Welcome to the Masquerade Ball,

Where people hide themselves in masks.

Their clothes are elegant and glittering

The perfect creation of God.

But beneath the mask lies the mystery,

Something atrociously delicious.

For the faces behind the masks

Are mutated, are ugly, are horrendous.

The lights go off – darkness becomes dominant.

Nothing can the naked eyes see.

The masks are burnt down – now gone.

Revealing the truth of it all.

It is then I'll bring you to the climax

Of this wonderfully mysterious Masquerade Ball.

I'll give you the eyes of God – of light!

And you shall see devils that were never there before.

One chance you'll have, to discover the mystery

With only a minute in yr hands.

For when the curtains are drawn apart,

The masks are up again.

So come on now, follow me.

Put on your masks, put on your gown.

Hide your face; hide your soul.

And I shall bring you to the Masquerade Ball.