She took me outside, and gently placed me on the ground. I gave her my puppy dog eyes, and she patted my head. "I wish I could keep you, really I do. It was nice having someone to comfort me." She turned around and went back in the school.

I trotted off to the place I had hid my bag, quickly returned to my human state and got dressed. She was truly wonderful, and I longed to be near her again.

I walked back to the building and went straight to the top floor. I found her room and knocked on the door, I didn't really have a plan yet. I knew I would have to take things slow with her, but I knew I would find a way to be with her.

There was no answer and I almost growled my frustration, when a young man walked up and told me that she was setting up a room on the second floor. I quickly thanked him and walked for the stairs. I didn't want to look to eager, but the second I got to the stairs I zoomed down them.

I found her scent and followed it to another room, where she was setting up the piano for a class. She began playing a small melody, one I had never heard before, and I found myself slowly walking towards her.

My breathing stopped when she finished her snippet of a song. She had a small smile on her face before she looked up at me. It disappeared the second she realized she wasn't alone, only to be replaced by fear. I gave her a genuine smile, but she didn't relax.

"Who are you?" she asked rather timidly, backing up on the bench. I wanted to tell her that you shouldn't do that in the presence of a werewolf, but there is no way she would be able to tell who is one.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I just heard you on the piano, and was drawn in." I gave a small smile, taking in her beautiful chestnut hair, and those wonderfully silver eyes. Surely no mere human could have eyes that silver? "I'm Dean, by the way. I live out in Chesterton."

"O, well, okay then. My name is Destiny, by the way. Thanks." Destiny, God what a wonderful name. It seemed that fate was at work here, maybe even the Fate. She put the lid back down over the keys, glancing at me every now and then. It looked like she had a question for me, but wasn't sure how to ask it. She kept opening her mouth to say something, and then quickly snapping it shut.

"Do you like it here?" I asked abruptly, catching us both off guard. I hadn't realized that I had been longing to hear her speak until I asked the question.

"It's okay," she admitted, heading over to the dry erase board. She began to write out the agenda for the class that day, looking at a sheet of paper. "Do you go here?" She spoke so softly that time I knew that if it weren't for my werewolf senses I would not have heard her.

"No, I don't. My friend's brother lost his puppy. I heard that he was seen around here." I saw the shock take her over, and then the guilt. It was a horrible excuse, she might keep me as a wolf-pup again, and she might try to call me as a human to pick up the pup. I quickly described Lee in pup form, he was so different from my white fur and sparkling blue eyes that there would be no doubt that I was not the pup.

"I'll keep my eye out for him then," she had a small smile on her lips. I could tell that the smile didn't really reach her though. She started to leave the room and I followed her.

"So do you take classes here?" I asked, I didn't want to leave her. I felt protective of her. I had never believed in love at first sight, and I was old enough to make an informed decision, but she turned my world on its axis. I had fallen for her the second I had heard her sing.

"Umm, no. I don't. I live here, but I don't take classes. It's a long story," she turned around and searched my face. I don't know what she was looking for, or if she found it, but I know she was looking for something.

She began to walk again, and I followed her, again, God I was becoming a stalker. How could I possibly say good-bye? The urge to wrap my arms around her was so strong I thought it would suffocate me. When one boy came too close to her I let out an involuntary growl, and he quickly backed away. No one knew that it had come from me.

"Are you following me?" She asked abruptly, stopping and turning on her heel to look at me.

A smile was threatening to break free, but I crushed it back down. "I was just wandering, if maybe, you might want to get a cup of coffee?" I gave her the advantage by looking down at her feet. This was the most submissive pose I know, and I have never used it, not even with my own father.

"I don't leave."

What? "Don't leave where?"

"This building, I just don't leave."

I felt my heart stop, she never left this building? Could this be because of her brothers death? "I could bring the coffee to you?" I couldn't disguise the hope that had crept into my voice.

A very small smile crept over her face as she said, "I would like that. How about in an hour?"

"Yeah, what type of drink do you want," I smiled myself. I had never been on a date, that thought suddenly made me very sad.

"How about a caramel macchiato?" She smiled again, God in heaven, I would do anything to keep her smiling.

I nodded and headed off to buy the coffees. I would have to wait some time in order to come back in an hour, and I hated being away from her, but I had to think clearly.

What I was doing was wrong. She could die if my da ever found out. But I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would protect her from legions of wolves, I would give my life to save hers.

I breathed in the fresh air, for the first time in my life I felt--- alive. The sky was bluer, the grass greener, and the birds singing seemed to have the right idea. I almost didn't smell him, I was so enthralled in my life.

"It's against the rules," he all but growled. I turned around and took in his eyes, they were full of wrath. Lee was standing somewhat behind him, eyes cast down, and he was visibly shaking with the effort to not whimper.

"I don't care," I gritted out between my clenched teeth. Unconsciously my hands balled up into fists.

My father gave me a cruel smile flashing his sharpening teeth, salivia dripped from them and made a pool on the ground. His hair was growing slowly, paling to the tan color of his wolf. "Then she has to die. You know the rules, the human girl must die. But don't worry son, her death will be quick. Your punishment, however, will be slow, and most painful." His eyes took on a sad gleam as he said that last part, and Lee finally whimpered.

"If you kill her," I began, my own teeth sharpening with my need to protect her, "then I swear to you that I will not outlive her by long."

That snapped my father's teeth back to the human configuration, mine stayed sharp, ready to fight. "You can't be serious." The dismay he felt was evident. In over thirteen hundred years he had only fathered me, if I died and then him before another child was born, the wolves would disband and there would be chaos.

"I am very serious father, kill her and I shall die too. She is my mate!" Lee let out a growl there; I knew that he felt since he had found her first that she should be his.

"You can't mate with a human," he replied sensibly.

"She is mine, I really can't live without her."

"She is the first woman you have really met, of course you would latch on. You have barely spoken to her." I turned to leave, but he called after me, "do you really think that she could love you when she finds out about her brother?" I turned around my fury plain to see. Several humans turned their glares at us. My father had wisely aged himself to a college student, to any human viewing this fight, it seemed two men were fighting over one woman.

I came closer, teeth bared, growling at him. "Do you think she could love you, when she finds out you are a werewolf, that a werewolf killed her brother, and that you are supposed to determine what the outside world knows? Do you think she would be able to look at you after all of that comes out?"

"I love her!"

He gave me a pitying look, "love isn't everything my son. That is why we have rules against falling for humans. They can never truly love us. An alpha must remain single, he must be pulled back from others, because an alpha has tough decisions to make."

I looked my father in the eyes as I said very slowly, "I renounce my claim." No one had ever done this before, and I wasn't sure it would work, but I had to try. "I renounce everything, I shall never again take on my wolf shape. I shall remain a human. I am not the son of an alpha, I am nothing but Dean."

"If you do this," he whispered, sadness and anger very pronounced, "you will kill her. With your own teeth. A wolf cannot be denied. Please, think of her. Let her live her life, and fall in love, and die in time. Let her have peace. If you love her, let her be human. You can never be human. You are a pure alpha, this is your job, and this is your life. It cannot be pushed back."

"I cannot be without her."

"You have to, because one day she will die, humans do that. And you have responsibilities." I turned to walk away again, but Lee attacked.

Throughout my conversation with my da, he had turned into his wolf. He jumped with his mouth open and caught my arm. He bit down hard, my blood running into his mouth. Since I was a werewolf this wouldn't make him go into a berserk rage, in search for flesh.

My father knocked Lee off, giving me a look of pity. I knew what my father would ask of me later. I would have to choose between Lee's life and Destiny's. Maybe I could choose to let them both live, but never see her again. I glared at Lee and thought that I could kill him myself at that moment for costing me her. But then I thought of his mother, and how much she had lost. In that moment I knew I would never forgive my father.

Please Read and Review, sorry for the wait, but classes and such.