This story starts in first person then goes into third person- enjoy!

The high pitched alarm rang beside me, causing me to groan and fall off of my bed trying to reach it. I didn't bother to open my eyes, I just moved my hand frantically around the top of my bedside table until I touched the alarm. I brought the item down to the floor with me and attempted to sit up.

"Rose, turn that thing off" Lydia groaned from the other side of the room.

I moaned and rubbed my eyes before opening them. That wasn't my alarm! I pulled my real alarm off the table off the desk.

"What! It's eight thirty Lydia!!!" I screamed, throwing the alarm across the room without bothering to turn it off.

"What!" Lydia screeched, jumping out of bed and searching for her uniform under her piles of mess. "You're alarm is Satan!"

"You're the one that reset the time!" I argued, buttoning up my short sleeved white collared shirt. "Maybe we should start taking night classes" I sighed

"The sun's out during the day! I can't sleep when the sun is out" Lydia giggled.

I walked to my cupboard and pulled out the tartan skirt, pulling it beneath my shirt. I also found my three blue bows, I placed the largest on the tail bone area on the back of my skirt. Lydia and I were half way through year 11; I was young for my year, only sixteen.

I brushed out all the tangles in my hair until it was hanging in its usual auburn waves below my shoulders. I hastily placed my hair in their usual perky piggy tails and placed the other two blue bows randomly on the sides of my hair. I threw my shoulder bag over my shoulder. I glanced towards Lydia and she was ready as well, we ran towards the door. We had to be at the cafeteria before quartered to eight, so Lydia and I ran down the hallways, holding each others hands. Lydia and I were always late. It was ridiculous that we left ourselves so little time to be ready, we had made a habit of sleeping late in our junior year.

"Wait up!" Lydia called running up behind me. We skidded down the halls, there was no one else in the hall besides us.

"No running in the halls!" Miss Hurst my trigonometry teacher yelled from her office, we slowed as we turned around the corner, and then continued to run. We finally made it to the cafeteria five minutes before they could send us to the principle Mr Dromgool. All the teachers scowled at us except for Mr. Morris my English teacher he chuckled and rolled his eyes.

Nerissa waved at Lydia and I, signalling us to sit with her. We walked to our table where I sat with Lydia, Nerissa and Riley. Nerissa and Riley had been dating for two years now. They were an appealing couple Nerissa had dark brown, straight hair and brown eyes while Riley had resembled more of a surfer. Although it rained most of the year here, Riley always seemed to have a beach tan with short wavy gold hair and blue eyes.

"Late again?" Nerissa chuckled. Lydia and I sat across from them. Lydia's strawberry blond curls brushed across her face, I moved further away from her when I smelt the overwhelming scent of perfume she had sprayed on this morning.

"Hardly late" Lydia said proudly, taking an apple off of the trays Nerissa got us. I sipped my soda slowly.

"Cathy kept me up all night with her damn snoring" Nerissa complained

"Maybe you should change rooms" I suggested

"I tried. But every time I ask Mr Dromgool she says she hasn't got any spare rooms. But they have dozens of spare rooms in the second building. They have probably been taken by the new night students though" Nerissa frowned

"Oh I saw them the other day! Some of the guys are incredibly hot! And the girls are really, really pretty. I think there are like seven newbie's" There was nothing Lydia enjoyed more than gossip.

"Oh yeah I saw them the other day I can't get over how good looking that dark haired guy was! He looked more attractive then a movie star" Riley attempted to imitate Lydia's usual high pitch tune. I laughed as Lydia and Ness glowered at him.

"Oh no!" I jumped from my seat

"What is it?" Lydia asked concern colouring her tone

"I have geography first thing this morning. I was meant to find five different leaves to specify" I started hyperventilating

"You had days to do that" Riley grinned. Riley sat behind me in geography, he caught some of the shower of spit that was rained on me by Mr. Stephens when I was yelled at for failing to complete homework. I shivered at the memories.

"If I don't do it I'll get my fifth detention! This week" I picked my bag up from the floor beside us.

"Would you like us to come with you?" Ness offered

"No, I'm fine. I'll see you in geography" I shouted as I ran outside. The forest was cold and damp. I didn't have time to pay attention to my steps but the ground was slippery from all the rain, it worried me. I frowned as I continued into the forest outside of our school.

We weren't allowed to go here without the principle however this was extremely important. My father had told me if my records didn't get any better and I continued to get detentions he would fly me back home. I'd have to go to a normal school.

I took my sheet with the names of the trees and slowed my pace, reading as I walked through the forest. I hit something cold and quickly fell to the ground.

"Sorry" I muttered. I was probably apologising to a tree. I slowly looked up to what I had run into. Before me stood the most beautiful human I had ever seen. He had brilliant hazelnut hair and eyes that were… black? I blushed furiously and my heart missed a few beats. He had a confused expression on his face, but he held out his hand to assist me to stand up. I smiled and felt the weirdest urge to curtsy, which I resisted, obviously.

"Why are you in here?" He asked angrily.

"I'm collecting foliage for…ah…geography" I had some trouble choking out the words half because of his abnormal perfection but also at how intimidating he was.

"You shouldn't be out here" He warned

"Neither should you" I frowned, crossing my hands around my chest.

"And how would you know that?" His mouth curved at the sides

"I really need these stupid leaves!" I walked around him

"I'm sure they have spares in class" He sighed distantly, looking off into the forest somewhere.

"Look buddy! I really need these leaves or I'll be sent back to Beverly Hills where I'll be forced to live with my stepmother. Who is only four years older than me!"

"Don't you think going here will get you into more trouble?" He said obviously, his eyes traced back to the back of the forest again.

"What is your problem? Of course this is a risk, but going there without the leaves is definite suicide!" I sneered. He was so infuriating!

"I still think Beverly Hills is better than the risk you're taking coming into this forest" He shrugged. He wasn't even making sense anymore.

"I think I'll be fine thankyou" I said, rolling my eyes. This guy might be attractive but he sure was annoying.

"It's your choice I suppose" He sighed and turned away from me

"It is" I began to look around the ground. I had no idea what I was looking for. All the leaves looked the same to me. He groaned turning back to me

"Do you know where all the leaves you need are?" He asked

"Umm…" I quickly looked around the ground and then smiled brilliantly at him "No"

"I'll assist you" He half smiled. His smile made his perfection incredible. I couldn't pull my eyes away he quickly stopped smiling and looked away.

"If you want… shouldn't you be going to class though?" I asked

"I'm a night student," He assured me, of course that explains why I haven't seen him around, just like every other night student he was beautiful. Was sleeping during the day meant to make you beautiful?

"Does that book show what leaves you need?" He asked gesturing towards my text book. I quickly looked down and nodded handing him the book. His eyes quickly scanned the pages. "I'll be right back"

He gave me back the book and headed deeper into the forest. I waited a moment. He quickly returned handing me all five leaves.

"How did you do that so…quickly?" Was that even humanly possible?

"I know the forest well" He handed them to me

"Oh thanks. I'm Rosalie"

"Christian" He didn't sound the least bit interested.

"Can I call you Chris?" I asked, softly placing the leaves in a pocket in my bag. "I prefer being called Rose.

"If you wish" He smiled again "It was a delight to meet you Rose. Maybe we'll see each other again soon. I think it's better if you get back to class now though" Christopher insisted. I nodded.

"Bye" I began running of to class. I knocked on the class room door nervously I was fifteen minutes late at least.

"Finally joining us Miss Lane?" Mr Copper asked

"I'm sorry" I bit my bottom lip

"You know what the sentence is fifteen minutes with the principle this afternoon. Now please take your seat" He closed the door behind me. Nerissa waved from our lab at the end of the table I hurried over quickly.

What took you so long?

She wrote at the end of her geography book

I met one of the night school students in the forest

Her eyes widened she quickly scribbled across the page

A night student, really? Why were they in the forest?

Mr Copper spotted Ness writing notes and made his way up to the desk.

"Will you share Miss Conner?" Mr Copper asked. Ness gulped handing him her book he read out our conversation aloud. I blushed looking down at our table.

"In the forest were you Miss Lane? Looks like you are heading for suspension" He sat the book back on the table

"Sorry Sir" I apologised. He began our work again.

I slowed my pace as I walked to the principles office with Lydia. Mr Dromgool was extremely strict about school rules. The forest was forbidden with any luck I would just be let off with a suspension.

"You should probably take your hair out" Lydia helped undo my bows and I let out my pig tails. Our hair was only aloud in particular school do's. I opened the door to the school office. Miss Herola the secretary pressed her lips in a line looking at me.

"Fifth time this week is it Miss Lane?" She sighed, slightly pushing open the door

"Jonathan?" She asked

"Yes Linda?"

"Rosalie is here now, would you like her to come in?"

"Yes! Send that girl in" Miss Herola nodded looking at me

"You'll be fine. I'll wait here for you" Lydia whispered assuring me. I held my breath walking into the office. My eyes locked on the boy in a chair across from Mr Dromgool it was Chris. Was he dobbing me in? I made my eyes quickly flicker back to the principles he stood angrily behind his desk.

"Hey Droz" I smiled sweetly at him

"Young lady I need to talk to you" He growled

"Figures, what would an afternoon in the principles office be without some scolding?"

I grinned I was starting to get used to this.

"Sit down Rosalie" Dromgool gestured to the chair beside Chris. I hung my head in defeat and sat beside Chris. Mr. Dromgool's voice was loud.

"I have thought of a proper punishment for you. You have shown complete disrespect for school rules and regulations, you have worn incorrect uniform, spoken rudely to teachers, been late to class, expressed outrageous views on subjects that you are not permitted to speak of…" I blocked it out halfway through his speech, he yelled for at least ten minutes and it was all the same things I heard two days ago. "And now you have entered an area that is most obviously out of bounds going completely against one of the most vital of our rules. For these reasons I feel it is my responsibility as the principle to penalize you. By expulsion" I stared at Mr. Dromgool with wide eyes, my jaw dropped. How could he do this to me? It was just a forest.

My dad was going to be fuming.

"But… Please, I won't break any more rules. Give me another chance, please?" I begged knowing it would be hopeless, once he made a decision he kept to it.

"I'm sorry Miss Lane but my decision is final" My head fell into my hands as tears started boodling up.

"Mr. Dromgool this isn't fair" Chris said calmly placing his hand on my back. Wasn't he here to get me expelled?

"I'm sorry Christopher. But she needs to go back to where she came from"

"Why are you saying sorry to me? She's the one you're expelling"

"Then I'm sorry Rosalie, but we no longer have a place for you here"

"But…" I muffled some sobs

"Isn't there anything that can be done to stop her from being expelled?" Chris asked

"Well, I suppose if she had supervision. And followed all of the rules we could make an allowance. But where would we find someone available to supervise her the whole day?"

I doubt he would let me negotiate having one of my friends doing the job he was looking for someone responsible.

"Then it's hopeless! I'll go pack my things" I stood, holding back my sobs hopeless absolutely hopeless I would have to go home and be tortured by my evil step mother and irritating farther.

"Wait" Chris grabbed my wrist carefully, I shot him a look of confusion. What was he about to do?

"I'll do it. I'll supervise her" Chris volunteered

"What!?" Mr. Dromgool and I shouted is livid disbelief

"I'll supervise Rose during the day, if she doesn't do anything wrong she can stay, right?"

"Well…yes, but Christopher I don't think you understand you would have to do this for at least a month"

"I know, but…it's partly my fault she's in so much trouble anyway. I'll do it"

"Then I suppose it is up to you and you may do what you wish. Rosalie, you may stay for a while longer. But on the conditions you are supervised by Christian at all times during the day, starting now"

"O-okay" I nodded looking at him hopefully he would just ditch me as soon as Droz stopped checking up on us. I walked slowly out of the room Chris followed me.

"What's the matter!?" Lydia asked warily eying my red eyes

"Nothing, really" I shrugged. Her eyes slipped up to Chris her mouth dropped, at his perfection no doubt. I wonder if I gave him the same dumb look earlier today.

"You sure..? You look kind of teary" She said suspiciously.

"Fine" I grinned

"My classes start at ten until then what would you like to do?" Chris asked

"What's going on…?" Lydia asked smugly'

"I have to have someone watching me all day" I moped

"He gets to watch you all day!?" She chirped. I sighed and nodded. She mouthed the word hot to me and winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Have a nice afternoon Mr Laurence" Miss Herola smiled at Chris her cheeks reddening

"You too" Chris smiled at her

"I don't need babysitting. I'm not going to do anything to disrupt this school this afternoon" I said obstinately once we were out of the office. Lydia nudged me.

"If you would like to be expelled" Chris shrugged

"Fine, Lydia this is Christian. Christian this is Lydia. Let's go get dinner then" I insisted, the cafeteria had to be open now.

"Right, food" He hurried in front of us to the cafeteria. Lydia and I stacked our plates

"Aren't you going to eat something?" I asked Chris once we were at our table. He only had a soda.

"No I'm fine" He assured

"Do you live in the night schooler dorm?" Lydia attempted conversation


"What's it like?" She pushed

"It's just like here. We have twelve rooms, twenty three students"

"Who is your room-mate?" Lydia carried on

"I don't have one. I'm the dorm leader I get my own room"

"The times we," I gestured toward Lydia and myself "Have enquired about night school they say it is full, even when there were only seventeen of you. You obversely have one space left so why is it they won't allow another student?" I asked. Night school would fit be so much better then day school.

"We do not have enough seats in the classrooms" What a lame excuse. It was obverse from the way the night school students looked they only accept beautiful people.

"Are you coming to the cinema with Ness and I?" Lydia asked me

"I better stay… Besides I don't think I'm up for another horror" The last time I spent the entire night shaking.

"Alright, well bye Rose… Christian" Lydia stood up

"Pleasure to meet you Lydia" Chris smiled. Lydia blushed

"Have fun at the cinema" I mumbled, sipping my soda. She walked off. A few minutes were spent in silence as I twirled my pasta with my fork. I looked up at him eventually he was watching me, his face confused.

"What?" I asked slighted worried that something was on my face.

He shook his head "Nothing. So…what do you want to do this evening?"

"Anything" I shrugged

"What do you usually do?" He raised his eyebrows

"Have dinner… do my homework, read, watch television nothing exciting really" I grinned bashfully

"What do you read?" I was sure he was just keeping up conversation to not be rude.

"Umm Virginia Andrew's, The Bronte sisters and Jane Austin are my favourites" He was probably assuming me as messed

"Really? They're good authors" I looked up surprised "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded.

"Where is your dorm?" He asked guiding me out of the cafeteria. We got a lot of stares.

"Room nine on Sage wing" I walked up the stairs with him

"Rose" Dean smiled cockily, once we were at my dorm door. Dean was a good friend a little protective but a lot of fun to be around. He played football often and was always talking to everyone.

"Hey Dean" I smiled fiddling threw my bag until my fingers clutched around my keys.

I looked up to catch a glimpse of Dean's shocked face at the night student.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked turning the key around in the key hole.

"I was just about to go get dinner, I was wondering if you wanted to go?' He sounded hopeful as his eyes flashed back to mine.

"I'm sorry Dean, I just ate. Maybe another night…" I half smiled at him

"Oh. Okay I guess yeah. Alright then" Dean frowned sneaking another glimpse of Chris out the corner of his eyes

"Have a nice night" Chris and I walked inside my dorm

"Yeah you to Rose" I sighed and closed the door

"A friend?" Chris assumed

"Yeah" I awkwardly look around my dome. Chris slid his brown leather jacket of revealing a black shirt. He sat his jacket on the couch.

"You seem nervous" He noticed

"I ah don't really know what to do?" It came out as more of a question.

He chuckled lowly

"Why don't you do what you usually do?" He suggested

"Right umm TV" I walked to the couch. Chris sat next to me his perfection lighting the chair.

I pushed the large round button on the remote that claimed to be 'on'

Please review, alarm and favourite.

Feel free to give me your suggestions. I will reply to all reviews!

Thanks for reading!

Love to you all
