Bombastic Love:A Love For All Seasons

Karasu November 2008

Chapter Eighteen

Note to self: if Jackson ever comes back as a zombie in the zombie apocalypse… kill him. Or thank him. Either one. Depends on whether or not he's trying to eat you at the moment you remember.

So… Jackson Fresia was Macy's baby daddy.


Well, it was better than Dan, I'll admit. But still. Shocking.

My first question was… when? Not that I wanted to know details about their sexual encounter or anything. I just wanted to know when the two of them pulled the wool over all of our eyes. You know?

My second question was why? As far as I knew, Macy didn't have any feelings for Jackson whatsoever.

As everyone arrived at my apartment, I paced around, waiting for the finale: Macy.

"She's… carrying a dead man's baby?" Evan rested his chin on his hand, trying to comprehend just what was going on.

We were all confused.

"Ew, when you say it like that, it makes it even weirder," Saber knocked back a couple more shots, wrinkling his nose.

"That's because it is weird, no matter how you say it," I shook my head.

"Well, it's not as if she fucked him after he died, right?" Autumn quirked an eyebrow in my direction. I couldn't stop the gag that expelled from my mouth. Ew. "Exactly."

"Either way, I don't want to think about Macy screwing, boning, fucking, boinking, wining, dining, or sixty-nining Jackson in any way, shape, or form. Thanks," Saber sat back, wrapping his arm around Evan's shoulders.

"I hear that," I clinked my glass against Saber's. "Unfortunately, we have to hear about it. Because I've demanded that Macy tell us what the fuck is going on."

"You didn't demand anything."

Saber smirked, "Why, hello there, Macy. Nice to see you haven't fled town."

She flung her bag down, rolling her eyes, "I'm not Summer."

Oh, that hurt a little.

Nobody really laughed, it was more like one of those awkward chuckles. An awkward chuckle-fest. Yeah.

"So what did you guys want me to tell you? Besides the fact that Jackson is my baby's father," Macy flopped into a chair, grabbing a wine cooler.

"What is there?" Evan ran his hands through his hair.

I, personally, was a little worried about what we'd find out.

"There's not much else to tell," Macy paused. "I wanted a baby, Jackson was willing to help, the end."

"But you don't like Jackson," I stop my pacing long enough to look at her like she was a crazy woman. Because, well, she was.

She rolled her eyes, "Since when do I have to like someone to fuck them?"

"That's disgusting." I crossed my arms over my chest, deciding to let Evan step in and take over.

"Macy… we're trying to help—"

"Doesn't look like it," she cut in, glaring.

"Trust me, you're making it difficult to help." It was one of the only times I had ever seen Evan angry. And it was the first time he had raised his voice to anyone but Travis.

Macy chuckled. She looked like she was on something. Glassy eyes, mellow, loopy smile. "Whoops. By all means, try to help some more…"

I could tell that Evan was about to lose his cool. Saber's arm tightened around him. His lips were pursed as he said, "When did you and Jackson…?"

"Fuck?" Macy seemed to enjoy the fact that she was making everything difficult.

Evan just nodded, holding his tongue.

"Hmmm. Right before Dan and I did. Before Summer and I went on our road trip."

I almost gagged. Not only was that extremely disgusting, but then she went and screwed Dan?! Guh-nasty. Ew. Oh, my god. Dan got Jackson's sloppy seconds.

"Why'd you lie to me about your baby being Dan's?" It took all of the strength in me to not strangle her. I could see the worry in Autumn's eyes as well. Even his body language suggested that he was ready to stop me if I decided to go ahead and strangle her.

Macy's eyes whipped around to me, "I never said that it was Dan's. You assumed that. And you know what assuming does, Summer. It makes an ass out of you and—"

"I get it."

Her smirk pissed me off even more.

Saber sighed, and all of us looked at him. "Look. I agree with you guys that Macy and Jackson… you know… is a big fuckin' deal. She should've told us and all of that. But… ya gotta think of her. She's being bombarded by your questions. She might be under just a tad bit of pressure right now. Can we all just knock back a few, calm the fuck down, and talk about something else for a while?"

Finally, I sat.

We all agreed, and finally it was almost like it used to be. We got staggeringly drunk, laughing heartily over old memories and talking about new ones…

"I think I'm gonna name my baby Monty." Macy clutched her stomach with one hand, and her bottle of vodka with the other. Yeah, I know that it wasn't exactly great that she got drunk while she had a bun in the oven. Don't give me a lecture on ethics, please.

"Why Monty?" Evan suckled on a bottle of cheap wine (only when he was really drunk did he drink the cheap shit).

"Don't you get it?" Macy slapped Saber's arm, and I wondered why she didn't slap Evan's. She was in between them. "Like The Full Monty."

Evan's mouth fell into the shape of a little "o" and we all had a laugh over that. Everything was funnier when you're wasted, anyway.

Autumn stopped laughing suddenly, and I looked at him, worried. Yes, I could still feel somewhat responsible even when I was shitfaced.

"Something wrong?" I looped my arm around him as he nodded. But he stood, shakily.

"I think I have to…"

"Ew, he's gonna barf!" Saber's french accent became more apparent when he drank. So much, in fact, that he was barely understandable.

I followed Autumn as he ran into the bathroom, heaving along the way. I held his hair back, of course, as he vomited into the toilet. And I remember thinking, ew, I don't recall us drinking something purple. But I guess we had. And I had to turn away from watching him vomit. Because it was gross.

Afterwards, as he sat in the "praying" position around the base of the toilet, he looked at me.

"What?" I cocked my head to the side. He looked like utter shit. To be completely honest. His eyes were bloodshot and his mouth lolled open. I thought he might puke again, so I motioned to the toilet, about to say something. But he cut me off.

"You still dress nice."

Wait, what?

That got my attention. Quick.

"What did you say?" I pushed myself off of the counter I had been leaning on, and took a step toward Autumn. He was still looking at me with that glazed, not-really-there stare.

"I said that you still dress nice," Autumn smiled up to me. But I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. It… didn't make sense.

Sure, when people get drunk, they say some really stupid things. They do some really stupid things as well. But usually, they didn't say things they said fourteen years ago! Things that they shouldn't, wouldn't, or couldn't remember because they had amnesia!

"W-why would you say that?"

"Because I mean it. You've always had the best sense of style, Summer. It really suits you." He let a lazy smile drape along his lips. He didn't seem at all bothered by the fact that he remembered something.

"Stop saying that. You have amnesia. You don't remember."

Yeah, I guess it was overdramatic. Yes, it was silly. But come on… what would you have said?

Autumn's loopy smile stayed in place as he stood, albeit a little shakily, "Come on, Summer. Why are you being so hostile? I'm complimenting you. Just take it and say 'thanks.'"

"Autumn, I don't think you quite understand what you're saying to me," I couldn't help but back away from him as he took a step toward me. "That was… one of the first things you said to me. Ever."

"Oh, I know," Autumn's smile faded. "I just wanted to let you know that I still think that."

His legs crumbled beneath him, and he just made it to the toilet before throwing up again.

All I could do was stand there… I was shocked.

I had to tell everyone else.


Author's Note: So. Only two more chapters after this. (: I'm excited~ Even though I have to revise the last chapter because I'm NOT happy with it (after doing a bit of research, I realize that I have some things wrong, whoops. XD But that's what google is for, y/y). And, since NaNoWriMo is quickly approaching this year, I might have a HUGE surprise in store for you guys! Pertaining to this story~ (Why else would I write that here? ;D)

But you'll just have to wait, hehe~

Thank you, to all of you, for reviewing this story and making me happy as a lark that people do, in fact, enjoy something that I've written. You make me ecstatic beyond words~ (heart)