Name: Something For Me
Rating: Oh, it's really innocent. :)
Summary: Jessica wants something from Flo. (Teen Femslash Short)
Genre: Romance/Femslash.
Author's Note: I was lying in bed ages when I couldn't sleep and I was thinking of stuff and my mind went to exchange students, then to my femslash story, then I found this plot bunny hiding in the recesses of my mind and realised it had to be written, which I did, but didn't post it until now :) hope it was worth writing. Also, I'm writing a nanowrimo femslash and I plan to post it on here soon! :D
Lying in bed, head propped up on three pillows. The scent of lavender clings to the room around me, a scent I've grown to savour the past few weeks. Beneath the bed lies my suitcase, a large brown thing I'd lugged across the ocean.
"Give it back!" I squealed, trying to fight Jessica for my bag.
"Aw, come on Flo! Let me see what you brought!" She threw open the bag and discovered my underwear and feminine products. She pulled a face and turned to see me with a smaller brown bag. I was smirking.
"Now you don't get your present," I scolded. "You've been a naughty girl."
She snorted. "Maybe I don't want your silly present."
I opened the bag and pulled out a beautiful bracelet, dangling it from my fingers, teasing. It was a simple chain with amethyst laid into it.
She gasped and held out her hand. "Please?" she breathed.
I placed it in her palm. "It wasn't expensive," I assured her. "Just a friendship thing."
She still looked at it like the most beautiful thing on the planet as she looked at me pleadingly and held out her wrist. I took it back and fastened it around her slender wrist.
I yawn and go back to my book. But I find it hard to concentrate. My eyes wander across the room to my high school uniform. A white shirt with jumper and a hideous, short, black, pleated skirt.
"This is the most demeaning thing I've ever done," I announced as we walked to school.
"You look cute in it."
I smoothed the skirt again. It was too short. "If you hadn't been my best friend and the one reason I'm on this continent I'd kill you for this."
"Oh, come on, it's not that bad!" She looped her arm through mine.
I grumbled under my breath.
"You do complain a lot."
"Yeah, but you already knew that." I grinned at her.
"Too right, Flo! You're the whiniest person I know."
I still complain about the uniform. And her snoring. We've been sharing a bed now for four weeks since mine got peed on by her dog. It still stinks. I can't sleep in it.
"Ew! What's that smell?"
"If I knew that, Jess, I wouldn't be on me hands and knees looking for something dead under the bed."
"Hey! You rhymed!"
"So not in the mood." I straightened up and rested my nose a hair's breadth from the covers. "Ew! Dog piss!"
"Really?" She walked over and pressed her nose to the blanket, her face millimetres from mine. She turned, after a moment, and locked her eyes with mine.
A long moment passed.
"Well," she straightened up. "It's soaked right into the mattress. You'll have to sleep with me for now."
She looked at me as though pleased by that fact. I smiled back.
I close my book and roll over so my back is facing her. She's still reading, even though it's late and we have school tomorrow, and she keeps touching her bracelet. I hunker down in bed and close my eyes.
My eyes opened, adjusting to the darkness. I can just see the clock; it's just past two in the morning. I wonder what woke me until I realise Jessica is lying with her arms around my waist.
My heart pounds in my chest as she wriggles and pulls me in closer. It seems right, somehow, to be held like that.
And I realise I've done it; I've fallen in love with my best friend.
I roll over again to face her, her light on too bright for me to sleep, propping my head on my hand just to watch her and wait for her to turn out the light. She gets this deer-in-the headlights look about her when she realises I know she's been touching the bracelet. Much like she had that night.
"I can't do it," I announced, approaching her from across the room. It was late but it was Saturday night so we could stay up late.
"Keep treating you like my best friend. You're more than that. I've ... I'm ... I'm in love with you!"
She stared at me long and hard then fled the room.
We haven't mentioned that night since. She didn't come to bed that night. She slept on the couch, I think.
She's staring at the bracelet again.
"Penny for them."
"Would you do something for me?"
"You know I will. Anything. Name it."
"Kiss me."
Heart stops and pounds at the same time, blood rushes and heats and freezes, I say yes and no. I don't know.
I raise myself up and scoot to her side of the bed, cupping her cheek with my hand. Her eyes close and she's breathing, hard; anticipating, I suspect. I lean in and place my lips against hers. A tender kiss.
Her eyes open. "Again," she begs.
I comply, this time putting more into it, kissing her for longer, my tongue running across her bottom lip, pleading with her to take me inside.
If this is to be our only kiss, I will make the most of it.
Her lips part and she leans into me, grasping my pyjama-clad shoulder gently and my tongue touches hers hesitantly. She responds, sitting up straighter and letting our tongues dance.
After what feels like an eternity she pulls back. Her body language tells me to move so I do, pulling away and returning to my side of the bed.
"Thank you," she says, deadpan.
"That's it?" I enquire, hurt.
She nods silently.
"Why did you want me to kiss you?" She stays silent, so, angry, I roll over and turn off the light, closing my eyes.
After a minute her light goes off too and she rolls over, her arms snaking around my waist. It's the first time we've started our night like this, although we've slept like this every night for three and a half weeks.
"I wanted to know if I'm in love with you, too," she whispers in my ear.
"And?" I reply with trepidation.
"I'll let you know in the morning."