Chapter 12
What am I doing? I mentally yelled at myself, I should be out fixing all this not crying over it.
I stood up wiping the tears off my face, and mentally searched for Kevin. He still hadn't come back, why was he so irritated by one little thought? That can't be all that made him so mad, could it?
I zeroed in on him; he was in the middle of the forest. I started to walk towards the door then realized what I was wearing. I hurriedly got new clothes on and started out for Kevin.
After I was sure no one was looking I went in to super speed, running so fast I wasn't even a blur to the human world. The air cleared my head some more and felt good on my face and running through my hair; I never realized how much I loved being out side. Maybe because before Kevin came along all you did was get drunk and not care about anything much; I never realized how much he changed me.
I was getting close to wear Kevin was so I started walking again, ducking under branches and side stepping some poison ivy; more out of habit then I needed too, it wouldn't affect me anymore. I was only a couple trees away from him before I registered what I was hearing. Kevin was talking to someone, I could just see the stranger threw the trees; he didn't look familiar. I started to walk a little slower avoiding making any noise and blocking my presence from them; I wanted to hear what they were talking about.
"You have to get rid of him, he's ruining everything." Kevin sounded kind of desperate.
"I won't help you ruin her life because you want her to be some one who's dead, not again." The other vampires said finally. They can't be talking about me, could they?
"You don't have to do anything to Carlie, just get rid of the Aaron guy. He's going to ruin everything, my whole plan." He can't mean this, Kevin wouldn't kill anyone. I know him, he can't mean any of this; it's not possible.
The other vampire sighed, "Kevin, you have to stop all of this. She isn't Clarissa, just like all the girls before her. Clarissa is dead; you can't go around finding every girl who looks like her and turning them." He sounded like he had said this to him many times.
"But this time it's different. I know it's her, she's been reborn to be with me again!" he sounded so sure, but I wasn't who he thought I was. I was about to step out to tell him that, forgetting he ever wanted Aaron dead. We can still be together, we still love each other and he can forget about Clarissa finally. I just want my Kevin back, the one I know and love so we can be with each other.
But I stopped in my tracks as the other vampire said, "I won't stand by and let you kill another girl because she isn't who you want. You need to get it, that Clarissa isn't coming back. She's gone and you know it, vampires don't get reborn." He killed all the other girls… and was going to kill me.
I stepped back and leaned against the tree; he's killed girls before because they weren't Clarissa... he was going to kill me. I kept thinking over and over again, he's a psycho vampire, who's going to kill me!
I turned away from Kevin stumbled on a tree root, both vampires stopped talking and turned in my direction. I heard Kevin yell my name before I starting to run. I ran faster then I ever thought was possible, right over the big pond on the way back to my apartment, and didn't stop intill I was back in side locking the door behind; know that would do nothing to hold him back. I leaned against the door, taking in jagged breaths; out of habit, I didn't need to breath anymore.
I slumped down to the floor leaning against the door, closing my eyes and counting down intill he got here. I always could run faster than him, maybe that's what I'll have to do. Keep running from him forever… no, I can't I'll have to face him sooner or later why not get it over with; I may just beat him.
He was almost here; I got up and moved away from the door grabbing my stake that was sitting on the kitchen counter. 5…4…3…2…1 I counted in my head as the door slammed open. I hid the stake behind me as he stared at me closing the door behind him. He took a step closer and I took a step back, he noticed and stopped.
"You know I would never hurt you," he said it in his gentle voice. He took another step forward; I stopped my self form taking another step back. "We love each other; you're the one I've been searching for my whole life. We can be together forever you just have to trust me," he said soothingly.
"I'm sorry but I am not who you're looking for…" I said as normally as I could.
Suddenly he came forward in super speed, pushing me up against the wall. "But you are, your Clarissa. Don't you remember me? We love each other, we are meant to be together forever." He sounded so desperate I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
"My name is Carlie, not Clarissa and I met you for the first time at school; not before." He gripped my arm so hard I almost dropped the stake.
"You have to remember me." He whispered.
"I don't," I winced as I said it, his grip getting harder, "I have always been Carlie, no one else."
"NO!" He threw me against the opposite wall; it was so sudden I couldn't even brace myself, my head slammed into the wall. Making a hole almost all the way though the wall.
I felt blood running down the back of my neck; I got up leaning against the wall as the back of my head stared to heal. It wasn't healing fast enough; I was losing too much blood. I looked around for the stake; it had flown out of my hand as I smashed into the wall.
Kevin looked at the stake then back at me, "you were going to kill me?" he asked incredulously. He started for me again walking slowly, knowing I was weakened. I edged towards the door hoping if I just got out of here I could run. Suddenly he was at the door blocking my escape; I glanced at the open window now that he was away from it.
"You think you can get way form me, after you pretended you loved me?" he asked outraged.
"I never lied to you, especially about loving you." I said.
"You never loved me you lied to me the whole time; you wanted immortality and power like all the rest!" He yelled leaping at me with teeth out, ready to rip my throat out.
I cowered against the wall knowing I couldn't get away in time, not with how much blood I lost. I realized I was screaming, but I couldn't stop. Suddenly a blur raced in front of me, knocking Kevin into the wall. I stared as a black haired vampire ripped Kevin's neck out, then stood up leaving him to drain out and die.
He turned towards me and I realized it was Aaron, with his bright red eyes full of worry. He came to me kneeling to look at the back of my head. It had fully healed but I had lost too much blood, it stained the back of my shirt and hair.
"Oh Carlie," he said and took me into his arms lifting me up and bringing me to the couch, "you need blood."
"I know," I said; surprised at how my voice only came out as a whisper. He moved my hair out of my face and my skin tingled were he touched it.
"I'll be back as fast as I can," I looked at him confused, why did he have to leave?
I don't want him to let go of my hand, he looks so unreal right now his hair shining in the sun his red eyes, i love those eyes... I thought suddenly, If he leaves will I be back against the wall with Kevin coming at me, did I just make Aaron up right now?
"I'm real Carlie," he said gently, "I'll come back, but I need to get you blood."
"You read my thoughts," I said smiling faintly. He smiled at me softly before jumping out my window. I imprinted his face into my head, smiling at me with such… love in his eyes that moment before he left.
then everything blacked out.