Vampire Social Club: A Spike Ellis Novel
© LadyWinchester
Track 14: Talk
"Hello Peter…"
Midnight Breeze was standing right beside me, smiling.
And on his outstretched palm, as if confirming that it was him I spoke to…
…was my silver pendant.
There was no point in arguing with him any further.
I was too mesmerized by this beautiful creature before. My words would not suffice to describe Midnight Breeze. I wasn't even sure if I was still looking at his face clearly. My eyes were fixated on the shiny, black long wings that spread on his back. His paper white face was painted with a grin not quite sinister and not quite happy. He was smiling as he held my necklace on his gloved hand. I couldn't see his eyes, he kept them shut, but even so, his expression was a mystery. He heaved and lowered his wings as I looked back to face him. He held the same expression as he clutched my key pendant.
My brows weaved, this guy was not the Mad Hatter, he was the Cheshire Cat.
"Funny…you…should…say." As he spoke, I shuddered and was forced aback. His voice was the same velvety mysterious tone.
I was momentarily disturbed by my discovery. I have not heard of any winged creature who could actually read minds.
I struggled for words before I was able to speak, "Stop meddling with my thoughts." It was difficult to turn away and make reasonable conversation with him. His presence caused me a peculiar stir. I couldn't understand if it was my Vampire survival instincts acting on me or just plain fear.
My words caused him to frown now but he still held the same statuesque position. His wings folded and he drew towards me, "Take it…you've spent…too much time…here already…" He held out his palm.
I stretched out my hand but then held back, "How do I know that you'll still keep your promise when I awake?"
His free hand fastened his tophat and he let out a soft chuckle or whatever in his case, is close to a chuckle, "Oh…you'll see…" His right wing unfurled, he loosened his grip on my necklace, "Have…faith…in…my words…"
My face hardened but my expression was by Midnight's flight. He kicked off the ground and started to float. The thrust of his wings sent heavy gusts of wind towards me that I was being held aback. I called for him but he merely gave me his Cheshire grin.
"Time…to…wake…up…" He said.
Midnight threw the necklace towards me and hit my chest hard and it was as if a force in his throw gave me enough of a shock to wake me up.
True enough, I was now.
If there are times when a Vampire abruptly wakes up out of breath (of course this is impossible because I'm always out of breath), panting and filled with sweat 'cause of some nightmare, I would describe what I'm feeling right now, as that.
My eyes flung open and I was slightly blinded by the florescent light that lit the whole room. For a moment I examined myself and clutched my chest just to find my unbeating heart still.
Wait, where am I?
I looked around at the finely furnished beige walls of the room. The plain setting of the room was unfamiliar to me. From the gray draping to the soft queen sized bed that I was laid in. The window to the balcony was slightly open and I could hear at least three different voices conversing on the foyer.
I took a moment to examine myself and found that, I was still in the same clothes that I was in before I entered the Breeze's realm save for my glasses. I lifted the thin blanket off of me and swung my legs to the side of the bed. I massaged my temples and took the time to take in all of Midnight's statements.
I was going to know the owner of my failed dirge. He assured me. The thing is, what would I do once I knew? I couldn't possible deliver at once… That would just-
I heard footsteps coming from the balcony. I didn't bother to turn around; I knew who it was from his scent. It was Vincent.
"Pete?" His voice sounded concerned but that didn't erase the scene that kept on playing in my head as he shut the sliding door and entered the room.
My face tightened, I couldn't accept what I had seen earlier on. The thought of him and Rose together was…just unthinkable.
He sighed, "Are you alright?" His tone was a mix of relief and dismay.
My fist tightened into ball, "I'm fine." I rested my face on my palms. I was trying to resist the urge to turn to him and show him my flushed and angry face. This would've been a great time to borrow Pax's ability to feed on emotions.
He didn't move and instead he crossed his arms and sighed.
I heard his heart beat a little faster; I could sense the tension in him. Oh wait, don't tell he's about to pull the I' crap on me. Was he actually a bit nervous or guilty in some manner?
I didn't wait for him to speak. I drove my fingers through my hair then turned sideways as he walked towards a chair near the bed, "So, where am I exactly?"
His brows weaved, "I thought you could tell me actually. I was just called here." He sat down, looking at me in a confused manner. Was I supposed to know where this was?
I snorted, "Care to elaborate?"
He winced and leaned a bit forward then clasped his hands together as he explained, "Well, I met with Rose on Central Park,"
Yeah, me too.
"Then she told me that you were gonna meet her there as well so," I looked directly at him now. So, while you waited, you told her to stay away from me and oh yeah, locked lips just to kill time. I got that. Fast forward you moron!
I began to contain my emotions. Unlike other medieval Vampires, I wasn't much of a patient one.
I raised a brow as he looked away a bit then paused to edit, "I told her that we'd wait together. Besides, I needed to talk to you as well…" He cleared his throat, unable to look at me, "But then, after a while,"
You mean, after you kissed her or before?
"She got a text that you couldn't make it and you asked her to bail the concert. So, we decided to just leave and talk it over at Crowne. We tried calling you but-"
But I didn't answer, I was busy lingering Dream World.
He shrugged, "Anyway, while we were on our way to get a cab, we saw a huge crowd huddled around and some people asking for help saying that someone was knocked out cold and totally not breathing." He looked alarmed. Of course, he forgot the fact that I didn't breath.
Rose and I checked it out and saw that it was you lying flat on the ground. We immediately tried to pull you up but you were way to heavy," He cleared his throat, "No offense,"
I smirked, "None taken."
"Then we came along with some guys who offered to reel you off the ground, you groaned in pain. You practically pulled yourself down again and almost brought us along with you. The ambulance that Rose called was already on their way but she was afraid that they were taking too long. Luckily, a nurse on his bike noticed the crowd and came to help immediately."
"A nurse?" I massaged my neck, trying to sound and look more tired as expected.
Vincent nodded, "Yep, his name's Axel St. James from St. Raphael's. He's the one who called me here." He slumped back down to his comfy seat.
Of course, lucky for me that Pax was the nurse to my rescue.
I heard the sliding door towards the balcony open again. The both of us directed our attention towards the pale-faced man with shiny chardonnay hair staring at us amusingly through his spectacles.
"Awake yet dear boy?" He winked at me which I returned with an eye-roll. It was Twilight in all his Prof. Freydrick Serlay glory. All dressed in NY scarf-ed fashion letting all the cold air, get in and forgetting that a human was actually developing frostbite in the corner.
After realizing his mistake, he quickly let out an embarrassed look and laughed.
"And might I ask why you are here dear Professor?" I said rather sarcastically.
"Well, you're friend there," He jerked his head sideways towards Vince, "gave Nurse St. James the contact number of your legal guardian and thus, he" Twilight pointed to himself, "-is here to see to your health." He brought out all of his white teeth and formed a grin. He approached me and ruffled my hair which I immediately swatted, "Aww, isn't this a heartwarming reunion?"
Vince held out a laugh.
I shook my head, "Where am I?" I finally asked.
Twi-, I mean Serlay shrugged, "Ask him yourself."
Nurse St. James entered the room, "Glad to see that you're awake." Axel's light ash brown hair was still in the shape of his helmet. His hazel eyes look controlled as he looked at me. "And clearly, you're not very pleased with the motel mattress. This was the nearest place we could take an unconscious person." He didn't sound sarcastic, he was speaking matter-of-factly.
I said nothing.
Axel sighed, "How are you feeling?" He dropped his bag and a plastic filled groceries and medicines.
"Fine." I stood, finally.
Axel cocked a brow and whisked his way to my side. He pretended to examine me but I was pretty sure the pressure that I felt as he checked my vitals was meant as a sort of punishment for me. I'm pretty sure he wanted to whack my head. I even felt a bit of emotional draining from him.
He took a step backward and glanced at Twilight, "He's free to go. It's just fatigue. Though," He crossed his arms then moved away from me, "I would suggest that he take the time to rest. He seems a little…weak." Twilight winced, "Are you eating right boy?" His eyes lowered as he faced me then he shifted his gaze at my guardian.
Twilight shrugged. I turned my attention to Vince who seemed a little left out. He noticed me look, "Uh, you do look a little pale." He looked at the three of us confused as Twilight turned his back to hold out his laughter.
I groaned, "I'm fine. I just need air." And before I know it, I found myself at the balcony. Alone and tired but clearly, no longer out of breath.
Like always.
It was already past 11 in the evening when Nurse Axel took his leave. Professor Serlay followed soon after instructing me to meet the Coven first thing in the morning. Vince didn't leave, for some reason. He wanted to still confront me after all. I doubt it would help, although, I do want to ask him where Roxsanne has gone. She was after all, also there when they found me.
I heard the sliding door open and close. Vince's footsteps and heavy breathing under the snowy night was very audible. His heart beat yet again rapidly. Was it because of the cold breeze or was it due to his knowledge of my true form.
I'm not betting on the latter part. After all, I've always known that he saw me going out for a drink. I've always wondered why he kept mum about it. I guess this time, I'll know.
Oh brother I can't, I can't get through
I've been trying hard to reach you, cause I don't know what to do
Oh brother I can't believe it's true
I'm so scared about the future and I wanna talk to you
Oh I wanna talk to you
I didn't bother to look around, "If you've got something to say, just say it."
I heard him fasten his coat and slide his fingers in his pockets. He stopped walking and instead gave out a snort, "What? Can you read minds too?" His voice was filled with a mix of emotions.
No, but my friend from dreamland can.
I snarled, "You don't actually believe that crap now do you?"
Vince's balled fist tightened, "No. Of course not. You're capable of worst things. Am I right…Vampire?"
You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done
I lifted myself from the ground and stood in perfect balance on the thin iron railings. I was looking at him now with my bloodthirsty eyes. He didn't sway; he stood with his glare trying to pierce through me. His scent entered my lungs but I didn't dare give in to his blood. He wasn't to become my prey, but I, to him, was just that.
"That night," He continued, "You were driving along the outskirts of Kingston. For some reason, you looked distraught as you got of your car. You were clutching your head like it was going to explode. I was there, just a few miles away actually. I was about to run off and help you. I didn't even know that it was you then. When I parked, I saw a woman approach you. I dunno, because of her presence," He breathed heavily, "I thought she noticed your situation but as soon as I saw her beer bottle, I knew that she'd just cause more trouble. I got out of my car immediately and started to run towards you but then you looked up," Vince was looking away, he seemed so disturbed about his memory,
Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how do you feel?
Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak
And they're talking it to me
"Then I saw your face…your eyes…they were" Vince fought for words that his face hardened like mine. I winced, "Red…Angry…It was-you…I even saw you unretract your fangs. It was as if the way that you held her down, it was as if she was just some piece of paper being thrown. Then…you muttered something I think"
I was delivering an unplanned dirge.
So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
"…she became limp in your arms. And I-I just stood there. Frightened and disturbed by what I saw. And in the shortest moment that I looked away, that Nurse," His voice was rising, "He stopped you…I left then. Confused, afraid and just-"
I shook my head, "Just what? Disgusted? Appalled?" I smirked, "I've heard worst things. You know what I am. But that doesn't mean you know what I always do." I sped towards him and was just inches away, "Think what you want. I'm not your enemy."
Or a write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done
Do something that's never been done
He gritted his teeth and clutched the side of my coat, "You said it yourself, you are capable of worse things. How do I know that little slip up won't happen again? Especially if you've got your little friends with you! That nurse and maybe even Professor Serlay? Are they there to clean up your mess?!" Both of his hands now tightened on my collar bone.
I didn't budge, "What we do, does not concern your kind." My crimson eyes glistened in the snowy night.
Shadows formed beneath his eyes, "Don't fuck with me. You-"
"What do you want Westmont?" I cut him off, knowing that his ranting would become endless. He let go of me and I stepped back knowing that if I couldn't contain myself, I would probably given him serious damage.
He exhaled and looked at me in all seriousness, "Stay away from Roxsanne."
The event at Central Park struck me. Flashes of images of them kissing disturbed my vision. This filled me with rage and contempt. Sooner or later I knew that I would have to keep Rose away from mess of the failed dirge. After all, I didn't know what the Grims would want. They are capable of almost anything and I'm pretty sure that they would not hesitate to use the people I'm associated with. My brows weaved.
To hell with this guy! I'm actually gonna save his life!
I turned my back on him, "I saw."
So you don't know where you're going, and you wanna talk
"What?" He actually sounded confused. What else could I have seen huh?
I gritted my teeth and raised my voice, "I said, I saw."
He inhaled; he knew what I was talking about, "Well then…good. There's no need to explain any further."
I laughed at him mockingly, "One kiss and you have this idiotic fantasy that you've won." I ruffled my hair then looked at the cloud covered moon, "Fine. I'll leave you two alone for a while but that doesn't mean that you could get rid of me that easily."
And you feel like you're going where you've been before
He stepped forward, "I don't have to do anything. Roxsanne got rid of that pretentious rockstar. What makes you think that you'll be a big problem?"
You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored
Nothing's really making any sense at all
I looked to the right part of the starry sky and saw the projection of a digital clock. It was only a matter of minutes 'til Christmas Eve.
Someone just entered the room. I could hear a fresh set of footsteps and what was worse was the scent that I took in. The bittersweet scent of irises entered the balcony and quickly captivated my senses and the cautious sound oh her voice triggered my frenzy.
"Guys? What's going on?"
Roxsanne had entered. I figured that both of us had a silent agreement to have this conversation another time. Like I said, he couldn't get rid of me that easily but I won't leave them alone for long. For what my eyes beckoned next was a pale faced man in all black wearing an enthused grin with two-layered silvery black wings outstretched his back and on the side of Roxsanne. For a moment he opened his eyes and glanced at my direction, then, with a tip of his tophat, he thrust from the ground and took flight.
Midnight Breeze has just revealed to me the owner of the dirge.
Of course.
She stepped closer, "Vince?"
He didn't say anything but I could feel him wait for me to be the first to speak. I frowned and lowered my head.
Vince cleared his throat and broke the silence, "Nothing, Pete's fine. He was just about to leave."
Let's talk, let's ta-a-alk
Let's talk, let's ta-a-alk
I slowly began to turn around. I wanted to resent his statement but it was no use. Because everything was about to get more interesting.
"Peter?" She quipped.
"Yes," I began, "I'll be taking my leave now." Rose looked at the both of us quizzically, "But-" I darted towards Vince, "Not for long. Rose and I will be seeing each other very soon."
I left passing through the seemingly great illusion of the man who was to be my greatest guide. Leaving the unknowing Vince and Roxsanne both a chance and a warning.
And as I left, he did too.
Midnight Breeze flew in the dark snowy night.
Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how do you feel?
Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak
And they're talking it to me
And that was when I knew, tonight, it starts.
Talk © Coldplay
Midnight Breeze © Margaux_Incarnate
AN: Happy Halloween and Happy well death day to Spike XD and Happy second anniversary to LadyW and P.S! :D All the love and apologies from my turf, busy busy and all :D Part 1 is almost done. Only 2 more updates. (I'll be uploading this week and next week) Plus as a treat, I'll be posting the link to the cover of the uhm novels soon! :D