Chapter One

Uhg, what a horrible head ache; what happened last night? I open my eyes and quickly closed them; the sun was shinning in through the window straight at me. I grabbed the Tylenol that always sat on my night stand for mornings like this, and shook out two out onto my palm; I swallowed them dry. I laid there for a moment and then realized it was Monday; I had to get ready for school.

I dragged my self out of my warm cozy cocoon, and went to my closet. All I had were t-shirts and my many black sweat shirts; I randomly grabbed a shirt and my favorite sweatshirt and flew out of my room. I fell for ward and landed on my face, what did I trip on this time? I looked down and my legs were tangled around a pair of pants. Oh, I need those; I picked them up and went down the hall to the bathroom. I checked the time and sweared; why didn't my alarm go off?

I quickly jumped in the shower and washed my hair furiously in cold water and turned the water off, "shit," I forgot a towel. I looked around the bathroom and found my towel from yester day and grabbed it. I quickly got dressed and grabbed piece of bread, and stuffed it in my mouth; no time for toast.

I threw open the door and went to my car, my back pack was already in there from last night, that must mean I didn't come home till late last night. I'll ask Debbie and Emily if we did any thing together last night, we might have met each other at the bar again.

Me and my friends, Debbie and Emily, can all get in this bar that my older brother's friend, Josh, owns. He doesn't care as long as he doesn't get caught letting us in and as long as we don't get totally drunk. This is probably what happened last night, because I can't remember a thing.

I turned in to my school, Blue Rock High school, and parked in my regular spot; as far away from the school as possible. Its better that way because then I don't get caught in all the traffic to get good spots by the doors and I don't have to be around people as much. My motto for school is get in get out and then, get drunk; I not much of a people person.

I grabbed my bag and headed for the doors, I was probably going to be late again; but my teachers were used to that. It's better than me not coming at all, right? I walked to my locker, what's the point in hurrying if you're already late, and grabbed shoved my coat in some small space at the bottom. I looked in the small mirror and I swore; I looked horrible! What the heck happened last night? This is starting to bug me, why can't I remember anything? I slammed my locker shut, only to jump back when I found some one standing there.

"What the heck do you want?" I was annoyed enough about last night and I wouldn't care if it was the principle there; I would have snapped at him too. I glared at him and he just smiled at me; do you no how annoying that can be!?

"Well, what do you want?" I repeated, even more annoyed.

"Oh, I'm a new student; could you help me find my first class?" I looked around; no one else was out here; why didn't he ask someone before he became really late? I sighed and looked at him more closely; he wasn't that bad looking. Actually he was pretty hot; I would have thought the populars would have swarmed him right when he came in.

"Um, fine; what's your first class?" he showed me his schedule and I skimmed it.

"You have all the same classes as me," that's kind of ironic, "well, then our first class is this way." I lead him down a long hall that brought us to literature; he just smiled and followed.

The teacher was in the middle of a explaining our new assignment. "Well, I glad you could make it today Carlie; and who's this?"

I smile at him and pointed behind me, "he's a new student, he was lost."

"Fine, that's a good enough excuse this time; take your seat." He turned his attention to the new student. "And what's your name?" I realized he never told me his name.

"I'm Kevin," he looked at me and smiled.

"Well Kevin, I'm Mr. Stiffler and the only open seat is next to Carlie," Kevin smiled at me again and took his seat. "Kevin, will you need anymore help finding your classes? We could have some one volunteer to show you around."

"No, Carlie is in all my classes; she can show me around." Everyone was staring at me now, even the teacher; they were all giving me the look like is he serious? Why would he want to hang around the weird goth girl? But I was as stunned as they were, it's not like I was the nicest person when he asked were his first class was; if anything I was trying to be extra mean to get him to leave me alone. But I don't know what it was like at his other school and maybe he had a thing for weird goth girls there; but I just wasn't interested. He would get that by the end of the day; maybe even by the end of our next class.

An evil smirk sprang up on my face and everyone must have seen it, because they all quickly turned forward again, and the teacher made a face and went back to the lesson. Kevin pulled out a blank piece of paper, and started to write what I thought was notes that we didn't need to take; but when I looked down at his paper I read, a poem. He had the weirdest hand writing, but it was really quite beautiful; and the poem he was writing, was about a girl all in black, with brown orange eyes and long black curly hair. And I gasped (in my head), when I realized it was about me!

Who else has my eyes; not even anyone in my family does, I just weird that way. I actually don't look anything like my parents really. My mom has Light brown, almost blond hair, with green blue eyes. My dad has just plain brown hair and bluish purple eyes; my whole family has weird eyes, but none like my eyes, they were almost orange.

He looked up at me and I realized I was actually taller than he was, which I think is a weird thing to think of when we are sitting and I just read a poem about me being beautiful. When you think of it, me being taller than him is not something you would think of when you just found out the new guy likes you.

Wow, am I rambling on about random stuff in my head? I mean when I get really nervous or some thing I kind of go on and on about random stuff; but I have never done it in my head. What, he's still looking at me, how long have I been in my head? I looked away and he went back to writing… about me.

The bell finally rang and I got up and started to walk towards the door, when a hand held me back. I turned to see the teacher, what did he want?

"Excuse me, but aren't you going to show Kevin to his next class?" I looked back at Kevin; he was still picking up his books.

"Right," I stood by the door waiting for him so we could get to our next class and I could get away from him. It's not like he can sit next to me in every class.

We walked down the hall and I noticed people staring; a hot guy walking down the hall with a goth isn't a usual thing. I also so noticed the populars staring; I was right they would have swarmed him if they saw him, but I guess me being here made them think twice about it.

I was about to turn the next corner when my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I stopped and pulled it out, "hello?" low murmuring on the other line, "yes, I'm here; why wouldn't I?" more murmuring, "I'm by your locker actually, sure I can wait for you." I put my phone away and looked up, Kevin was staring at me.

"Who was that?"

"Those were my friends; we have to wait for them here; they are in our next class too." I slumped up against a locker and so did he. "What school did you come from?" I didn't really care but the silence was getting kind of awkward.

"I was home schooled." He looked at me, trying to read my face; I didn't look surprised or anything, I don't have anything against home schoolers. He turned to face the hall way, and so did I. I could see Debbie and Emily from all the way down the hall; the only one in black.

Debbie walked up behind Kevin, "Hi, who is this?" Emily walked next to him too, and looked me over.

"Over slept again?" Emily guest.

"Yes I did, and this is Kevin. He is a new student who picked me to show him around." He looked at me and smiled; what is up with him? Debbie and Emily looked at him and then back at me.

"So, why did you picked Carlie?" Debbie directed the question at Kevin.

"She was the only one I found in the hall, and she also has all my classes, so I thought it was a good choice." He looked up at me and smiled again; I looked away to see my friends reactions. They turned to me and smiled, too; this was getting annoying.

"So, we should get to class; we don't want to be late."

"We are always late," Emily retorted.

"Yes, but do you want to make a bad impression on Kevin? He already has people staring at him because he with me."

"With you?" Emily and Debbie said in unison.

"You know what I mean, don't be dumb asses." I started to walk down the hall, and heard three pairs of feet following, with little giggles.


Finally school ended and I walked over to the lost and found box by the office and waited for Emily and Debbie; Kevin was still following me.

"Why don't you go to your locker? You don't want to miss your bus; anyway I will be here for a while, I'm waiting for Emily and Debbie."

"I have everything I need; and I have my own car. So I'm fine."

"Don't you want to go home? I wouldn't think you would want to stay here."

"Ok, well, bye then." He walked away, I hope he can find his locker; maybe I should go help him find it…

"Hey, Carlie!" why is she yelling down the hall; not everyone's gone yet. I spotted Emily running after her out of breath.

"What heck are you guys doing!?" They just stood there red faced and out of breath. I scowled and when they finally got there breath back they looked at my expression and rolled there eyes. Emily was super hyper, like always when she had something important to say that would juts kill her, if she didn't get it out soon. I turned to Debbie and she had her poker face on; now I new they had something big they had to say.