
I am a child once more, frail and dependent

I rise shakily and they rush to steady me,

How strange, that used to be my job.


When I sit alone and silent, I begin to remember

A time when my skin was smooth and unblemished

And my hair fell in dark waves down my back.


But that was before I donned this black vélo

Now the world is dull and full of hazy images

My hands are gnarled, my hair white. I don't understand.


How long have I lived? It's hard to say

Moments slide by as I sit watching

I'm waiting until they tell me it is time.


Time to eat, time to sleep, time to say hello

Time to remember, "Don't you remember?"

I think I do, I think I know this girl before me.


When I last saw her she was older

Her stomach round and fat, full of life.

Now she is young and her hair is golden.


I reach out but all that remains is a whisper

"Goodbye Yiayiá", that's what she calls me

They all do, perhaps that is my name.



Authors Note: In case anyone was wondering the word Yiayia is greek for grandmother, and a vélo is a vail. I hope you enjoyed it, please review,

Thanks for reading,

Katherine Elizabeth