free verse poem, it was done as an english assignment....I did it during lunch in the computer lab, and the crazy librarian wouldn't let me print it because I didn't have 5 cents(the cost to print one page) so I had to borrow a nickle from some random person and barely printed in time....then I got a B- on it

Swept Away

Suddenly let free of my grasp,

Only one way; up

High and higher out of reach

"No!" Mother jumps, the tail flails wildly out of her grasp.

Sitting, watching its ascent,

Wild, free

I glance up at Mother's face, expecting the same wonder and awe that fills me.

Wrong, her face reads;

All wrong

The kite is meant to stay

Here with us

It is not supposed to be free

Yet it is.

The small diamond frame drifts closer to invisibility,

Nothing more than a red imperfection of the otherwise clear blue sky.


The wind is gone, as is the lovely scarlet kite.

It's lost forever.

No longer is it tethered to earth by the thin grey string,

Yet never again will we see it.

I now understand, the kite wasn't meant to be free,

It was supposed to stay here with us.

But I let go,

And I have no regrets.