heard people say that they've gotten so mad that they wanted to do
something stupid—something crazy. That's what today was like for
me. I got so mad that I just couldn't take it. I knew I couldn't
stick around and put up with the never ending aggravation, so I ran.
I ran as far and as hard as I could for a good long time. See, the
only problem is…I ran straight out of school. Yeah… I'm
not usually the type to do something like that; I get good grades in
honors classes, I do community service and almost everything else a
teenager could do, but I don't ever get angry.
What started this whole nonsense? It was during Physics class and somehow everyone got on the topic of religion. Don't people know to stay away from such a heated subject? As if the subject weren't bad enough, they had to go and make it all personal. It's not right for them to talk like that. Don't they realize that other people have feelings too? Alright, fine, so they don't want to worship the same God I do. That's okay with me. They don't have to worship any god if that's what they want to do, and I'm not going to stop them or force my beliefs on them. HOWEVER there are certain things that I just will not stand for.
The talking got nasty and terrible things were said about my Lord. Why is it that Christianity always ends up the target religion? I don't know, that's just how it seems to me.
Normally, I won't get involved in a discussion like that. I do like to share my beliefs with those who want to hear them, but walking into a conversation where everyone's already made up their minds to argue against my faith would be like tempting a starved tiger with fresh meat.
I just don't get it. When someone talks down on one of their "best friends in the whole wide world," do they stand by and let the person talk? Do they listen while the names of the very persons who mean the most to them are disgraced? NO! They wouldn't, so why am I expected to?
Just because I stick up for Him, people get all up in my face, telling me that I "have no right to tell them what to believe." But how is that anywhere close to fair? So what, my best friend is the King of Kings, the Lord of all creation, Jesus Christ, and when I hear someone trashing His name, I'm not going to sit there and take it! They can't talk about Him like that! They don't even know Him! They can believe whatever they want and I won't interfere, but I just can't handle them insulting my Lord.
They don't have any reason to go around bashing my religion. If someone asks me what I believe in, or what religion I am, or what my religious views are on a certain subject, let's say…homosexuality, maybe? I'll tell them what I think! I don't insist that I'm right, but I'm confident in what I have to say since it's what I believe! And almost as soon as I open my mouth, they twist my words and tell me that I'm wrong. Then they proceed to shove their thoughts down my throat!! Yet, I'm the one who is demanding that I'm right. I'm the one insisting they'll go to Hell, just because I believe differently than they do. The words don't even need to leave my mouth; they know my type. I'm one of those Christians who goes around judging people, telling them how to act without doing so myself. I follow the Bible, a book written thousands of years ago that's not even real.
No one can really blame me for being angry. I never said a single one of those things! I never proclaimed that anyone who didn't believe what I do is going to Hell—I never even mentioned anything other than what THEY were talking about!!!!!!!!
And they have the audacity to say terrible things about God. It hurts me so much to hear them throwing His name around like it has no meaning. I try not to cry, because I'd look like an idiot to them. They just don't get it. They don't understand how important my faith is to me. They can't possibly see that I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Him. Neither would any of them, if you take into account the whole creation thing, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Every person has her history, so I'm entitled to mine. I'd never tell them, of course, because they'd probably find some way to take that away from me, too. They would twist my story, and if they make fun of my story, they take away the very essence of my life. When I think about the view I had, standing on that bridge, looking down at all the busy cars way below, it makes me shudder to realize that I almost ended everything right then and there. Jesus gave me the hope that no one else could. He saved my life and made me realize that I still have things to do before I go to my Home beyond the pearly gates. He is my best friend; even when my "friends" backed away, terrified as I stood on that bridge ready to jump, Jesus didn't. He never left my side. He stood up for me when I couldn't stand for myself. And I plan to do the same for Him.