A/N: This story is a Christmas gift for my friend, who has recently gotten into reading smut. I promised her I'd try my hand at smut-writing one day, so here it is. Keep in mind that I have zero experience, though. Anyways, enjoy. This one's for you, S. :)

The purr of a motorcycle driving into the school parking lot turned the heads of everyone within a 10 metre radius. Northwest Academy was a private school that mostly kids of the richer status attended, and we had some pretty nice cars parked in our lot, but I had never seen as ostentatious a vehicle as such.

The badass on the shiny, black motorcycle sped in and parked at too high a speed. I couldn't see his face because of his black motorcycle helmet, but I could tell that this new kid meant business. He was a total rebel, wearing a black leather jacket when everybody else was wearing the required school uniform.

He dismounted his badass bike and took off the badass helmet. He shook out his messy, dark sex hair and his smouldering blue-green eyes scanned their surroundings. When his eyes stopped on me for a second and he looked at me with that fire in his eyes, I knew I had to have him. A grin formed on my face. Damn, the badass was hot. But it wasn't like oh-my-god-he's-so-hot-I-have-butterflies-in-my-stomach hot. He was holy-god-almighty-I-want-to-rip-his-clothes-off-with-my-teeth-and-screw-him-senseless hot.

A bunch of girls checked him out and he smirked at them. God, his smirk was the most attractive thing I had ever seen. His mouth curved up at one corner more than the other, giving him this knowing and slightly arrogant look. I could tell he was an intelligent guy who was cocky about it; his smile made it look like he knew something that you didn't, and he was just teasing you about it like the asshole he was. And damn, was it attractive.

He made his way towards the front office, and I caught up to him. It was time to give this attractive and arrogant-looking guy a piece of my mind. And time to find out if my speculations about him were indeed correct.

"Hi," I said nonchalantly. He turned around and gave me a once-over.

"Who are you?" he inquired.

"I could ask you the same thing. Who the hell do you think you are, just prancing in here on your motorcycle and walking around like you own the place?" I had to look up at him when I spoke, since I was only 5'6'' and he was over 6' tall.

"I go here now. I just enrolled," he stated.

"Then where's your uniform?" I raised an eyebrow. He smirked and I had to struggle to keep my focus.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I don't roll with these stuck-up, preppy, rich pansies. I don't do uniforms."

"Then what are you doing at a stuck-up, preppy, rich school?"

"I'm not exactly here voluntarily," he replied.

"Then we have much more in common than I thought," I smirked. "I hate this school. And the uniforms." The girls' uniform consisted of a white button-up shirt, a charcoal gray skirt, knee-high socks and a charcoal gray blazer or optional vest. It was so conservative. I had modernized mine slightly by wearing a shorter, pleated skirt that was much more stylish.

"Hmm," he said while sliding his gaze down the exposed part of my legs. "I'm starting to like the idea of uniforms already." I scoffed in reply.

"Whatever. See you around." And with that, I walked away. I didn't even need to turn around to be able to tell that he was looking at my ass. My guesses about him had been proven correct.

I had endured the dreary day and I had one last class to sit through. I walked into my history class and sat down in a random desk, not paying attention at all to my surroundings.

The bell to begin class rang and the teacher began to drone about something I couldn't be bothered to hear. I was somewhat aware of what she was saying, but I was too preoccupied with my book to give a shit.

"Mr. Collins," she called on some kid. I didn't look up from my book. I hate when teachers target the kids that aren't paying attention. It's evil. "Would you like to tell us when the Declaration of Independence was ratified?"

"July 4, 1776," a bored response came from the back of the room. The whole class, none of whom had been paying attention up until that moment, turned around to look at the smart-ass who could actually win at Ms. Smith's game. It was nobody other than the badass, slumped in his chair, looking as bored, uninterested, and badass as possible. I knew he was smart. You could see it in his irksome yet enticing sneer. Although most people would be able to answer that question, they wouldn't have actually been paying attention to the question and Smith would call them on that. It appeared that Smith's technique did not work on said badass.

"Thank you, Mr. Collins," Smith said, sounding slightly irritated since she had hoped to catch him not paying attention.

"That's not all," he said in a badass, arrogant tone of voice. "While it's true that the Declaration's wording was approved by the Congress on the 4th of July, it was not until after the 19th of July that it was created, and it was only on the 2nd of August that it was actually signed by the Congress."

"Thank you, Mr. Collins," Smith sighed.

"I'm not done."

"Moving along, now."

"I really think the class should hear this," he insisted sternly, and I could barely contain my laughter. This guy was genius.

"How about you let me teach the class, Mr. Collins," she said, irritated. Collins sighed, slumping back down in his chair.

"It's not my fault your teaching methods are faulty," he grumbled, loud enough for us to hear but too quiet for Smith and her weak eardrums to notice. A collective snicker was heard throughout the classroom and Smith turned back to the board, undoubtedly trying to regain her composure. I was slightly agape. That was epic. Smith totally got owned. I was starting to like this Collins kid. Hell, I had liked him all along.

After class, I just had to go congratulate him. His victory could not go unacknowledged. As I walked over towards him, I noticed he had taken off his jacket. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, and I almost melted at the sight of him with a little less clothing on. He was tall and lean, but toned and muscular at the same time, making him look strong and graceful all at once. I sucked in a breath and walked up to him.

"Nice move there. You totally had Smith with her tail between her legs," I said once I had reached him.

"It was no big deal."

"Are you kidding? I've never seen anybody tell Smith off like that."

"Then you haven't seen very much, have you?" he mumbled. I looked down at the floor and smirked to myself while we walked on. There was a silence for a while.

"So, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Why does it matter?" he said flatly.

"Because I've been referring to you as the 'badass' all day and I thought it would be unsuitable for me to keep calling you that for the rest of the year," I explained impishly. We had reached my locker at that point and were just standing there, continuing our conversation. He smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"I was considering telling you, but I think I like that nickname better," he replied, matching my impish tone. Everything about this guy made me want him even more. I had an abundant desire to jump him and tear all his clothes off, and darn it, I would've, but he might have thought it too forward of me. Hell, what was I saying? A badass like him thinking it would be too forward of me? What I was really worried about was that I'd look like a slut, and that he would just use me like a Kleenex. I didn't want that; our mischievous back-and-forth banter was just too fun to give up.

"Well, I'm Isabel," I said casually.

"Isabel," he repeated. "Most people would've gone with a juvenile nickname like Izzie or Bell. But you didn't," he said, making it sound like it revealed so much about me. I suddenly felt vulnerable, but I didn't let it show.

"Well I'm not like most people," I said playfully.

"I caught on to that." He was very astute.

"Well now that I've told you my name, it's only fair you tell me yours," I bargained.

"Why?" he said, making it sound more like a statement then a question. He moved his face closer to mine, pressing his hard, muscular body against mine and pinning me to the locker. I almost shuddered. He paused before continuing quietly yet smugly. "So you'll know what name to scream when you're naked and writhing beneath me in ecstasy?" My breath hitched. I could feel my lower lip tremble and I bit it to control myself. This Collins guy would make me lose it. I could not handle him and his hard muscular body standing so close to me, his eyes burning with alluring smugness as he taunted me with thoughts of his body on top of mine. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to regain my composure. That just made it worse, because I inhaled his tempting scent. He smelled like man, and it drove me insane. I exhaled sharply, and opened my eyes again. He had a lustful smirk on his face.

"That was a bit of a cocky assumption to make, don't you think?" I replied snidely once I had my act together again. This just made the smirk on his face spread a little wider.

"Interesting choice of language. Cocky. I wonder if there was any implied double-entendre there..." he trailed off.

"Let's not let our egos get in the way here, Collins. No innuendo there."

"Ooh, we've gone from 'badass' to 'Collins.' I can't say I dislike either. But don't act like you don't want to have sex with me."

"Oh," I said, sounding astounded. "I see we've gone back to the egotistical assumptions. Tell me, Collins, what brought you to this conclusion?"

"I don't see why you're so taken aback. That would've been an egotistical assumption had I not been correct, but we both know I am. It's not my fault you make it so blatantly obvious that you want me. When I look at you, your lips part slightly and they tremble ever-so-subtly, your breath catches, and your eyes burn with lust. Sometimes you bite your lower lip too. You might as well have 'fuck me' stamped across your forehead. Don't deny it," he explained. I was stunned. He was ridiculously perceptive.

"What you consider to be so plainly obvious is undetectable to most people. You're just observant. But the fact that you've been analyzing me so closely makes me wonder what your intentions are. Would it be too bold of me to assume that you want to sleep with me?" I challenged. Two can play at this game. It's on, bitch. He leaned in so his mouth was to my ear.

"I'll leave that up to you to find out," his deep whisper vibrated in my eardrum. I closed my eyes and inhaled, and his amazing smell drifted up towards my nose again. God, he was driving me insane. His husky whisper made me crazy, and I could no longer control my urge to touch him. My hands glided up his arms and rested on his biceps, feeling the hard muscle beneath the warm skin. I sighed at how amazing his body felt under my hands.

"Oh, we're groping now, are we?" he said softly, a deep, quiet chuckle rumbling in his chest.

"I couldn't resist," I whispered back in his ear. He put his hands on the sides of my body and I whimpered as he slid them down, following the hourglass curve of my upper body and stopping at the hips.

"Neither could I," he replied slyly. I thought I was going to melt. Take me now, Collins. I still didn't know his name and I wanted him more than I'd ever wanted anybody. To my dismay, he pulled his hands off of me and backed away from my ear.

"I should go. Nice meeting you, Isabel," he smirked, starting to walk away.

"Nice meeting you... Collins," I mumbled. He walked for a while before turning around and grinning.

"Jason," he said. Jason Collins. Damn, even his name was hot. The knowing grin he flashed me before walking away was a confirmation of the fact that the game had begun. Oh, it was on.

I found myself unable to clear my head for the rest of the day. Thoughts of Jason swarmed my head. He got me so fired up I just couldn't resist. I could just screw him and get it over with, but it probably wouldn't end up being that simple. It would probably be amazing, and I'd want more, whereas he will have moved on to the next girl. He seemed like a one-night-stand kind of guy. Guys like him didn't come along very often, and I knew that if I were to sleep with him, once wouldn't be enough for me. So I was better off resisting. I was better off going along with his game.

The game was quite fun, actually. I was unsure of the rules, but it basically consisted of us giving each other condescending, witty, lust-fuelled remarks and teasing each other. It was very sexually enthusing. He seemed to be winning so far. Either I was not the least bit attractive to him, or he was good at dealing with the sexual tension and keeping his cool. But I knew that eventually he would win. Eventually the sexual frustration would build to the point where I could not keep my hands off of him, and I'd give in and he'd win. I would be the one that will have given in to desire, and we would probably have a night of steamy passion and then I'd never hear from him again. The situation as a whole was not too bad, but Isabel Cooper did not lose. Ever. That's the way it was. So I had to man up and control myself, because the only way I'd sleep with Collins was if it was victory sex on my part. Collins would give in eventually. I'd see to it myself. Why was I still calling him Collins now that I knew his name was Jason? Old habits die hard, I guess. Sleep, Isabel. It's past midnight. Just go to frigging sleep.

I woke up in history class when the bell rang to mark the end of the day. I lifted my head off the desk and got up to walk to my locker. Along the way, a warm hand grabbed mine, and I turned to see Collins. He smirked at me and tugged on my hand. I smiled back mischievously and obliged, going wherever he took me. He led me by the hand through the hallways until we reached a door marked "Storage".

His eyes darted from side to side, scanning the hall to see if the coast was clear. When he was sure that it was, he flashed me a knowing grin. He pulled a key out of his pocket and jangled it, smirking, before opening the door and dragging me inside. He shut the door behind us and locked it before turning back around to face me and crushing his lips to mine. I pulled away momentarily.

"I didn't think you'd give in so easily," I said breathlessly. "What about the game?"

"Screw the game," he snarled. "I want you. Now." He slammed my back against one of the walls and began to kiss me passionately once more. His body was flush against mine, pressing me against the wall and making it even harder for me to breathe.

I jumped up a little and wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him even closer to my body as I devoured him. Our tongues moved fiercely together, and our lips meshed together desperately. His hands moved down to the hem of my shirt and he lifted it over my head. Goosebumps formed on my flesh in reaction to the cool air. His mouth moved to my neck as he started to unbutton my jeans. I tilted my head to one side, allowing him easier access. His gentle yet aggressive kisses on the sensitive flesh of my neck sent chills through my body and had me uttering quiet sighs of delight. Once he had finally gotten those damn pants off of me, it was my turn to fumble with his belt.

My chest heaved with my ragged breathing and I struggled to unclasp the damned belt. The anticipation was too great; I just couldn't wait any longer. I let out a groan of frustration. He took over and swiftly removed his belt, before returning his attention back to my awaiting lips. I wrapped my legs around his waist once more and kissed him fiercely.

I let out a gasp when I could finally feel him inside of me. His hands roamed my body as his hips grinded rhythmic ally against mine, each thrust making me moan louder. I could vaguely hear low grunts come from his throat, but I was too immersed in the pleasure to notice anything else. I braced myself against the wall behind me, squirming and writhing against him.

The passion built and built until one final thrust sent me into the depths of ecstasy. A scream ripped from my lungs and my entire body shuddered as the orgasm rolled through my body.

I woke up with a gasp, my eyes wide. I scanned my surroundings, only to find that it was dark and that I was still in my room. It had been a dream. I groaned loudly in frustration and my head fell back down onto my pillow. I wiped perspiration from my forehead.

I closed my eyes, but it was in vain, because there was no way in hell I would get any sleep now that I was all hot and bothered. I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter and waited for morning to come.


By the way, I love reviews. Love, love, love 'em. I'd also love if you could leave one and tell me what you thought.