Solstice: The Climax

the pirateKing'

Solstice frowned.

The air tasted stale and the horse began to neigh nervously from under her. Ker gave some half assed joke while Zach advised that they continue at a faster pace, the experienced merc pulling back and taking the rear of the company, his calloused hand wavering faintly over the large sword at his side. Ker shifted in his seat uncomfortably, glancing nervously at Solstice before pressing his stead forward with wary obedience. Really Solstice wanted to send Ker himself out to scout and bring back any news, but doing so would make them more susceptible to attacks or ambush. The soldier cursed under her breath, eying the path in front of her with discreet intensity. She fingered the lone ring on her finger before pushing the horse forward. She hated this place.

The dank forestry reminded Solstice of a darker evil lurking and waiting underneath shadows, flickers of feeling that made her bones tremble. There was an eerie silence that pierced the air, the way the leaves moved and the trees talked. Here nothing lived, nothing breathed. They followed a light path, not often trod, winding deeper and deeper until she could almost hear the thrum of the heart of the forest. It reminded her of Lesiant.

At the thought, she shuddered and furrowed her eyebrows, quietly crossing a hand over forehead and heart, an ancient signal to ward off evil. Lesiant reminded her of her first glimpse at Vandali, alone and having to face his empty promises. It was a difficult test not easily endured. With great effort and help, she managed to escape his grasp, finding her way back here to civilization where everything was aberrant and bizzare, but mostly stable, if at least for a while.

But Seya was still gone.

For a long time Seya was the only thing that mattered to her. Waking up with Seya's name on her tongue, crying unexpectedly in the darkness of her bedroom, imagining her laughter ringing out into the empty air. Dull listless eyes and a hollow laugh that lasted for longer than anyone might have expected. Dreams filled with Seya's eyes, her face, her laugh, her hair, anything. The list went on and it wasn't until years till she finally got that name from her mind.

And yet heaviness at knowing she couldn't remember what Seya looked like anymore till she came across Lesiant again through some mercenary job back when she was younger. But God, what she would have given to stare into those eyes again. The way Lesiant conjured her up, Seya looked almost real, harbouring that same innocence and those large brown eyes that always made Solstice's knees grow weak. And Lesiant, murmuring vacant promises in the background. If it hadn't been for Zack and Ker she might be still out there, soulless and searching for something she was never going to get.

But after that, for a while, it did feel like she was soulless. There was a constant nagging in the back of her mind, a twitching ache knowing Seya was gone and might as well be dead to her. Always a deep sadness in her eyes.

Thankfully, she had finally moved on. Sure there were times when Seya filled her mind day and night, but right now she had Cass to hold her in his arms and she cherished him more than she knew how to. A knight for the King, she admired him for his handsomeness and bravery. His eyes were the color of bright blue sky and his hair a deep shade of rich brown. He always had a sharp remark and was one of the few people who could truly make her laugh. He was always there for her.

As much as she didn't want to admit, Solstice also had her dark worries over him. Cass went on long expeditions with the King, gone for months with barely any word from him. The other women teased her openly, but they themselves felt the same unsettling fear. She clucked over him like all the other women over their men. If anything bad happened, she wouldn't know what to do. And she'd been a good deal angry with him home as well.

"It's just a scratch," he would say, nuzzling Solstice's hand with his soft lips as she attempted to bandage his wounds. His eyes were so bright she almost forgot to breathe.

"You'll kill yourself with all these 'scratches'!" she'd exclaim.

She loved him, she supposed, if it had to come down to that.

Looking at her life now, there was nothing amiss that anyone could think of. Solstice had more than a handful of great friends that she wouldn't trade in for anything; reckless soldiers hell bent on having a good time doing whatever it was they were doing. She had an endless tale of adventure following her wherever she went and a steady job as a high ranking soldier for the King. And yet, there was still such a large part of her heart missing; gone.

She wasted time wondering if she was ever going to get it back.


The horse stamped at the ground impatiently, sending up a small flurry of brown dust into the smokey air, imprinting its rough hooves deep amist the hard packed earth while it tossed its head and sent a bell-like jangle into the air when the saddle clinked against itself. Seya calmed the beast with a soft hand, cooing softly. She grabbed the reigns and ran her fingers through its hair as if smoothing out the wrinkles and knots.

What's wrong? What's happened? came a voice, rasping and thick against the creases in her mind.

Seya blinked impatiently, answering back with little effort and ignoring the wonder at which the situation held.

Nothing. The horse was frightened. It was true enough, anyway. Seya reached into her pocket and fed the horse a small treat, patting the rough hide with some affection.

Don't get too attatched. It's just a damned horse. He paused. Are you almost there? Seya pursed her lips, pressing on her tongue in mild annoyance.

Just about. I'll be there soon enough--you can't rush revenge like this.

In truth Seya was nervous. The girl was buying her time, preparing soul and mind as had been done months before in advance. She was just making sure. But her aurora was shaking, wavering slightly and she steadied it with effort, hoping Lesiant wouldn't notice.

Don't fail me now, little Seya. Not when we're so close.

I'm not a damned child anymore, I do know how to kill someone, she snapped back with child-like rebellion. Her skin prickled with anger and she let her aurora slip. It wavered noticeably, turning a deep shade of purple, almost black, before settling and returning to its natural color. She cursed.

Damn you Seya!, Lessiant hissed in rumbling anger, his own aurora jolting dangerously. You will get the job done, you will kill Solstice as planned, and you will satisfy my command or I will bind your pathetic soul deep in the darkness of Gehenna where you will live, burning in fire yet unable to die, chained for all eternity. Or else I will send your body out into Riz'zak, and you can end your mortal days in agony as the sun beats down on your body and burns you alive, the vultures feeding on your decaying flesh.

Yes, my Lord, Seya answered obediently, her chin wavering in defiance but her mind subdued with calculated patience. After a long moment, Lessiant's aurora calmed, rumbling now and then but for the most part, hushed, brooding.

Very well then child, I leave you now. I do not expect failure. Kill the girl, as well as the others, and report to me afterwards. I want her heart beating in my hands before sunset tomorrow.

Understood Master, she replied, but he had already left her.

Seya waited a moment before clenching her fist in uncontainable anger. She let go and her aurora flared a deep red and black, flickering with a graceful fluid motion. Seya breathed a heavy sigh of relief, her aurora feeding greedily on her outrage, growing now with sharp motions. Seya gave a painful sigh of frustration, unable to completely fulfill her orders like some petty slave for beck and call. She was better than that. She wasn't any one's servant, Lessiant or not. She was her own master.

After a while her temper cooled, ignoring Lessiant's orders. Seya turned back to the horse, letting it's placid nature calm her as she forced her aurora back into check, pressing it back into restraint. It gave way, reluctantly.

The dark woman gave a thoughtful glance at the retreating sun before securing the horse and unfastening a dark robe from her pack. She tossed it on the floor, and cleared a small area on the ground with the toe of her boot. Satisfied, she crouched and reached deep into her being and retrieved the magic carefully, an added bonus along the alliance of Lessiant.

A small flame erupted from her hands, and she pressed it into the dusty earth, until a constant fire formed around the area, flickering without the aid of wood. She stood, pleased, and vainly attempted to wipe the soot from her darkened hands. She ignored the small throb of pain in her fingers, reaching back into her pack and retrieving an apple and a brown loaf of bread.

She sat quietly alongside the fire. Seya ate mechanically, wrapping the robe about her shoulders for warmth. The wind blew with vigor, teasing Seya with it's playfullness. It lifted her dark hair into the air, stinging her face until the tip of her nose glowed a rosy pink.

Seya's face was illuminated by the flames of the fire, which reached up angrily and defied the very wind.

Her hair was almost long, shining a deep brown color, sinfully smooth and straight save for a few obtrusive curls. Her lips were a dark shade of pink, the bottom lip naturally large and soft to the touch, contrasting against her tanned skin. Her face was characterised by a small mole near her mouth, almost undetectable, as well as a set of soft dimples, hidden now except for the rare moments in which she truly smiled. Her eyes were large and round, rimmed with a thin layer of kohl, their color a rich shade of deep brown.

Often Seya looked upon her reflection without interest, seeing nothing more than a plain, even ugly face. Many times she stared back into her own eyes, wishing for a bit of beauty to grace her features. Maybe, she wondered often, this was the reason she could never sustain any friends or lovers. Anytime love, or friendship, or both were in her grasp, she someone managed to let it go, and it always seemed to slip through her fingers like tiny grains of sand falling to the earth below.

Only one person in the universe had ever truly believed she was beautiful, and even then Seya's doubt was as large as the ocean itself.

Seya fingered her robe, staring intently at the moon, which seemed to glow with ethereal beauty, surrounded by a halo of pure white. The stars were captivating in their own sense, and Seya felt a sharp pang of loneliness in her chest simply looking at them. In the recesses of her mind, she echoed a name that sounded foreign to her being, and yet so familiar at the same time.

"Solstice," she repeated into the wind.

It had been so many years past. Seya had not truly seen Solstice since arriving in Vandali, the world in which she was now. Seya vaguely recounted the fall to unfamiliar land, like angels cast down from heaven. Stumbling like a new born calf, she reached out from darkness to her lover, only to realize she was alone. The pain that shattered her heart had not waned.

The girl could not recount the land from which she came from, but remembered well a fuzzy happiness alongside Solstice that overtook her senses.

Now tears welled in Seya's eyes, and they fell, sliding down her check smoothly. She wiped them away with the back of her hand, indulging in the empty feeling tearing at her chest. It almost overcame her--it was so powerful. Numbed, she succumbed to the thoughts of her own darkness. Racing images flew past, old memories that only clawed at her heart more. Curling into herself, Seya pressed her forehead to the cold ground and sobbed loudly, burying her voice into her robe.

Hours past before Seya caught her breath, throat aching for air. She forcefully pushed the tears down. "Solstice," she repeated, before falling limply to the ground and closing her eyes, unknowingly slipping into a deep sleep.


Lessiant fell back against his throne, unfeeling against the roughness of it, the hard immobile edges of intricate gold that dug into his scaly flesh. His bright eyes flashed with a sudden anger, and the souls around him gave a loud moan. He silenced them with a sharp wave of his dark hand before rubbing his temple with another. He gave a shuddering sigh.

The stupid bitch Seya was going to fail him. He could feel it in his bones.

She was different than the others. She was weak, he admitted. They were all weak. But she had an inner strength, a sheer physical determination that set her apart from most of his servants. As soon as he had bind her soul, he felt a chink in her connection. Looking deeper, he found not obedience, but young rebellion. Even after many years of brainwash, he found with disgust that Seya owned a need of stubborn independence.

But, she had other weaknesses.

Seya might be cold and hard, but she was still human. More so than others, in many aspects. As much as she tried to hide it, Seya felt a deep loneliness that Lessiant could spot a mile away, even if she herself could not. She ached for the human emotion of love and friendship. As the thought, Lessiant felt an acid taste in his throat and spit on the ground to rid the taste.

Seya was known for her inability to communicate with others well. Alongside Lessiant's servants, Seya was more often silent than talkative. Lessiant played many times on this weakness, driving a sense of freakishness into her mind. Soon, she was running his errands like a good little pet. All it took a little sweet talk, or some false induced words.

But when it came to Solstice, Seya's frame of mind was set. She loved the human girl, something not often seen in Vandali. However, these things were accepted into most societies, if not considered odd. Lessiant himself thought it disgusting; a waste on her young body. He allowed her to indulge in this love, in the form of conjured clones: replica's of the real person that lasted only so long before disintegrating into the air. As long as she did his dark work, he didn't mind, much.

As long as she did not find Solstice.

Yet with the return of the King, and the birth of his new son, the Kingdom of Nevaeh had grown much stronger, leaving little room for his magic's and the darkness accompanying it. Solstice, an experienced soldier, sat a head above the baby prince, herself taken up by King Solidor like a daughter. With her dead, it would be that much easier to rid the Kingdom of their precious babe princeling.

Snarling, Lessiant brought a fist down in anger. His deformed souls writhed painfully, hollow black eyes crying out. He ignored them.

Seya was right now his strongest servant, and he needed the Solstice girl killed before she reached the outskirts of Nevaeh. True, it was cruel to make her kill the one thing she loved, but that only added twisted amusement to the situation. Amusement which gave Lessiant deep pleasure. Bound to him, she could only but accept. Yet Lessiant watched her warily, prodding her for any defiance, of which he found.

All that was left to do was wait and hope the simpering bitch would get the job done or he would personally see to the death of Solstice.


Solstice glanced up warily, feeling a small tremble in the wind. She pulled a small brown curl away from her face and tucked it neatly behind her ear. The helmet she often wore was removed, much to the objections of Zach. Now it was tied to her saddle, often rocking against her armoured leg. Zach eyed her with a concealed concern, his gaze blank but his hands cocked and fight if needed. Judging by their surroundings, it was most likely needed.

Zach carried a large two-handed sword by his side, a present from King Solidor himself. He donned it with pride, admiring not its looks, but the strength of the sword itself. The merc had a long ponytail of deep blue hair, covered usually by his trademark helmet. His lean body was riddled with scars which told of knowing experience. Having fought through several wars, Zach was trained fighter. He caught the King's attention in the last war with the neighboring kingdom, where he was invited to join the royal army. He often accompanied the soldier girl on her expeditions, sharing a strong bond of trust between them both.

Ker however, was a different story. A young boy of fourteen, he was surprisingly nimble. His slim bones allowed him to cross into small crevices and sneak by enemies with the stealth of a small mouse. He owned a tuffle of bright blond hair and his bright nose was speckled with freckles. His fingers itched with that of a thief, and he was a valuable asset to any expedition he joined. However, Zach thought him reckless, and commented on this often enough.

Solstice was glad for both their company and skills. The path back to Nevaeh was bound to be full of those who might want to rid Solstice off the royal family. Many mistook her place near King Solidor as almost a real heir. She might be treated as such, but the new prince was the real successor in line. Nonetheless, until it was announced at the ceremony tomorrow, all of Vandali might believe that she really was next to receive the crown. Even if she had been, she doubted she would have wanted it anyway.

Bored, but unable to talk in fear of spies, Solstice made a silly face at Ker, sticking her tongue out facetiously. He blinked and grinned, and with fingers pried his mouth apart, eyes bulging. She giggled, puffing up her cheeks and attempting to cross her eyes. He gave a short guffah at this outburst, shaking his head. Zach ignored them both with slight annoyance, his sharp eyes darting between their path.

Ker and Solstice continued to make weird faces until their jaws ached. Then with slender hands, Solstice rearranged the curls on her shoulder, shining brightly underneath the sun's rays. Her skin was a rich milky color, not quite brown, yet a rich honey color, smooth and unblemished. Her eyes glittered hazel, flints of green and brown dancing together under long lashes. Ker stared, and blushed, the skin on his face growing hot. He followed her face down her slender body, before turning away with a sharp breath. Solstice smiled knowingly, but not with hautiness.

"Control yourself," Zash hissed, for only him to hear. Ker nodded dumbly, turning his focus on the forestry around them, when a sudden movement caught his eye. He leaned in his saddle with fear, bright eyes wide.


She heard Ker's voice a second too late, the impact knocking her to the ground by the time she had turned around. Her face bloomed with the fire of pain. A trap! She growled, anger prickling at her skin for being caught off guard. Her hands instantly sheathed the blades on her pack, a pair of slender swords, thin yet strong under Solstice's agile hands. She brought them both into a defensive position, hoping to drive off any attacks. Yet as she looked up at her assailant, her breath stopped short.

Solstice sat, dazed, not from the blow but from the person who gave it. Her eyes were wide as her chest tightened, her face throbbing dully.

Seya stood over her, eyes hard and cold, face void of expression. She didn't blink once, breathing calmly with a foreign blade at her side. Seya's hair was down, and Solstice recognized the same shade of brown, taking in the matured face underneath. Solstice felt her breath catch at the sight of Seya's eyes, glittering bright honey brown, large and staring now, drinking in the light of the sun--they were so beautiful.

Solstice felt the heart under her chest come alive, fluttering rapidly against her breast. She let out her held breath, reality biting at her common sense, like jumping into a river of ice cold water; it was always the shock that got you.

Seya was alive.

Solstice panicked. She didn't know what to do. She had relived this moment a thousand times in her dreams, there at least knowing exactly what to say and how to say it. But this was reality, and it's surprise had left her utterly breathless. Seya was really alive and inches from her body. She was older now, but that didn't mean anything. Solstice could pick out Seya in a crowd anytime.

But something was wrong, and she could feel it. The soft gape of her lips turned into a tight, concerned frown. A different type of panic entered Solstice as she frantically tried to pinpoint it. Suddenly Solstice could feel power eminating from Seya's body and her natural aurora shied away from it. So much power--it was almost painful to stand next to it. She heard Ker dismount, and as he reached her side, she suddenly realized the wrong of the situation and paled.

"Solstice! Solstice!" Ker reached her quickly, thin blade drawn and eyes wary as he crouched near the brunette. He angled himself in front of her defensively, leg twitching at all the excitement. "Solstice? Are you alright?" He felt stupid after saying that. Why wasn't the other girl attacking? And more importantly, why wasn't Solstice?

Solstice pushed the boy off firmly and stood, bringing her swords up again. Her face looked pained, eyes glittering with unshed tears. She stood tall, though it wasn't saying much considering Seya was shorter than her.

"Leave, Ker."

"What?" Ker stood back, confused and annoyed, his pride obviously wounded. His eyes darted between the two figures. He opened his mouth to protest but finally Solstice glared at him so fiercely he complied and jogged a ways off, to where Zach was standing with their horses. He looked impassively at the situation. Ker grumbled against his chest and sat on the ground like a spoilt brat, eying the pair with clouded interest. Zach ignored him.

Seya moved forward sharply and jabbed her foot roughly into Solstice's shoulder, goading her. Zach flinched. The other girl, in turn, fell back before regaining herself and jumping nimbly away. She rubbed her face, relieving the smarting ache. Solstice then took the blades and extended them outward, prepared for fight. Her stomach buzzed angrily. This was it. The edges of Seya's mouth curved upward in a small smile that only Solstice could see.

Solstice moved first, ignoring Zach's old advice, provoked by the actions of the other warrior. She brought a sword down aggressively with one hand, swinging with another. Seya jumped nimbly back, blocking the attack, and angling her sword to catch the other movement. She grunted, pressing her weight against her sword. Solstice stumbled back clumsily, her feet catching hard dirt. Her eyes never left Seya.

"Don't hold back, great warrior," she mocked with a grin. Solstice responded by driving her swords forward, both with sharp jabs, twirling her body rythmically like an experienced dancer. Seya's expression didn't change. She averted the attacks, flicking her sword forward dexterously, feeling the vibrations of her sword as it hit metal. The air was filled with the curt sounds of sword meeting sword, and the bare trees looming overhead peered down curiously.

The fight lasted some time, the sun already descending into the far edges of the earth, casting a bright glow amidst the the forest. Both women were covered with a sheen layer of sweat and girt, a thin halo of light around their bodies. They breathed heavily, panting and clinging to the strength they owned left. Neither was able to advance on the other.

Solstice, a terrific fighter, felt her blood thrumming with adrenaline. She removed the damp hair from her forehead with a flick of her neck, feeling the sticky wetness trail down her skin. Seya, however, was irate. She didn't think it would take this long to kill somebody. True, she cherished the competition, but she was tired now, and wanted it all to be over. She didn't think she could take any more suspense.

At the thought she studied Solstice, eyes scanning her face, taking in her appearance. It was like a dream. She was acting so casually but the truth was that she was terrified. Seya didn't know how to act, what to think. God, what do you think when killing the one person you love? Her heart was beating so quickly, she swore it might burst from her chest.

Blocking another attack, she gasped with the heat of the fight, regaining her thoughts. Was this what she really wanted? Did she really want it to end like this? She could stop, she reminded herself. She could just stop it all, and apologize and live happily ever after. But that would be weakness. She couldn't tolerate it, no matter what the situation. Her pride wouldn't let her; raised the way she way, weakness would get you struck down. Besides, Lessiant owned her soul.

Yet, Solstice was so much a part of life, and here she was, trying to kill her off like any other job.

The idea made her palms sweat, her legs tremble with uncertainty. Her insides twisted with indecisiveness. She stared, brown eyes calculating, as Solstice charged again with ferocity, hatred laced into her face and anger in every movement. Seya's heart fell. She didn't want this--she didn't want her hate. Her lips trembled, and her eyes pricked with tears; her mind was made as she let her sword waver slightly, purposely refusing to block.

Solstice realized it a moment too late.

It happened so fast. Clutching Seya's trembling body, Solstice felt the warmth of her skin, the smell of her hair against her flaring nostrils. Her hands quivered, clutching the sword in her grasp tightly, unable to let go. Seya let out a sharp gasp of pain, her forehead falling against Solstice's shoulder and her weight leaning on the other's body.

Solstice's heart fluttered. She caught Seya, swallowing the hard lump in her throat and trying to control herself.

Zach yelled, "No, Solstice! She's a servant of Lessiant! Kill her now! Kill her!"

Solstice jerked her head towards Zach, processing his words. Kill her...? She looked back at Seya, feeling her dark aurora wan, flickering like a flame about to die. Her breath grew heavily with indecision, unable to commit the act. Zach was watching her with nervous intensity, waiting. Solstice closed her eyes, remembering the fact that Seya served Lessiant. She could not be allowed to continue her evil acts.

One large heave and Solstice had Seya pinned on the ground. Her eyes were narrowed and her thin eyebrows drawn, even with the large gap in Seya's stomach, now flowing warm blood. Solstice crouched over her, her short blade on Seya's exposed neck. She didn't know why; Seya was a dead woman, it was only a matter of minutes. Yet some part inside of her wanted to believe she would live.

Seya vaguely felt her shirt grow wet and sticky with blood that began to cover everything. With one hand she gently pressed her fingers against the wound, feeling the firey burn of pain. Looking, she saw the blood covering her fingers, dark but beautiful. She clutched her sword, which glistened a deadly red in the sun. Already her grip was slack with the slick blood.

Solstice angrily at Seya, refusing to let her tears fall. Everything spun wildly, fast and tipping and any moment she felt she would wake up from this nightmare. Seya looked up, a dazed expression on her face, loosing blood quickly and unable to focus. Solstice frowned and opened her mouth, feeling her time running out.

"You traitor! What's wrong with you? You serve Lessiant, and what does he give you? The glory of victory? Why, Seya? Why would do this me? I thought..I thought you loved me? Tell me while you're still alive!"

Seya felt her strength weakening with her death. The spirit of Lesiant left her almost instantly. Her strength disappeared and the pain that she felt was not waned in the least, as it had before. Damn him. She choked on the blood bubbling up her throat, the painful heave leaving her drained and tired.

She stared back into the eyes of Solstice, drinking in her last view. Solstice was beautiful, still. Her eyes were so radiant and her smell made Seya's lips tingle with the smallest of smiles. The tips of her hair tickled her cheek, and she was glad for the sensation. Looking in Solstice's eyes now, she had the greatest desire to know what she was thinking.

This was the person she had spent countless moons searching for. Endured pain for. Scoured the worlds for. And here she was, in all her beauty. Her last view before death.

She remained silent as the tears of Solstice dripped onto her face, cool to her skin. Her eyes were large still, quivering on their own accord, as if searching for something. Solstice however, would not be satisfied.

"Why Seya? Tell me! Why? Why would you do this to me?" Her breath hitched, the point of her blade moving against the neck of Seya as the girl breathed slowly. She pressed down slightly. Seya stirred.

"You didn't even try to find me. Do you know that's like?" Seya burned holes in Solstice, whose face fell with an endless guilt. "I actually, I--I looked for your face, dreamt of your face, killed countless men and women and you were still gone. I...You can't possible believe I would have waited for you," Seya said composed, yet with wild eyes. Her voice was faint and cracked. The blood red on her mouth trickled slowly down her cheeks. Bright color against ashen skin.

"At least, I got to see you, one more time." Her lips were pale, color fading fast and she wanted so much just to fall into the comforting darkness.

"Damn you!" Solstice shouted. Anger at herself, at leaving Seya so disappointed even now. Anger at everything. "Damn you Seya! Why couldn't you have waited? I waited for you!—"

Solstice felt her chest pierced sharply. She opened her mouth but no sound came out. She looked in horror at Seya. Seya was breathing roughly then. Her eyes were half lidded as she let her arms drop limply from the blade. Solstice felt the blood and thump thump of her heart even before the pain, and regretted the moment when she would.

"I loved you too much to wait," Seya continued tiredly. "Lesiant promised I would see you again. I couldn't have lived without you." Solstice heard the distant voice of Kers in the background. Her ears buzzed wildly.

"Solstice," Seya said, "You have to understand." Solstice felt her vision blur with warm tears; Seya was dying.

"I had a chance to see you again."