Chapter 2
I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling as I listened for a car to stop. I kept listening until I heard one stop next to my window. I knew it was them, they called the day before informing me that they will be picking me up tomorrow and then we'll be off to our new home. My body still shook as I waited for the front door to open and close. I closed my eyes for a second to try and forget the dream I just woke up from. It's a dream I've been having for three days now. There are times when I get a dream over again, but each time I end up seeing new parts like missing pieces. I remember what it felt like in this dream; it was as if my heart was breaking. In this dream he grabs my arm he told me not to go, but the tears were already running down my face and I couldn't even face him. I heard myself say no, that he didn't need me, he wanted to explain, but what was there to explain. I looked behind him and saw a girl smiling the sheets slowly falling from her naked body as she got up. I turned to look at him he was also naked there was nothing, but a pillow covering him. There was nothing for him to explain I yelled as I ran and all I could hear was him calling after me. I opened my eyes once again there was nothing in that dream that made me feel like I wanted to be with him. The boy that was supposes to be my prince shouldn't have done something to hurt me. I heard the door close; I slowly got up from the floor and dusted off my back. "Kelley, we're here" my mother yelled. I took one last look at my empty room; I grabbed my book bag and closed the door behind me.
On the way to the airport my mother told me all about her honeymoon in Hawaii. She also talked about the home we were going to be living in and how she couldn't wait to show me my new room. Jimmy hadn't said a word to me. When we arrived at the airport we walked to our flight number. We walked into the airplane and sat down in out first class seats. I sat near the window my mother and jimmy sat behind me. The thought of a beautiful young guy my age just magically appearing and sitting next to me crossed my mind, but it died when I saw all the business men sitting around me. The flight didn't take long; Nevada wasn't so far from California. I walked off the plane with them behind me. I then followed them outside where a car was waiting for us. As I sat down in the car I knew I was going to hear more about this wonderful home and how I was going to be so happy. I couldn't understand how my mother could think that I could be happy with just having a big new home. Did she not understand that I was missing my old home? I didn't hear anything more about the house; my mother didn't even say a word to me when she got into the car. She was to busy holding Jimmy's hand. She was to busy whispering in his ear. People in love make me feel sick.
The car finally stopped after what felt like four hours. I looked out the window once my mother said we're here. She pointed at a window once I got out of the car "see that window? That's your room", she said. I looked at the window she was point at, it was a nice window, and it came with its own balcony. The house it self was huge, I believe that one of the reasons my mother married him was because he was loaded. Once we entered the house I felt small. Not to mention that I felt weird being inside a house that was suppose to be mine, when it didn't even feel like a home. It was more like a museum. As we walked around the bottom half of the house I began to wonder when I was going to be shown my room. I saw the kitchen, the living, the dinning room, the game room, his office, and the backyard which had a huge pool before he took me to see my room. We walked up stairs, then to the second door on the right side. I looked at the door as he opened it. I felt my stomach drop, the room was pink. I took a step inside and looked around the room; everything was pink except for the furniture which was white. It was a room built for a princess. It was little girl's dreams come true. I would have liked this room if I was five, but I wasn't.
"Do you like it" Jimmy spoke to me for the first time that day.
"Yeah sure, if I was a little princess" I said in a huff
"Your mom told me you like fairy tales and stuff like that"
"Yeah when I was five" I said turning to look at them I saw my mother standing there with a frown
"I like it it's very cute."
"It's not me" I said as I touched the pink sheets
"You're cute" she said with a smile.
"Am not" I said as I glared at her.
"Well it's too late. This is your room now." I nodded and turned around
"I'll let you unpack." She said as I heard the door close.
I was all alone in the little princess room, it was sad knowing that my mother didn't know me anymore. I walked toward the closet where all my boxes were hidden. I grabbed the first box and started to unpack. I pulled out a picture of my friends back home. School was going to start in a week and I was going to be attending my second semester of my senior year, then I'll be off to college, where once again I'll have to make new friends. I put the picture back in the box and walked down stairs. My mother stood at the bottom of the stairs and smiled.
"I was about to go get you" she said
"Why don't we go shopping? You can get some new things for your new school" I nodded
We shopped for hours and we finally came to a stop, we stood out side a store and as I held the bags my mother bought me of clothes I listened to her talk about how I was suppose to change my image. Telling me how I need to be popular and how I need to be more like her when she was my age. I told her I didn't want to change who I was. She replied by saying that I wasn't changing who I was only what I wore down to my underwear. I wasn't going to deny my mother of buying clothes. She was Faith Kane the fashion God. My mother knew everything about fashion. We began to walk again, but this time it wasn't to a store, we took a little detour and end up walking through the park. I started to walk ahead of her holding on to my bags for dear life. I started to look around when everything felt familiar. I looked at the little kids ridding their bikes, old men playing chess, and a woman with her baby. My head started spinning and I began to get dizzy, it was not coming true, my dream was part of my imagination. As I told it couldn't be happening I head his voice. "Watch out" and then I fell on the ground.
When I opened my eyes I saw the bright light and then I smiled because it was only a dream it wasn't actually happening I was dreaming again.
"Are you okay" I frowned, this was real
"No" I whispered, I was not going to say what I said in my dream, this wasn't suppose to be like my dream.
"Are you hurt?" he asked
"No "I said as I looked at the billboard on the ground, crushed
"I'm Ethan Greene" he said, I turned around to face him...
The first thing I saw was his green eyes. They were a shade of green that I've never seen before. A strand of dark black hair fell on his face. He pushed it away and held out his hand for me. I slowly took it and he pulled me up off the ground.
"And you are?" he asked
"I'm Kelley Kane" I said as I pulled my hand away from his. We stared at each other for a while until my mother came running toward me.
"Are you okay" she asked as she held me in her arms.
"I'm fine" I said as I stared at the way his black shirt hugged his body. She let go of me and began to touch my head.
"Are you sure you're okay"
"Yes I'm fine" I said as I turned to look at Ethan.
"I'll see you around, Kelley" he said with a smile and walked away
"Who's that" my mother asked when she noticed me staring at him
"No one" I said and started walking the opposite way
That night we ate at the diner table. Jimmy has this whole idea about how the perfect family should look like. If I had it my way, I would be eating in my room, but I'm not. I sat there waiting for them to stop talking so I could get up and fall asleep. I wasn't allowed to leave the dinning room until everyone was done eating and if you were allowed to. I asked Jimmy if I could, but he shook his head. I sat there listening to them talk about none sense until finally Jimmy said it was alright to leave.
I ran upstairs and closed the door. It felt nothing like home. This room wasn't meant for me. It was meant for the Five year old girl next door. Even though there is no five year old girl next door...
School was going to start in Seven days and I had no idea what is going to happen. Will they like me? Will I make new friends? The biggest question is... will I see Ethan there…