Changling child.

Ever since she was little she dominated everything (i want i want give me what i want) and her terrified, blinkered, blinded parents obeyed -- they had to. She was their child.

Their child with the snarls of blonde hair no brush would tame. Their child with hollow grey eyes, aneamic skin --

Such a spoiled thing, neighbours would whisper as the girl stamped her foot and screamed -

(i want i want i am your child give me what i want)

But her parents ignored the toxic rumours and handed over the doll, the drink, the game only for the girl to smash it and stare at them with frenzied eyes.

(i WANT!)

give me what i want.

Her mother always wanted a big family -- three, four children; angelic little cherubs to scamper and to play.

But they never had another child. They tried, but nothing would take root in her womb.

The doctors were mystified.

(staring at her daughter shatter a glass on the floor and scream she realized she was glad that they had no more children.)

(i want i want give me what i want i want i am your child!)

Changeling child turns love to ash and residue. The mother did not love this child. It was not hers -- and she had a feeling that it had never been.

She turned her back and the child wailed, keening louder.

"What?" She shouted, spinning around. "What do you want?"

Brimming tears the child's eyes wavered.

(to be loved.)