All my life I watched movies with happy endings, read stories with girls falling in love with the prince and end up living happily ever after. Every time I read a book I always ended up thinking that I was that girl; and one day my prince will come, we'll have a fairy tale ending, but my life is everything but a fairy tale.

Today is the day that my mother gets her happy ever after. She's been dating this guy named Jimmy Dean. Jimmy works as a business man who got married once before and ended the marriage a month later. He's a guy who lies, he is the type who tells women one thing and does the opposite of it. He's the man who is supposes to be my new father, but he will never be my father. I hate his guts.

My real father died before I was born that's the story I was told. As I got older I learned the truth. It was the end of my sixteenth birthday party and I had been sitting inside my tree house thinking about how on that very day my father died. My mother came out with a sweet, welcoming smile, but when she sees me crying she stopped showing any signs of happiness. She began to weep and as she cried she rambled about how my father really wasn't dead. She told me that he lived in Hollywood and how he was a big movie star. I looked at her and sobbed out of happiness. Why was I happy? I was happy because that day I found out my real father wasn't dead. The tears stopped and the rage came out and the thought of her lying to me all those years drove me insane. I had to get out. I went to my room and locked myself inside. I didn't talk to her for months, but then I realized I shouldn't be mad at her. I should be mad at him for leaving. I looked at my mother as she finished the small details on her makeup. I stared at her as she took one last glance at the mirror and turned to me. I didn't want her to marry him; I didn't even know what she saw in him.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask
"He makes me happy," she said with a smile. She smoothed down her dress and began to walk toward me.
"I don't make you happy" she laughed at me. Practically spitting out her next words in spite of me.
"There are things he can do that you can't. Now please stop being such a big baby about this. You're eighteen you should go out and find a boyfriend." I looked at her and she smiled at me,
"Now come on the wedding is about to start." She said as she walked away. I looked into the mirror and frowned at the pink fluffy dress I was wearing.

I took my seat and watched as my mother walked toward her groom. She looks at ease and that should make me pleased too, right? It doesn't. My mother marrying Jimmy means that I will have to move away from my home. Why do you ask? Because Jimmy got a new job in Beverly Hills which means that the whole family (Jimmy, my mom, and I) will be moving to sunny Beverly Hills when they come back from their honeymoon. I looked at the happy couple as they kissed, everyone clapped, and I frowned knowing that my life was now ruined.

One thing I was going to miss from Nevada was my friends. I wasn't going to see them, it was already the end of summer and school was going to start soon; I wouldn't be here. I'm not the type of person who has tons of friends. I knew people, but that didn't mean that they were my friends. I'm the type who doesn't have many crushes. I had a crush once on this boy when I was seven. It didn't work out. He pushed me in a puddle of mud and that was the last time I thought of getting close to a guy. I'm just too scared of getting my heart broken. That brings me to the dream that visits me every time the sky grows dark. Every night I have dreams about this boy; he is faceless. The first time I had this dream I was 10. After that I kept on getting them. In my first dream I was walking down this unknown street. The sun was out and it was warm. I think I was about seventeen I'm not sure all I know is that I was older then ten. Kids were riding their bikes, old men played chess and this lady was sitting on a bench with her baby. Every thing seems great until this voice yelled out, "Watch out" and in a spilt second I was on the ground and who ever yelled was on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw this bright light on the persons face.
"Are you okay?" it said the faceless figure was, most indefinitely, a boy, his voice was deep.
"Yeah what happened?" I asked
"You almost got hit by a billboard."
"What!" I almost yelled and looked at the side there it was a big huge billboard on the ground right where I was standing. Next thing I knew I was up on my feet staring at this strange boy.
"What your name?" I asked, right about the time he was going to answer I'd wake up.
I had many dreams about this boy, but that one was my first. I know its weird how I have a dream about a boy who I never seen. The weirdest part is that I think he's the boy I will fall in love with.

So here I was on my living room floor staring at the empty boxes I had to pack. I looked up at the walls at the windows at the whole lot. I lived in this house my entire childhood. I looked at the stairs and remembered the day I fell from them and broke my leg. I couldn't walk for a month. I looked at the front door and remembered the day I was sitting in front of it and my mom opened it and the door knob hit me in my eye and it turned purple. In two weeks I will be leaving and I will never come back.

What will I find in Beverly Hills? Will I be the same person? Yeah I doubt I wouldn't be. Who knows maybe leaving is a good thing. Maybe I will end up finding that guy in my dreams. Maybe I, Kelley Kane will find my prince. Maybe I'll get my happy ending; just maybe I'll have the life I've always wanted