I've had this story in my head ever since I drew the picture of Kris. He's just so cute 3. He seems kinda emo-ish/deppressed right now though..
Yaoi/boy x boy will occur later. You've been warned. Don't like it, don't read it or give me crap about it. Thank you. ^^

Kris sighed as he stepped from the car and looked up at his new school. It was quite large and reminded him slightly of a three story house connected to smaller ones, but he knew it would just be like every other school he'd been to. Not that it was his fault his parents moved around a lot. It was their jobs as archaeologist, and he had to go with them, but going from school to school never got easier for him. Especially now that he was a sophomore in high school, and he had to leave behind what friends he had from freshmen year. It also didn't help that he was often labeled gay just because he liked rainbow items and wore jewelry. He liked to think of himself as half scene, but not a poser.

He sighed again and reached backwards into the car, pulling out his checkered boarded bag, then closed the door. "Bye, honey!" his mom grinned from the driver's seat. "Have fun, make lots of friends, all that jazz," He waved as she drove away, watching till the car just became a blue spec down the street. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, letting it land on his hip, he began walking towards the school.

The first thing he noticed when he entered the school was it was empty. Great, he thought. I'm late on my first day. He ran his hand through his short, spiky, light blond hair. The tips of most of the spikes sported a range of colors that he changed once a week. This week it was pastel colors and the purple kept falling in his face. He brushed it away and made his rainbow converse clad feet head towards the door with MAIN OFFICE printed on it. He pushed to door open and closed it softly before standing in front of the desk.

"All right, I'll t-tell her. You're w-welcome Mrs. Terry. Good bye," The red headed secretary shakily pressed a button his head set and turned back to his computer. "Oh my gosh!" He nearly jumped out of his chair as he looked up at Kris. "You s-shocked me there! You must be Kristafer," Kris nodded and watched the man go through some files before holding out to him his schedule and a map of the school. Kris had to grab at them as the mans hands were shaking slightly. "Your first class is web d-design with Ms. K-Kat. Right down the hall and take a l-left," He made hand motions matching his words.

Kris nodded, "Thanks," He walked out the door and began heading in said directions. He reached the door and paused for a moment, fidgeting with his multicolor jelly bracelets on his left arm. He could see most of the students staring at their computers through a rectangular window on the door. He suddenly realized he had never signed up for a web design class. He inwardly groaned and rubbed his forehead. Oh well... it might be fun. He straightened up. I can do this. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

I know it's short but I just love claff hangers. Next chapter will be out soon. Please review. ^^