"What are you doing here?" I said.
Donyelle stood on my front porch with a look of relief, and shivering. "Thank God you're home." She brushed past me to step inside my house, straight into my living room.
"And please come in," I said blandly before I shut the door. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at that party with Georgie."
"Your sister said she'd be home later. Jimmy gave me a ride here because I didn't - would you cut it out?" Her hazel eyes blazed in annoyance.
"Why do you always give me that damn look whenever I mention Jimmy?"
"Cause the guy's a douche."
Her smile was defiant. "Well, what guy isn't?"
I hissed. "Oucheth," I said as I clutched at my chest.
Donyelle finally looked at my disheveled appearance. "We're you asleep?"
"No. I was about to go to bed, as you can see," I said, referring to my pajamas. "It's late. You never answered my question. What are you doing here?"
She looked around my inactive living room and peered into my empty kitchen. "Where is everyone?"
"Yeah. Just ignore my question. Thanks."
"Well?" she said with a hint of impatience. "Are you home alone?"
"Ooh," I wiggled my eyebrows and smiled, "what'd you have in mind?"
She swung an arm to smack my shoulder. "Shut up."
I laughed and stuffed my hands into the pockets of my baggy sweat pants. "Can't blame a guy for trying."
Hey. It was true. Donyelle may have been my best friend for years, but I'd harbored an attraction for her since the marvelous effects of puberty had settled in. I made innuendos about my romantic feelings occasionally. Either because I felt like doing so, or I was trying to bring a smile to her face at my expense. I never knew for certain if she was aware that my feelings for her went beyond mere friendship because I'd never bothered to ask. No point in stirring things up if this was just a little crush that would eventually pass.
Although, I'd been waiting for this 'little crush' to pass since I was 13. At 17 I was just beginning to grow wary, fearful these feelings would never pass.
I tried to be logical, telling myself that her lavish good looks would always command my attention. Donyelle was beautiful by any standard. Even when we were kids she was adorable. Sixteen years young she was a total knockout. Her caramel skin looked inviting and the generous curves she was blessed with would have any man yearning to reach out and run his hands over.
"To answer you're question, yeah, I'm the only one home." I ruffled my dirty blond hair. "Holly left this morning to visit Audrey," I said, referring to two of my three older sisters. "And my Mom isn't coming back until tomorrow. She's spending the weekend with Michael, as you know." I felt my jaw clench at the thought without my permission.
Donny noticed. "Still can't stand her boyfriend, huh?"
"Do you even have to ask?" I frowned.
"My parents went with them," she tried. "That doesn't help even a little?"
I stared at her blankly.
She laughed. "Whatever."
"So," I gestured, "you gonna tell me what you're doing here?"
"Oh, right. I forgot my keys when Georgie came to pick me up for the party. I was in a hurry so I accidentally left them in my room. Now I have to wait until Malachi gets home," she said referring to her older brother and only other sibling.
"Just call his cell. Tell him you're locked out."
She placed a hand on her hip. "You don't think I already tried that?"
I tried to mimic her feminine stance and chuckled. "How do girls do that so perfectly?" I gestured awkwardly. "Hold that position, I think I almost got it down."
"You're hell to get along with! I tell you I'm locked out of my house on this freezing night and all you can do is stand there and make fun of me? Does the fact that I'm supposed to be your best friend ever register with you?"
I loved getting her riled up like this. It was too easy to resist. "You're pretty hot when you're pissed."
Donny rolled her eyes. "That line is getting old."
"I'm tired," I offered a small smile. When she didn't say anything I turned away and began to make my way upstairs.
"Where're you going?"
"Never-Never-Land of course."
She scowled and the ferocity in her expression was only further accentuated by her carnal eyes. Of course I laughed at her silent response.
"I'm going to bed," I said.
"Um, hello?" she gestured with both her hands. "What the hell am I supposed to do?"
"Wait for Malachi to show up, that is if he shows up at all, or spend the night here." I shrugged. "It's up to you." I ascended the stairs and shuffled into my room. Just before I was about to get into bed, I heard her footsteps behind me. "That didn't take long," I grinned.
I could tell she was about to fire back with something haughty until she froze in my doorway. "What the hell?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "It's freezing in here, Levi!"
"Yeah," I shrugged because I hardly noticed it. I pulled back my covers and climbed into bed. "G'night."
"You're a crappy host y'know."
I groaned and sat up in my bed. "What'd I do now?"
"Where am I supposed to sleep?" she shivered a little, now that she had fully stepped inside my bedroom.
Since it was nearly an empty house tonight, I was about to tell her she had her pick. I stopped myself and favored her with a roguish smile before I pulled back my sheets and patted the mattress.
Donyelle laughed in disbelief as she continued to shiver. She shifted her weight back and force in a feeble attempt to keep warm. "You've gotta be shitting me."
"I shit you not. C'mon," I tapped the mattress again and continued to grin.
"No!" she laughed again.
"Why not? It's not like we've never done it before." I sent her a cheesy wink.
"That's different, Levi."
"It just is," she continued to shiver. "And don't look at me like that! I'm serious."
"Fine. But I'm serious, too. All the other rooms upstairs are as cold as this. You could sleep downstairs if you want. The locks are a little faulty though, so if a murderer breaks in, he'll get to you first. At least if you sleep with me I'll be able to - "
"Molest me before he manages to make it up the stairs," she finished.
I rubbed my hands together and grinned. "As long as we're on the same page."
"Whatever. Consider me sold on your flimsy pitch." She turned to my dresser. "I'm raiding your ratty clothes for something to sleep in."
"Congratulations." I pulled my blankets over me and settled in. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew..
"Levi, Levi!" came out as a harsh whisper.
"What?" I groaned.
"You're not the only one who wants to sleep."
My face was practically buried in the mattress so my words came out muffled. "Who's stopping you?"
"Oh, I don't know…" she began innocently, "the fact that you're taking up all the space!"
I grunted and rolled over to give her some room.
Now what? "What?"
"I'm freezing my ass off and you're hogging all the blankets."
Finally, I opened my eyes. Seeing her in my former baseball uniform shirt jolted me awake. Aside from the fact that she looked as sexy as ever, my reaction had more to do with the knowledge that she was wearing clothes that belonged to me. Oddly, it made me feel smug and proud.
She noticed my appraising eyes linger over her body. "You're disgusting," she deadpanned.
"What else is new?" I grinned proudly.
Donny rolled her eyes before she slid into the bed with me. I pulled the blankets securely around her. "There," I said, "now we could warm you right up." I tucked her in closely and wrapped an arm around her back with her front pressed against mine.
She was still annoyed. "How could you not be cold?"
"Usually I'm not but you're starting to steal all my body heat."
"Shut up," she scolded before she kneed me in the shin.
"Keep it up and I'm going downstairs to sleep on the couch."
"You wouldn't. This is the closest you get to sex."
I laughed in spite of myself. "That was a low blow." I nuzzled my face into her cool neck and mumbled, "Especially since it's true."
Donyelle laughed as she tangled her legs with mine. "Don't worry. I'll make it good for you."
"Ooh, I like where this is going." I jokingly trailed my hand from her back to rest low on her hip.
She didn't waste any time slapping my hand away. "Watch those paws, buddy."
"Yes ma'am." I returned my hand to rest against her lower back.
"You're like a little kid, Levi. You just like to make things so damn difficult."
"Do not."
"Trust me, you do."
"Do not."
She pulled back enough to solidly punch me in the chest.
"That's exactly what I mean. Cut it out!"
"Sorry, but you know how it is. Once a guy gets a girl into bed his true colors surface."
Donny collapsed against my pillow and groaned. "I officially give up. You win. Okay? Can we sleep now?"
"Yes, we can sleep together now," I said lecherously.
"Shut up. Just stop talking." Even though I was getting on her last nerve, she cuddled up against me and pulled my arms around her. I was close to falling asleep when I felt her icy nose press against my neck. My whole body bounced with a jolt.
Now, she chuckled. "All right. Now we can sleep."
A/N: I was feeling romantical. Sue me.