two years ago " i'm sorry to tell you boys but... your mother just passed away." the doctor said sadly coming out of the room, clutching the clipboard tightly to his chest.both twin brother's eyes widened s they stood to their feet. " what? no!! this cant be!" the smaller twin with purple hair said as tears streamed down his cheeks and falling to the floor sobbing uncontrollably.the doctor sighed sadly. " i'm sorry." he whispered walking away. the older bot with purple hair frowned and dropped to his knees, pulling his twin into his arms. "niisan...m-mothers gone and i-i'm alone, i have noone." the smaller sobbed, burying his face into the crook of his brother's soft cotton shirt. " alex... your wrong you do have someone..." the older nestled his face into the crook of his little brothers neck, his face brushing soft skin. " you have me... and i'll always be here to protect you." the older assured tightning his grip around alex. the smaller looked up, his adorable blue eyes mirroring his brother's. " and don't you forget that" he whispered placing a quick kiss on his brother's nose. " i will be the the one to take care of you, i'll be the one to protect you and i promise my love will make up twice as much as mother's." alex sat there, his blue eyes shinning in pure bliss. " oh! yukii-nii-chan i love you!!" alex shouted throwing his arms around his brother's neck, tears streaming down again. yukii smiled and wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist. " i love you to..." yukii whipered in the space between them, his eyes closed contently. TBC...

Paapuru ai – purple love

END chapter 1

thank you for reading, please give me ideas.