It had been a weeks since the incident with Riley.

"You look like a goof ball" Chris laughed at Lydia, she pocked her tongue out

"Pink hand bags are cool" Lydia answered in defence

"Yeah... what ever you say"

"Shut up you two, you've been arguing all morning about this. Please change the topic" Rose begged as she tightened her high pony tail while walking.

Lydia grimaced at Chris.

"Be nice" Chris laughed, whacking Lydia in the back of the head

Chris, Lydia and Rose entered the cafeteria for lunch, Nerissa and Riley sat at a table close to the entrance.

Lydia went running towards there table.

"Riley, you're back!" Lydia yelled excitedly, causing most of the cafeteria to stare. She hugged him tightly.

"Ouch" Riley answered in a laugh

"Opps sorry" She smiled sheepishly

"Wow look at you Riley, you're all bandaged up. How are you feeling?" Rose asked as she and Chris sat around the table

"Better, I'm on pain killers. I lost a lot of blood and my left foot is broken" He frowned remembering. Riley then half smiled at Chris. "Thanks dude"

"Oh don't worry about it, really. I wasn't going to just leave you there" Chris grinned

"I'm booked in for an interview this afternoon" Riley sighed

"Interview?" Rose repeated partly irritated and shocked "I thought you promised me the other day in hospital, no interviews"

"I know, I know I did. I'm sorry… I got offered some money. And really I don't know why you're irritated; I don't have much to say"

"But you don't really remember anything…" Rose continued

"Nah.. But I figure I can exaggerate it, make it sound more exciting"

"All you know is some guy beat you up wearing Puma brand shoes… I doubt that's going to help anyone find your criminal"

"I don't know Rose... How many people do you know who wear Puma brand shoes?" Ness laughed

"It's one of the most popular shoe brands…" Rose giggled

"Well damn!" Ness put her head in her hands, still smiling.

"Hey Riley!" A group of three guys came up to our table "Good to have you back mate"


"We'll catch you later" The tallest one took a last look at our table before leaving

"That was….strange" Riley laughed "I've never even talked to them"

"Creepy" Lydia noted

"People talking to you isn't creepy Lydia" Ness chuckled

"I'm getting cold feet about the whole interview thing''

"Then don't do it" Rose answered

"Chris, Rose you guys were there too… you should come" Riley answered nervously

"No way" Rose shook her head quickly

"Yeah, sure, I'll do it with you Riley" Chris agreed


"What? Why? We barely even know anything about what happened, Chris… "

"No, but I'm all for exaggerating things" Chris laughed

"Seriously you're going to lie to the public?"

"Why not? Heck we could throw a ghost into the story"

"Haha, yeah we'll just screw with the public" Riley agreed

"You'll get in trouble" Ness warned

"No we won't"' Riley winked at Ness

Trace fiddled with the radio station, adjusting it to the radio station Brooke would soon be on. He munched on a few pretzels as he waited for her interview.

"It's Sophie Pierson and Brenda Jada here with sixteen year old Riley Summons and eighteen year old Christen Laurence from Broulee boarding school.

On Wednesday March 7th a week ago, Riley was at Griffin Park when he was viciously attacked. Tell us a bit about what you were doing at the park at such late hours please Riley" The girl muttered

"I was invited to my grandma's Tupperware party in the city, which I would ofcourse attend and serve drinks. My grandma was having a lovely time, until we ran out of her favourite drink, lemon ice tea. Grandma wasn't drinking alcohol because it's bad for her heart, she said that she'd be fine without the lemon ice tea, she continued to say that it she could just drink peach ice tea. But this was her party and I wanted it to be the best party she'd ever have, so I grabbed a friend of mine Rosalie Lane who was enjoying the Tupperware party and she agreed to come for a walk to the shops with me. We started out on a slow pace walk to the shops, but then I looked at my watch and it had already took ten minutes and Rose was very eager to get back to my grandma's Tupperware party. I told her I knew a short cut, through the Griffin Park, which is a lot quicker then the route we started of f taking"

"Where was Christian at this time?"

"Well, I was in the park with my school. We were camping but I decided to explore. When this creepy man in a black cape walked past me, I saw Riley and Rose ahead they're both good friends of mine. I was relieved to see them, because everyone in my school are very….strange and I was sick of hanging out with them. I ran up to them and began asking them what they were doing in the park until I noticed the man in the black cape standing behind me. I turned around, Rose was literally shaking, I decided it was time for me to play hero and her to be my heroine and for this weird guy in the black cape to be the villain. I asked why he was stalking as and threatened to punch him he took a long look at Riley and walked over to him. He began to feel up his neck then the man in the cape took of the black hood…he was the scariest creature I had ever seen, two big teeth sticking out, white skin and bright red eyes even I was frightened. He began sucking at Riley's neck"

"Dracula vampires?" Trace muttered to himself, rolling his eyes

"Are you saying this man was a vampire?"

"Yes I suppose that's what you would call him, vampire, cold one, leech, parasite, bloodsucker that's what he was I grabbed my friend Rose's hand and pulled her through the forest my brother Howl was near I told him to take Rose back to the Tupperware party. I went back to Riley at this time the vampire had disappeared after beating him and sucking most of his blood. I called an ambulance and had them cater to Riley at once"

"So you really believe this vampire stuff is real?"

"Absolutely and they're just as Dracula was described fangs and all" Riley answered

"Should the people be warned, not to go into Griffin Park?"

"Yes, don't go in there. In fact I don't think anyone is safe. Lock up your houses at night, don't go out these creatures are out there" Chris answered

"You said 'your' school Christian, are you implying that you don't go to Riley's school?"

"I go to Broulee night boarding school. My friend here goes to day school"

Trace's face was in shock as he sat on his couch listening to the radio. The pretzels fell on the floor as he pulled out his phone and began dialling a number.

"Why do you think vampires wear capes?"

"I'm guessing they think it's a 'cool' fashion accessory. They like to kill in style… they're classy" Chris laughed

"Well, thanks boys. We'll be back soon with popular singer, dancer and model Brooke Baker"

Chris and Riley left the recording studio and headed into the waiting room in which Brooke Baker was waiting with her security guards, Chris shared a quick glance with the extravagant brunette. Riley wobbled on his crutches as they both left the room.

The night flowed nicely for Chris and Riley who kept commenting on their public prank. Rose however was beginning to think differently of Chris, she thought of him to be unintelligent and annoying.

Rose woke the next day not so happy that the sun was so bright. She tied her hair in a bun and rushed out the door. She bumped into Chris on her way down the stairs.

"You're up" Chris grinned

"Yeah I'm up…. What happened to your hair?" Rose asked as she glared at the top of Chris's head.

"I dyed it dark brown"

"You dyed your hair? What was wrong with having light brown hair?"'

"My friend, she was bored and said I needed something new done to me"

"Your friend?"

"Kat. She's one of the students at night school"

"Ah. Well your hair looks fine... I preferred it lighter"

"We're going to be late" Chris fastened he's speed.

Trace, Brooke and her security guards Tank and Travis walked towards the school in the hot sun.

Brooke began to giggle.

"What?" Trace, the short spiky black haired boy asked, he had a slouchy position and large round brown eyes.

"I'm sorry I just can't take you seriously in those glasses. You look like your from men in black or something" Brooke grinned

Trace sighed and took them off

"Better?" Trace sighed

"Hmm maybe I did like them on" She began putting them on and off of Trace, trying to decide.

"Enough" Trace said in boredom

"What do you guys think, Travis, Tank?" She asked the security guards

"Err I like them on" Travis answered

"I don't know… I think I like them off" Tank argued

'Really? I think they look cool, then again I'm a men in black fan"' Travis laughed

"I think you'd have to be Will Smith to pull those sort of glasses off'"

"I have those sort of glasses at home" Travis began

"I've got it! Just put them in your bag and then we can put them on once if we decide on it"

"Okay whatever we're going to be late" Trace rolled his eyes

Chris and Rose walked into the cafeteria and to there usual table. Rose ordered pancakes and an orange juice, Chris ordered coke and had one of Rose's pancakes.

Ness, Lydia and Riley joined them.

"Olla!" Ness cheered as she chewed on a piece of toast and pulled out a chair helping Riley onto it. Even after a nearly a month you'd think everyone would have gotten over

Chris's presence, but no, everyone still stared.

"Oh my god it's Brooke Baker!" A girl from the table next to us screamed and pointed at the door.

Practically everyone in the cafeteria ran and crowded around the door.

"That singer, right Ness?" Rose asked still staring at the people around the door

"Yeah, my favourite"

"Go have a look, babe" Riley encouraged

"You sure?" Ness asked slightly getting up, unsure.


"Hi" Brooke slightly waved to crowd; her grin grew bigger as more people crowded around.

Trace on the other hand looked terrified of the crowd.

Travis, Brooke's security guard began to make a hole through the crowd for both Brooke and Trace to get through.

"Back to your seats everyone!" The principle yelled. Most went back to their seats and continued to stare.

"I can't believe it she's actually attending our school!" Ness grinned as she sat beside Riley

"Yeah but check out the guy next to her" Lydia laughed

"You mean the security guy?" Ness asked

"No…the black haired, sleep deprived guy"

"Weird..." Ness continued to stare

"Maybe he's her boyfriend"

"Very funny Rose, Brooke could do heaps better"

"So where are we going to sit Trace?"

"Which one's Christian?"

"The dark brown haired one, over at the table with the three girls and two guys, the other guy is Riley"

"Excellent" Trace began to walk over to the table

"What are you doing!? You can't just walk over there!" Brooke reached forward and grabbed Trace

"Why not?"

"They'll think you're weird"

"I really couldn't care less" Trace sighed and walked over to the table, Brooke followed.

Travis and Tank stood at the door of the cafeteria.

"May we sit?" Trace asked keeping mainly eyes on Christian

"Ofcourse!" Nerissa nodded

Trace and Brooke pulled over a chair each.

The silence grew awkward.

"A gay baby was just born!" Brooke laughed "Every awkward silence a gay baby is born!"

"Tha-that's horrible. Gay babies do not make it awkward you do" Trace grimaced at Brooke. Brooke stuck out her tongue.

"So umm…I'm Lydia! This is Ness, Riley, Rose and Christian"

"Yes I heard you on the radio. I'm Trace" Trace introduced

Lunch finished shortly after the awkward lunch.

Stares moved from Chris to Brooke and People crowded around the table.

Rose walked to her draws in her dorm, the old creaky floor make a squeaky noise below her. She grabbed out her drawing book and a pencil, she walked to her window sill as she usually did every spare afternoon, when Lydia was out.

She would sketch everything out of the dorm window, though the picture would always change even though it was the same place, the drawing would have a person in it or an animal in it, whatever she could see that day.

She was half way though the drawing, when there was a tap on the door. Rose sighed and placed the picture down on the window sill.

"Come in" Rose yelled

"Hey Rose!" Dean grinned as he entered the room shutting the door slowly behind him.

"Hi Dean, no time no see"

"Yeah, I've been away…my cousin died"

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that"

"No, no I'm fine…I hadn't ever really spent anytime with her. It was my parents they were sad…I went home to comfort them. So I ah missed you so I came to say hi… "

"Well….hi" Rose smiled, and then looked to the floor near the door of her dorm. A letter lay on the floor addressed Rosalie.

"Oh umm" Rose bent down to grab the letter at the same time Dean did.

"Here" Dean picked it up quickly; Rose gave a short laugh and thanked Dean.

"I better read this…There are drinks in the fridge" Rose sat on the couch and slipped open the envelope.

Dean grabbed a can of Pepsi and leaned against the wall across from Rose.

They drink blood like wine

A species like mine

Though you may find

When yours and mine entwine

The results are hardly divine

They live less than a mile away

They seldom come out during the day

To save yourself you must pray

That they do not take your life away

Or in a coffin you may lay

His last name starts with L

And he will give me hell

Should I happen to tell

What can never be told

Oh, It would be so bold!

If the truth be told

But Oh, the scold!

He will not grow old

But his truth will not be sold

No, I am not so bold

This liar

Possesses a human he has grown to admire

His curse you will acquire

For his fangs are dire

This is the curse of a vampire

"So umm Rose, I was thinking we could go out for dinner" Dean began conversation

Rose dropped the letter on the floor as she went into shock.

Rose's heart began to fasten as she finished the letter, she knew exactly what it meant.

"We don't have to go if you don't want…" Dean said as he stared at her shocked face

"N-no I would love to go" Rose's face still looked frantic. Rose stopped wondering what Chris was a week ago; she knew that the truth was something she most likely didn't want to know. Rose liked avoiding things she didn't want to hear, but she couldn't avoid this subject now that she knew.

"Great! There's a new restaurant that opened up in the city! We could try that. Or there is that Indian restaurant, you like Indian right?"

"Yeah umm…they both sound great, but I ahh don't really feel like going out tonight…"

"That's okay… How about we just go to the cafeteria then?"

"Sure" Rose sighed. She was desperate to be alone right now, but that desperation was heavily outweighed by the overwhelming fear for herself in the now unwanted company of her immortal friend.

"What was the letter about?" Dean gestured to the letter on the floor

"My dad got a new car" Rose had never been good with improvisation. She leant down and hurriedly snatched the paper from the floor.

"Oh cool, what kind of car?"

"It's a… Buggati"

"Oh yeah, how much are they these days?"

"I don't know, I really need something to eat though" Rose was getting irritated with Dean's ongoing questions.

"Oh, okay. Is something wrong? You seemed kinda freaked when you read that letter" Dean asked as Rose hastily placed the letter in her pocket, hoping Dean didn't take notice.

"Ah, no. I just… Don't like Buggati's"

They walked to the cafeteria Dean trying to make continuous conversation on the subject of cars, which Rose could hardly comment on.

"I'll go order what would you like to eat?" Dean asked courteously

"I'll have an apple" Rose answered thoughtlessly

"I thought you were starving?"

"I'm not anymore. I feel sick"

"You should eat…I'll bring you back lots of food!" Rose sighed as Dean grinned and walked towards the cafeteria lines.

Rose took a seat at the nearest, two seated table and sat there patiently. Rerunning lines of the riddle through her head. Rose fiddled with the note in her pocket and in her nervousness she began tearing little bits around the sides.

Dean put her food on the table in front of her with a 'thump'. Rose jumped, taken off guard.

"What's with you tonight? You seem…nervous" Dean smiled at Rose and began eating his food. Rose had three different dishes that Dean had brought back for her.


"Rosy! We've been looking for you everywhere!" Lydia said as her, Ness, Riley and Chris pulled over seats to the four seater table.

"Just eating dinner" Rose mumbled keeping her eyes on her dinner.

"We were worried about you" Chris said as he sat next to Rose

"Well now you all know where she is" Dean sighed

"Yeah... who are you? I think I've seen you before" Chris asked

"I'm Rose's friend…Dean Hicks" Dean answered in an irritated kind of voice

"We met one some of Chris's friends Rose. Axel, Craven and Mike! They were

gorgeous!" Lydia giggled

"That's great" Rose smiled

"Rose, I was going to see if you wanted to do something tonight, but I guess you're busy" Chris looked at Dean

"Yes, I am"

"Are you feeling better, Rose?" Dean asked

"What!? You're sick? What's the matter?" Chris asked in concern

"I feel fine"

"You look slightly paler then usual…do you want to go see a doctor?"

"No, no I'm fine honestly. I don't think I can eat the rest of this. Here can you eat it?" Rose pushed her food to Chris, testing her theory.

"Oh no, I'm fine thanks Rose"

"Didn't think you'd eat it" Rose mumbled to herself, Chris looked at her strangely.

"Riley and I have something really exciting to tell you guys!"

"Don't want to hear about it Ness" Lydia laughed

"Don't be an idiot Lydia. We're not doing that. We finally get to share a dorm together!" Ness grinned

"Seriously? Guys and girls are allowed to share dorms now?" Dean asked

"Only if you beg Mr Dromgool," Riley laughed "It also helps that I'm handicapped at the moment"

"Awesome! Hey Rose, getting sick of Lydia?" Dean chuckled

"Hey! She's my dorm buddy, don't steal her. You'd rather be with me, right Rosy?"

"I don't really care" Rose sighed, she began fidgeting with the note in her pocket again

"Are you alright?" Chris whispered to Rose, she nodded. Chris rested his hand on top of hers under the table.

"I think I want to go back to my dorm" Rose said as soon as Chris's cold hand touched on top of hers.

"Okay…I'll walk you back" Chris volunteered.

"Can somebody come with us?" Rose asked.

"Umm I'd prefer if we could just talk…privately for a moment, Rose" Chris murmured in desperation. He needed to speak to Rose alone, and it seemed she wasn't going to make that an easy task to carry out.

"I'll walk you back Rose" Dean offered

"That sounds great, thanks"

"I'll see you at our dorm once I've finished eating" Lydia waved them of

"So do you want to do something another night, Rose? We could go to a better restaurant" Dean asked once Rose, Chris and him were out the outside of Rose's dorm

"Yeah sure that will be…fun"

"I'm only a few dorms down…so if you need me, just come down. Okay Rose?"

"Thanks Dean"

"Have a good night" Dean smiled at Rose and left

"Could I come in?" Chris asked

"I'd prefer it if you didn't" Rose sighed, her body was shaking as she stood out the front of her dorm.

"Is something wrong?"

"No I am just not in the mood to talk" Rose turned the key in the key whole to open the dorm.

"You're shaking…" Chris looked at Rose in concern

"I don't feel well. I'll see you tomorrow" Rose shut the door

Rose went to her bed and lay down.

My dorm room was darkened by nightfall as I walked slowly through the room toward my mirror. Lydia wasn't here, she must have still been out. I looked at the mirror with clouded eyes realizing that Chris was behind me his hands and mouth covered in blood. Human's surrounded me crying pleas for a saviour. My attempt to gasp as he made his way over to me, only then did I realize the absence of my lungs. I held my chest and turned around to see nothing else in my room.

Rose woke hyperventilating she quickly turned on her lamp, and searched the room. Lydia was in her bed.

"What's the matter Rose?" Lydia asked half asleep

"Just a bad dream" Rose sighed and turned of her lamp. Rose clutched her chest, anxiously.

Rose looked at her clock which clamed to be 7.00am; it was time to get up.

Anxiety filled Rose as she the sun brightened and it was time to face the day.

Okay a question I'd love anyone who reads my story to answer! ^-^-

Who is your favourite character at the moment?

I would like to know this because there is a big change in a few chapters and I'd like to see if your preference in characters change (Which I'm very sure they will!)

Third person! Did you enjoy it in third person?

Did you enjoy the riddle? Haha. I can't take credit for the vampire riddle…It was Sharni Brooke's (My sister and author of other books on Fictionpress) She wrote it for this novel ^-^

Trace is one of our main characters….yes he's a little strange! You'll find out more out him soon!

A big, big, big thankyou goes out to Alwenn (Again!) a brilliant inspiration and a good writing friend! (she/he is always reviewing me!!)

This chapter took ages! I have re-written this chapter four times and I finally decided to post this one…it fits into the book the best!

Sorry it took so long!

You don't have to review if you don't want but it sure does make me happy!

Thanks everyone! You're all so awesome!
