A Debt to be Paid by Marrying their Son
I sat by the windowsill and watched the removalists take the furniture out of the two trucks and into the beautiful two story house surrounded by bright colourful plants. The plants I recognised were the palm trees, shrubs and flower beds filled with vibrant colours of yellow, orange and red. The new residents across the road had to like to live in luxury because it was close to the golf course, parks, cafe/restaurant, and surrounded by other luxurious homes.
The suburb I lived in, Peregian Springs was located in the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, and the best thing about the place I lived in . . . it was close to the beach.
I continued watching the men bringing the furniture inside the house; they looked a bit worn out in the summer's heat. After an hour they were finally done and the new residents of the household emerged with a tray of sandwiches held by a model like woman who looked approximately at the height of five feet ten inches tall. The ocean wind had blown her long blonde hair in her face and she gently put it back behind her ear. She wore a blue summer dress that fitted her athletic body well. A male who seemed to be the height of six feet one inches tall held another tray with cups of water. He looked really attractive for someone his age. He ran a hand through his dark brown hair and he smiled attractively at his wife. The male wore a white polo shirt and dark blue jeans.
The removalists were delighted with the meal and smiled at the new residents. It was interesting just watching them; I had nothing better to do since I was home alone.
My parents were on their second honeymoon and wouldn't be returning until tomorrow, while my twin brother Anthony was probably drinking at some party with his mates.
My brother was one of the popular students at Mountain Creek State High School. He was popular for his sporting abilities and he always got along with everybody in the school.
As for me, well . . . I'm just known as his twin sister. He isn't embarrassed that I am related to him. I'm a bookworm and not ashamed of it. I'm also one of the nerdiest students at the school and I'm not good at sports . . . let's just say I'm a klutz. Oh, and another thing, I'm not one of the most outgoing people at my school; I keep my small circle of friends close.
I got up, but to my dismay my foot got stuck between the legs of the chair and I toppled over with a loud crash. The wooden chair lay on top of me. I screamed in pain and cursed, "Fuck!" out loud.
I got up slowly, moving the chair off me and looked out the open window to see if I caught unwanted attention. The new neighbours were looking at me and I read 'shock and horror' on their faces . . . okay, most likely it was, 'what the hell happened?'
I waved at them and smiled. I must've looked like a goofball but I didn't care.
My mobile phone rang a few seconds after and I was on a scavenging hunt in my bedroom. My room was a mess; I should clean it up after this phone call, I thought. I followed the sound of my ringtone, Drive, by Incubus and rummaged through my clothes on the floor before finding.
I picked up my mobile phone, clicked the green button and put it against my ear.
"Hello," I said.
"Louis!" my friend Lyn yelled.
I moved the phone away from my ear and replied, "yeah."
"You seriously have to come to the beach with us. Anne, Brendan and Dominic are coming."
I looked around my room and cringed at the sight of it, as my books weren't in order, papers were everywhere and clothes on the floor. I replied, "I'm sorry, I can't . . . I have to clean my room, it looks like a bloody pigsty."
"Oh c'mon Louis, your room can wait."
"It can't, it's putting me in a bad mood and I have to make sure the house is in order before my parents return tomorrow."
"Aurg, fine be that way, bye."
"I'm sorry, bye."
I pressed the red button on the phone and sighed, "Where to start?"
After I cleaned my room, I decided to go to the local library to borrow some books to entertain myself. I grabbed my purse, my keys and my mobile phone. I walked all the way to my destination . . . the library—my home.
Once I got there, I saw that the library wasn't crowded as per usual. I skimmed through the genres, biography, mystery, horror, science fiction and I stopped at romance. I love the stories about finding true love and happy endings . . . yes; I am a sucker for it and a hopeless romantic.
I always wished my knight in shining armour would arrive and catch me before I fall.
Who am I kidding? I know it would never happen.
Come to think of it, there was a book called, A Knight in Shining Armour,by Jude Devereaux right in front of me. I took it from the shelf and read the back of it.
"In an old English church, Dougless Montgomery meets a sixteenth-century knight— Nicholas Stafford, Earl of Thornwyck. She is drawn to him by a bond so sudden and compelling that it defies reason. Here is Jude Deveraux's beloved bestseller in a special edition featuring new material— a timeless love story for a new generation of readers"
It didn't give me enough information but I still wanted it. So I decided I would borrow this book and read it—and so I did.