( ( p r o l o g u e ) )
This is their story.
They all died in the end.
But how it all happened is what is most important.
Are you paying attention?
They didn't believe it would end as it did.
No, they were supposed to just get to their full potential.
That's what they were told.
They were lied to.
They were betrayed.
This is their story.
Please, Listen.
"All aboard!"
The words of the Captain rang through the loud speakers, echoing in the ears of the accepted students. It was time to depart from their previous life; say their good-byes and turn away from all that they knew. For most it was difficult to part with their parents, to leave their loved ones behind. Yet there were also those that were eager to leave those they had previously known. To them the school was a new beginning; a place where they could start over and forget about the past. Others dreaded what would soon become their life, since they lacked any desire to go to the school. Some were forced while others left voluntarily. But initially, it had all started with a letter… a letter of acceptance.
All the students flooded onto the boat, shouts of farewells escaping their lips as they did so. They each waved their loved ones off sadly, excluding those that lacked those loved ones. Once the tears subsided and the good-byes ended the boat finally began to move through the ocean waters. Steadily it glided towards its destination, which was seemingly no where in sight. Hours passed, endless chatter amongst students continued, and still the school remained absent from the eyes of the curious student body.
Finally, the boat slowly came to a halt, its large mass slowing as land began to appear around them. Moments before only rolling waves surrounded them, but it was obvious that such a school had to stay invisible to the wanderer's eyes. Once the students shoved their way out of the boat they found themselves upon dry land, and soon enough the academy came into vision. It was beautiful, simply stunning. It looked far more like a castle than a school, composed of brilliant architecture and lavish gardens. Students looked upon it eagerly, thrilled that they had finally arrived at their destination. It was finally time for the year to begin.
Soon they would enter the school and meet those who would become their friends, those who would be their teachers, and those who would be their enemies. It was finally the beginning.
"Welcome to Copyrighted Powers Academy."
The words had escaped from a woman, who was found standing in front of the large student body that had left the boat. A soft smile could be found upon her recently glossed lips, a reassuring grin that proved that she was indeed a kind individual. Her chocolate eyes gleamed as well, staying fixed upon the students that remained motionless before her. She looked no older than thirty years of age, her body still lean and in shape. Blonde locks, illuminated by the sunlight, cascaded just barely below her shoulders. She was far from a pain to the eyes, yet no student would dare call her raunchy. Elegant was a more appropriate word for the headmistress. Elegant and seemingly innocent.
they didn't know what she was planning on doing.
They didn't
know that she was planning to kill each and every one of them.
( ( a u t h o r s n o t e ) )
This is the prologue to this story, obviously. I decided to begin it telling the reader of what is to come, because I knew that otherwise this story would seem rather cliché. It's not a Harry Potter story. This will not be your average story of a magic school. I know many people are tired of reading clichéd stories that are composed of horrible writing. Here, I will try and create something both original and interesting.
I hope this little prologue got you a bit interested. If so please do give a review or subscribe to this story. If you do I will be sure to read yours. :]
P.S. If you've read my other story just know I'm a far better writer than I was then. I wrote that forever ago XD
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