"'Oi, Hiroto!' a male voice called out behind me and I stopped in my tracks. I had heard the thudding of footsteps behind me for quite some time, though I had figured it was just some jogger. However, the person running towards me was an exact copy of myself. The facial structure was the same, with prominent cheekbones and naturally narrowed eyes, thin lips that seem to be permanently placed into a smirk. The raven hair that fell daintily across the pale green eyes with many spiked strands was bouncing up and down as he ran towards me.

'Eh, Kohaku?' I greeted shortly, resisting laughter – though a few snickers escaped - as my identical twin brother over-dramatically fell onto the sidewalk, panting. I stuck out my hand when he was finished with his episode, and he took it, easily standing up.

'Finally, you heard me! I've been chasing after you for, like, eighteen blocks!' Kohaku exclaimed, now fixating on making his hair more presentable.

I sighed, shaking my head. Sometimes I simply could not understand how I was the actual younger brother out of the two of us; Kohaku was just too immature and too self-absorbed. That was how most people told us apart if they bothered to look beyond our appearances. Our personalities were just too far off from one another. Don't get me wrong, however, we did have similar personality traits because if we didn't there would be no way that we could be as close to each other as we were.

Kohaku was immature, suffered from a severe case of vanity, a pathological liar that could get away with anything, a prankster, loyal to those he cared about, courageous, and bitingly sarcastic.

I, Hiroto, was mature beyond my fifteen years of age, didn't really look much into my appearance, a pathological liar that could get away with anything as long as I had my brother by my side or else I was plain useless within that category, a prankster, loyal, a coward, and I couldn't use sarcasm to save my life.

I started walking again without telling my brother, who had linked his arm within mine and was fixing his hair with the other, and consequentially began dragging him across the sidewalk. When I looked over at him he was staggering and trying to regain his footing. A sigh escaped from my lips and I stopped in my tracks once more. This surprised him, and he actually manage to fall backwards.

''Ey! Whatwasthatfor?' Kohaku slurred the four words together as he rubbed at the back of his head and stood up. I stared at him, my face expressionless, 'I stopped so you could regain your footing, not lose it entirely.' My living reflection glared back at me and linked his arm through mine again. Kohaku and I were thought to have some sort of charade going on within our minds that if we showed the entire teenage population that was female how much 'brotherly love' the two of us had for one another, we'd get some recognition or something along those lines.

In all actuality, however, we were just that close. Two peas in a pod. Soul brothers. Inseparable. Any way you wanted to describe the fact that we were inseparably close and divided life into two worlds, ours and theirs, was fine with us."

A raven haired boy looked up from the table in which he was handcuffed to at a brunette haired woman across from him, narrowing his eyes at her. She returned with a glare of her own and crossed her legs. "Did you believe you two to really be that close, Hiroto Katsuo? Or was that only a one sided thing and a public opinion?" Her voice was icy cold and accusing, and her actual accusation was just plain horrid.

"Of course I believed us to be that close! I loved Kohaku to the bottom of my heart! He was my only brother, my twin nonetheless! He was my only friend and the only person who understood me! I don't get why I'm a suspect in his death!" Hiroto shouted, knocking the chair over as he stood up.

The woman remained calm, though the glare seemed to be permanently etched deep within her facial features. "Aren't you supposed to be one of the most intelligent people in Japan, Katsuo? You are a suspect in the case of your brother's death because you were the last one to be seen with him and so forth." The boy rolled his eyes, still standing. "And that's enough evidence to throw accusations at me and handcuff me and jail me and more than likely convict me of murder?!" The fifteen-year-old's voice had an uncharacteristic bite to it, and his glare was becoming more hate-filled.

The woman ignored him, writing down little notes about his behavior just as she had been the entire time he had been explaining. "Did anyone have a grudge against your brother? Or perhaps he'd angered some people?"

Hiroto sat back down, breathing heavily. "Kohaku was like me, a prankster. Yeah, we played some tricks on some people, but they were never to the point of being so severe that somebody would hold a grudge against him or want him dead. If that was the case, I'd be dead too! Besides, we never got caught anyway," he put on his signature smirk and sounded oh so smug as he spoke that last line.

The lady nodded, not missing the smugness that began to radiate from the boy across from her. Standing up and smoothing out her black pleat skirt, she walked towards the door, opened it, and left. Hiroto breathed a sigh of relief, well aware that her departure would allow him to go back to his cell and be by himself, as well as be free of these horrid handcuffs. He smiled slightly at the police officer who rid him free of his handcuffs and began walking him back to the cell.

After the raven haired boy watched the officer walk away, he began to let his true colors show. Hiroto's eyes filled with tears and he threw himself onto the cot that could hardly pass for a suitable bed. He laid like that for several minutes, just sobbing. Each tear could have stood for something. One for hate, one for sadness, one for love, one for jealousy, and one for plain abandonment.

He found himself calmed down enough to think clearly after what seemed like an eternity. That was when he shifted to where he was on his back, green eyes staring at the gray ceiling. "Kohaku..." he whispered in the darkness, his own voice barely even audible to his own ears. He choked back another sob. "Kohaku... why did you have to die without me? We were never supposed to leave each other alone.. so why did you go off by yourself? There was our world, which only had a population of two and would accept no intruders. Then, of course, there was their world.. the world in which everybody else lived in... why did you leave our world for theirs?"

Hiroto frowned into the darkness, tears once again dripping out of the corner of his eyes. He had no idea who had killed his brother or if it had been a suicide, but all he knew was that he was stuck. Stuck in jail to rot, stuck in jail to be convicted of murder of his own brother. But most of all, Hiroto Katsuo knew he was stuck in a world without his brother. Stuck in a world without a friend, a family member, the other half of his heart.