Solstice: The Prologue


"I can make you satisfied in everything you do. All you secret wishes could right now be coming true."

He brings the pipe to his mouth, lethargic and slow and deliberate, and blows a lazy ring of smoke through the side of his mouth. I breathe in the musky sharp scent of tobacco. An arm suddenly jerks out and grabs my chin roughly, forcing me to look him in the eyes. He stares so intently, head angled toward me, golden eyes like arrows in my heart. Another arm reaches out to my arm, rough fingernails digging into my skin. I feel blood.

The black creature in front of me holds me with the grip of steel. The thick moist skin makes me panic and the look in his glowing eyes makes me want to run. The terror holds me still; I don't think I could move my legs even if I wanted to. But then he speaks again, a sharp rasp in the otherwise thick, hot air.

"Do you think, little girl, that you can avoid temptation? Just look around you." At his command I steal a glance at the crowding shadows that move silently alongside him. The dark arms claw at the him, but as soon as they reach out they dissipate into the air and are quickly replaced by others. They moan and scream softly into the air, faint songs of misery and sorrow. Their screeches turn my heart cold.

"You are human," he concludes. "Men are weak. You will succumb, eventually. They always do"

I don't know what to say. I want to tell him he's wrong. He's so terribly wrong. Instead my mouth dries up and I end up swallowing words that refuse to rise to my throat. He leans back, blinking slowly, his piercing gaze never wandering. A dangerous little smirk plays on the corners of his lips. Bastard.

"Speak, little bird," he laughs. "Tell me what it is you desire. Already I feel so much anger in you. Imagine if you let that anger out into the world--you would have so much power. You would like that, wouldn't you? I hate people too, I won't lie. But you're one of them. Men can be cruel creatures, I wouldn't be surprised. I share your goal."

I stare, unmoving. He doesn't understand at all.

"No? Not your cup of tea? You might reconsider, bird." He pauses, that last word said with a bit more force than intended. His eyes grown impatient. With no word from me, his grip tightens, making me cry out. "Damned human! I will find your darkest desire, and I can make it come true," he hisses finally, frustrated.

I blink at him, my heart beating faster with each second. I'm so scared--my hands are damp with sweat and my leg trembles like mad.

He studies me quietly for a long minute. "Just what is it you're after?" He murmurs, leaning in, his grip on me suddenly slacking.

I take the chance to push myself away, stumbling back to hit the cold ground with a grunt. The wet itchy grass clings to my bare legs and the mud seeps into the cracks of my fingers. I take a look at him one last time before scrambling up and running away in the opposite direction.

I run with dread filling each and every step. I don't know if he'd follow me but I don't want to take any chances. I trip on the tree branches and the long high grass that cuts my legs and arms. I run until my stomach cramps and the air will not come easily. I stop finally, and close my eyes to rest my breath, the sweat on my brow glistening and sliding down my cheek. The air in my lungs scream icy fire. When I do open my eyes again, I know am in an entirely different place. Instead of the murky forest, I find myself at the beach.

The environment completely changed. It's as if I was teleported. I stand uneasily, hysteria threatening me at the edges of thought. I stare dumbly, arms hanging limply at my side. It takes several minutes to digest this information, but as soon as it fills my brain it dissipates and becomes muddled and hazy. Soon it's not even a thought.

The sun is shining mercilessly, the intense heat spreading across my arms and down my body. The salty air hits my face and my feet grow hot with the sand. The gulls in the distance cry out into the air and circle round the beach, searching fervently for food. I look up to the blindingly bright sky and the feathered clouds. The sky is so blue it's almost painful to look at--I have to look away. The crystal waters wash upon the clean shore with rhythmic laps.

A voice in the back of my brain tells me this is where you would have wanted to be. I do my best to ignore it and look around to find that I am alone here. Alone on a deserted island. I'm going to die here. I sit down anyway and wait for someone to come along and help me, knowing someone will come but not knowing why.

I dream that you come to me and grab my hand and pull me away. 'Come on,' you say but I swear I can't hear your voice. I want to ask you a question, but I follow you without question as you led me through broken buildings. Your long hair grows and grows until I'm stumbling on it. You run faster. After some time I cry out, 'Where are you taking me?' You look back and smile sadly, letting go and revealing a small red heart in your palm before disappearing into the air. I leap for you but end up losing myself in a maze of walls. I expect to find you again but find the face of a walrus instead.

He stares intently, shiny black eyes squinting curiously. His breathing is loud but gentle, and his fin reaches up to block the sun from my face. His tusks are white and dazzling and reach an enormous length.

"Little girl? Are you quite alright? You will turn as red as a wina out here in the sun." I blink and frown, feeling my forehead wrinkle in a rather ugly way. I turn away, saying,

"Where is she? Where did she go?"

"Go?" He asks politely, and I can see the smile in his eyes.

"Yes, that girl I was chasing…" I trail off, realizing this is no longer a dream. I look up at the gentle walrus again. Water from his thick whiskers drips onto my hot skin and cools me down. The way his thick grey eyebrows scrunch together, he looks concerned.


"Not often you see a human around here. It looks like the sun has taken his toll. Come on then, perhaps you can tell me how you happened upon this place over a nice cup to tea? And some biscuits, yes?"

He has a deep and kind voice. I like him immediately. I sit up and watch as the walrus waddles down the beach. I smile softy at him and stand up, jogging to his side and walking silently with him. The sound of the beach echoes around us and rings in my head like rhythmic music that clings to my mind and refuses to let go.

"Mr. Walrus?" I ask, glancing at him.

"Yes my dear?"

"What's a wina?"

He laughs hoarsely and shakes his head, but doesn't answer my question. His warm laughter makes me smile and I watch the ocean as we walk along. I skim the clear blue water to see several dolphins in the distance jumping and playing with one another. There are a small number of pelicans farther off gathering around a small patch of water, diving with a weightless grace that must come with flying. I know for sure you would have loved this beach. This reminds me to ask the Walrus of you, but he speaks instead.

"Well, here we are. Nothing special, wot, but a humble old cottage."

I look up to find that we are at the house of the Walrus. It is indeed simple, faded white with a deep red roof and pale red trimming, as well as a small worn dock extending into the water. The ocean laps against the old wood and the sound is imprinted into my memory. A little paths leads from the dock through a small garden of mostly grass and ends at the front door. He trudges inside and I follow suit. The inside is cozy and smells just like the beach. The Walrus points to a small wooden table with chairs in the kitchen.

"Have a seat my dear, have a seat. You must be extremely famished."

"Thank-you," I reply automatically.

"Well go ahead and wash those hands of yours and I'll have the tea out shortly." I walk over to the sink and wash my hands, staring outside through the little window. Everything here in this place is so peaceful. It's like a dreamland, but something familiar.

When I sit down, the Walrus returns, holding a small tray carrying a tea pot and two cups, along with a small plate of biscuits. He sets the tray on the table and flops down on a chair, handing me a small cup

"Now my dear, tell me, who are you, and from whence did you come?" I take a hesitant sip from my tea and look into his soft brown eyes.

"With all due respect sir, I don't think telling you will change my situation."

"Your situation! Yes, pray tell what is your situation?

"Well you see sir, I have lost someone that was dear to me." I pause. "I don't know how I can get them back. And I'm stuck in this strange world--I mean--I've never seen a talking walrus before you! I've never seen a talking anything!" The Walrus lifts his cup to his mouth and leans back into the chair, contemplating the idea.

"You're in an awful predicament now, aren't you?"

I can't help it. Everything else disappears and the thought hits me full force now. Knowing you are gone, perhaps forever, brings tears to my eyes and they sprout without my consent. Knowing I might never see your face or hear your laughter is like a huge gap in my being. The salty wetness trickles down my check and I give a sniffle, wiping my eyes quickly with the back of my hand. I force myself composure and try to forget you are gone. When I look up, the Walrus stares at me softly. I straighten my back.

"Mr. Walrus, I'm in a horrible predicament." He chuckles and nods slowly.

"This person you have lost, you love them?"

"Yes sir, very much; about as much as it is possible to love a person."

"Yes, I can tell your eyes speak the truth."

He pauses and the music of outside fills the house.

"You have not talked to Lesiant, have you?" He leans in, an unreadable emotion reflected in his large eyes.

"Lesiant?" I echo.

"Lesiant is an evil thing, he is—the son of the devil himself. He lives wherever the darkness is, feeding off hate and rage and numerable things that fill the hearts of men and creatures alike. His skin is as black as coal, as is his heart. His eyes are four in count, white and eerie and sharp. He sits on the souls of men and creatures, smoking from his pipe and promising wishes to anyone in distress."

I recall the dark creature from the forest and nod my head, frowning at the same time. Remembering his face makes my heart beat faster.

"I've met him."

"Then listen carefully," the Walrus says. "Do not believe anything Lesiant promises. He will lie and steal whatever it is he wants from you. He has ruined the souls of countless creatures for his own gain. He will destroy you. Do not succumb to his evils." I nod, listening intently. I wouldn't be that stupid.

"Good," he says. "God be with you." I open my mouth to thank him before the light suddenly grows dim and dark. My vision fades quickly.


I wake sometime later, feeling sluggish and tired. I sit up and rub my eyes before looking around. The room I find myself in is pure white with no door. Instead the tiles on the ceiling above me change colors every few seconds. Blue, red, yellow, green, purple, orange. It forces me to close my eyes; yet even without looking up, the room makes me dizzy. I open my eyes and walk around, walking to the wall for support. But when I try, the room seems to stretch into forever. Curious, I run to the wall, but I never make it. I run until my lungs want to give out.

"Are you trying to reach the walls?"

I turn quickly, eyes wide.

A strange creature stands in the center of the room, with a smile that seems to mock me. Feathers cover its body, and its four legs are thin yet hairy. It has a long neck and small head. Two black beady eyes stare back at me.

"You won't reach the walls that way," it rasps.

"Why not?" I ask hesitantly. The creature laughs. An eerie sound.

"If you keep your heart open, anyone will be able to see inside." I frown, confused.

"What does that have to do with the walls?"

"Absolutely nothing." It ducks its head. "Besides, why are you looking for someone that is lost?"

My heart freezes.

"You shouldn't do such foolish things, you know. It's dangerous. They have forgotten you by now, most likely."

I keep silent. I want to tell myself that he's lying, but I can't help but feel that he's right. My lip trembles and my eyes water. I need you here, but I know I have to stay strong. I have to be strong if I want to find you.

"Girl, you can believe what you want, but the person you're looking for is lost forever. Would you like me to show you?"

Without waiting for an answer, the animal spreads its wings, its fingers reaching out to either side of him. He bends down, twisting disgustingly. Its eye is always watching me.

Without warning, I hear your voice. Your laughter. The sound is muffled but there, floating in the air for anyone to catch the words. My eyes are cloudy and white, but God, I can hear your voice. I don't understand what you are saying. You laugh. There is another voice. He laughs with you. I want to know what's so funny. I can hear both your voices, together, intermingled.

Why are you laughing? I want to ask.

Instead the creature cackles loudly as my vision returns.

"What was that?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"My dear, that was the sound of you being forgotten." I shake my head.

"No, you're wrong. She would never forget me."

Would you?

The animal steps towards me, lowering its long neck while his back eyes narrow. The feathers on its back bristle.

"I am never wrong," he says menacingly. "You can't live in dreamland forever. Did you honestly think that anything would last forever?" I back away slowly. "You're the wrong one."

At the same time he leaps for me, my back reaches the wall and I tumble back into the empty air. There, I simply am. Suspended in air. The air is calm at first before turns into a loud roar. My hair flies in every direction. My scream is lost in the loudness of the wind.

Without warning my back slams the ground. I grunt as the air in my lungs leaves my body. I lay there with eyes closed, choking and attempting to return precious air into my lungs. After some time, when I regain myself, I sit up, rubbing my back.

What I see makes me freeze.

In the center of everything is an ebony black wolf. His breathing is loud and coarse and I wonder how I didn't notice it before. His raven black fur is thick and covers every inch of his body. His bright yellow eyes stare hard at me. The droll from his mouth drips onto the floor, making a liquid puddle.

He lunges for me and I am swallowed whole by the wolf.

And as much as I want to say that I fainted or blacked out, I didn't. I was awake throughout the entire ordeal. Instead, I am covered in slick stomach slime and cramped into corners. It feels as if time doesn't exist here, I'm just floating in a nothing liquid; just being. It's not peaceful but it's not disturbing--until Lessiant cuts me out.

When he does, he steps back onto his throne of souls, peering down at me curiously but haughtily. Though at the moment I am not a very pretty sight, considering I am choking and heaving up bodily fluids from my mouth, covering in sticky muck, sitting on the corpse of a wolf.

When I can breathe fairly easy, I look up to see Lesiant flick his wrist. In an instant the slime is gone and my clothes are dry. He narrows his eyes, dark hands moving absently around his body. He speaks with a brittle croaking voice.

"Have you decided yet, little Seya?"

"No!" I yell, unsure as to what I'm disagreeing to but knowing I have to. I have to.

"No? But why not child?" He coos, choosing a softer voice. "I can give you everything you desire, and, for what? A soul! Come, you couldn't possibly need a soul. Give it to me instead and I will reward you."

"If I don't need it so much, why do you want it?" I ask.

He raises hell into a fury. His eyes are sharp and glow in the darkness that surrounds the room. His skin grows blacker, if that is possible. The souls he sits upon scream in agony.

"You little shit! You will give me your soul!"

I take several steps back, frowning. My skin crawls with fear and the palms of my hand begin to sweat.

He sees this, perhaps, and relaxes. His shoulders slump and he becomes more calm, composed.

"I can give you whatever it is you desire. Come; let me look into your soul!" I frown and take a step back. His aurora of darkness is hurting me. All over my skin and insides is the feeling of an itchy burn. It doesn't mix well with fear. I shout back anyways.

"You couldn't possible give me what I want! You evil creature; you wouldn't know!"

A bright movement in the corner of my eye makes me stop. My palms are already sweating so profusely, it's disturbing . My voices disappears somewhere in my chest and a great hard lump forms in my throat.

I see you standing there.

You stand there wearing a soft dress, barefoot, holding several pink flowers in your hand. An invisible wind picks up your curls and tosses them gently across your shoulders. You blink your beautiful eyes, smiling faintly.

I choke. My breath fails to come and my chest feels impossibly feels heavy. I stand there swallowing audibly. I don't think I could move if I wanted.

You step towards me, frowning a little. You lean in towards me and I want to wrap my arms around you, but I don't. Instead I stare a one curly little hair that sticks out from the rest, but still just as brown and precious.

"You're crying," you whisper near my face. It's true. I start and wipe the tears from my cheek and eyes. I can't help it. "Don't cry," you say. "Please—smile for me. Please, Please."

I really don't want to but smile weakly anyway, and you laugh, pressing your lips softly against mine. Your smell feels hazy against my olfactory and goes straight to my brain. My heart feels like it's going crazy. I lean in just an inch before you disappear in a cloud of hazy black smoke, leaving me to stand alone with my arms suspended in the air. My heart completely falls.

Lesiant laughs.

"So now I see what you want. Sick. But! I will oblige to this wish if you give me what I seek. Come now, little bird, I can give you this girl. Her soul could be yours. You could be living in utopia right now with all that your desire. Now isn't that what you want?"

I ignore him and sink to my knees, crying loudly into my hands. I fall back and hug my knees, feeling my tears trail wetly down my leg. My head begins to ache.

You were here, right here in my arms. You were real. You were with me and you smiled and kissed me and held me.

Where are you now?

"Give me your soul," say Lesiant, leaning forward and grinning madly. His bright eyes glow against all the dark. His figure is fuzzy against the tears. A pounding sensation beats against the back of my head. "I promise that no one will ever disappoint you again. You will have the love you so crave. I promise you will see her again."

A chill runs down my arms and chest as a warm lump settles itself into my heart. My heart aches wildly, my skin like fire with a blinding emptiness. I don't know how long I could survive without you; I know I would die if I didn't have you here. Everything already has a gray dullness, lackluster and boring. Forever without you would break me.

I know now that this is the moment he has been waiting for and if I say yes, he will have my soul, but…I will have you.

"Alright," I say, looking up. The palms of my hands knead at my eyes to wipe the tears away. "What is it I have to do?"

the pirateKing'

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