I was playing this game, actually, I play a lot of games. I guess it's because I don't get out much, but that doesn't matter anyway. This game is the reason I even bother opening my mouth. It's special.
It's got something to do with setting off a bubble of light and making other circles of color appear through a chain reaction. So the white one can hit a blue one, and then that hits a pink one, or a purple one. And not one bubble is the same color. And it all goes around until they stop hitting into each other.
And if you look really close, they look like people. That chain reaction really only looks like everybody's everyday interactions. A light color is a good thing, a dark color is.. a fight. The first one is always white. A good intention. Or, if you believe in it, maybe God's creation of man. And the rest is tainted by emotion and personality and previous action.
And this chain reaches almost all of the little dots on the screen. They link together... and they're so close together it's amazing that they didn't see it; they didn't change course or nothing (Man, I think I've been staring at the screen too long). They just accepted it. And if you look at how we all connect, it's playin' on 6 degrees. But I swear it's the truth.
We are no different from those dots on that screen. We set each other off, in one direction or another, guiding that person's movements and choices. There are dots that shy away from the reaction. And sometimes we do, too. Dude, even I know it. Some times we're that little black dot that glides away from that bright green dot. But that shouldn't hinder us.
So I think that it's important that we be those dots on that screen, lively and bright and colorful, and that we need to make that chain. We're the only ones who can create that chain, man. And so we can't hide ourselves away or say, "I can't", because that doesn't affect just us. It affects the chain, and all those dots on a screen and our families and friends and that one dude on the other side of the planet who doesn't know we exist and that kid in Africa who's starving and that girl or guy way in the future who's going to know you only by their last name.
And honestly, if even one of you reads what I type on this lonely little computer, I hope you remember, dude. Because this is probably the most important thing I've ever said in my life so far. And honestly, I'm not some preacher trying to find a new audience, or some adult wanting to teach the teenagers of the world how to be good people when all is said and done. No, I'm the kid next door, with zits and braces, the one who watches you all from my bedroom window.
So maybe I lock myself in my room. Maybe I watch life, rather than live it. But if I could start that little chain, I'd do it in a heart beat, just because I'd make somebody smile at me. And if you know anything about reactions, they're unpredictable.
I don't know about you, but I'd like to see what's next. So I'm leaving you for right now, but, hey, I might just see you outside.