would anyone do that? Its not like you're ugly or anything, your actually the opposite, you are very beautiful." After he said that sentence he looked down at his shoes.

I felt the heat in my cheeks.

"Oh…well…thank you again." This was very awkward.

He began to laugh nervously. "I'm sure you're thinking I'm a crazy lunatic who tells people they are beautiful the first time I met them. I really don't mean to do that, the words just sort of—slipped out." He confessed, running his pale hand through his hair.

Fiddling with my bag strap I smiled innocently. "Don't worry about it. Um…so I'll text you or whatever when I find enough time to get together." I began to walk away slowly, wanting to get away from the way our conversation had turned. Kyle seemed to understand my body language for he started to walk in the other direction.

"Yeah that'd be great. I'll see you."

I nodded my head as I began to walk backwards. "Yeah." I turned then and walked purposely down the hall. I had to get away from him. I couldn't explain the weird drawn I was feeling towards him. It was like I had lost my own free will and that I didn't have a choice but be near him.

Once I was away from him my head began to clear from the mist that had been blocking my mind. There was defiantly something different about Kyle Davis, something that I probably didn't want to know, but I knew for sure I was going to find out.