A/N Yes I finally updated... Like I said before everything has changed. Please give me thoughts on the progress of the story. R&R
A Debt to Be Paid by Marrying their Son
Chapter Five
My heart was pounding rapidly as my family and I was walking toward their door. My mind was going insane by telling me that I was crazy to go along with this but I had no other choice. I remembered what Lyn said before she left was to run away and join the circus. It was a good suggestion but knowing my luck I'll probably get stomped on by an elephant or get eaten by a lion or even worse. They might give me a circus name of clumsibadlucksiorous, I even groaned out loud with that thought.
"Anxious aren't you?" my twin smirked at me.
"I can't wait," I lied through my teeth.
I felt light headed and I tried to shake it off. My body felt heavy as every step I took was like carrying a of tonne bricks. Now I was face to face to the neighbour's front door and then door swang open, revealing the interior of the white mansion. But the view was blocked by the couple who I didn't want to see. My legs had given away and now I was descending to toward the ground as I seeped in unconsciousness. Before I blacked out I got a slight glimpse of their son looking back at me.
"Is she okay?" I heard Richard say.
"When do you think she will wake up?" My dad questioned.
"I can't believe she fainted." A familiar voice said which caught my attention. I just couldn't put my finger on whose voice it belonged to. For some reason I had a bad feeling that I know who the voice belonged to. And I hoped it wasn't him, after what I did and all.
I gracefully fluttered my eyes open and saw my Mum, Anthony, Dad, Richard, Cherrie and my knight in shining armour who had bruises on his forehead, chin and had a black eye. My heart sank.
I realised that I was condemned for sure.
"Are you alright?" my brother questioned
"Yep, still a bit dizzy though," I said awkwardly and took a glance at the green eyed man I met earlier today. He gave me a slight glare to reassure me that he still is pissed off from the incident where I walked into a bookshelf and books piled on top of him. But surely he was more pissed at me for running away.
Great, how am I going to pull this off? I thought to myself.
Cherrie broke the awkward silence, "Louis, this is our son Matthew."
Well at least I know the name of the guy who I'm destined to be with. And I was sure to apologise to him once we were alone.
I looked at him apologetically, and he shifted his gaze toward the wall if it were the most interesting thing in sight.
"He's in a bad mood at the moment," Cherrie reassured me.
Cherrie, Richard and I know that reason why his pissed off because of me destroying his piano. Hopefully he doesn't know that it was I who caused the destruction of his valued goods. Matthew and I know the other reason why he's not in a good mood.
I have no idea how I'm going to pull through with this dinner thing tonight. I might as well go along with it.
"Louis would you like to help me in the kitchen?" Cherrie asked.
"Okay," I replied. I quickly got up from the comfortable chair and followed Cherrie.
As I was following Cherrie towards the kitchen I admired the beauty inside the house, there we pot plants of trees, the walls were white, the floor was timbre, and the paintings on the wall were beautiful and artistic. Surely it looked different before it was renovated. Once we got there Cherrie faced me and she looked eager to tell me something. I hoped it was an apology by insulting me or calling the whole debt off of my marrying her son.
"I suppose you haven't told your parents about the debt, right?"
That hope of them calling the debt off to their son just went down the drain, "I haven't and I prefer to keep it that way, it's between you, your husband and me… and also my friend who knows."
"Okay, you're lucky that I haven't told my son yet and I haven't told him that it was you who broke his piano." She reassured me.
That's a relief, not
"What did you tell him?"
"The removalists were at fault by not making sure the furniture in their truck was stabilised."
I perked my eyebrow up and replied, "That's a good story there but I feel sorry for the removalists by you giving them and the company a bad name."
She just shrugged.
I suppose I should tell them that I caused the injuries their handsome son's face, "It was me who caused the injuries on his face."
"What? The girl who he was talking about who walked into a bookshelf and ran away? Why am I not surprised?"
I rolled my eyes at her.
We just stood there in awkward silence for a bit and she spoke again, "You look great tonight, much better then before though, much more classy."
"Uh thanks…"
"Well you can grab the chicken out the oven… on second thought don't bother… just grab the utensils of knives and forks from the top drawer behind you."
I turned around and open the drawer and stopped as she spoke again, "Third thought could you grab seven serviettes from the second draw, please," I did what she said and counted seven of them.
"Do I place it on the dining table?" I asked.
"Yep." As I was walking towards the varnished wooden dinning table and I stopped to in my tracks and faced her as a thought concerning the debt crossed my mind. "What if he doesn't fall in love with me? What do I do then?"
"Keep on trying."
"So I have to try and try until you are dead or when he falls in love with someone else and gets married."
"I would take care of that, but I am sure he won't be settling down soon."
"So why do you want me to marry him, what did he do?" I really wanted to know why there was such a scandal that Matthew's parents want him to marry a person like me. Not like there's anything wrong with me.
"Well… I really don't want to disclose any information of my son with you. It's best you don't know." Cherrie placed her left hand on her waist.
"I could just find out on the internet anyway, I suppose they have lots of awful things and rumours about your son."
Cherrie sighed and she looked like she was unsure to tell me. "It's still best you don't know."
I suppose I would have to turn to the internet or gossip magazines… that would be hell for me
"Right, I would find out sooner or later, you know." I turned back around and walked towards the dining table. Once I was in the dining room I placed the serviettes on the table.
I heard footsteps behind me and it suddenly stopped. I turned around swiftly and hit my foot against the leg of the chair and fell to the ground.
So graceful
"I don't know why girls keep falling for me?" said Matthew smirking down at me. He held his hand out waiting for me to take it.
I rolled my eyes at him and took his hand. His hand felt rough but warm. The warmth of his hand felt reassuring that it was comforting and I didn't want to let go, I wanted to hold him until I die. Corny I know; he was my knight in shining armour anyway. I shook my head and came back to reality and apologised to him about what happened early today, "Hi again… I'm so so so sorry of what happened this afternoon." I gave him apologetic eyes. He pulled me up from the ground.
"Well after you cowardly ran away, some girl spotted me at the bookstore and texted a few of her friends. The next thing I know crazy fan girls came running in my direction and hounded me, then the police were called and an ambulance, due to my injuries and fainting fan girls and a few haters getting hi—"
I cut him off before he could finish, "Okay I get it, Mr. Celebrity."
At that he let off my hand which my butt was in contact with the mat that was placed on the floor. I shook my head at him.
"I suppose you know who I am and what I did?"
"I for one have no idea of what you did and never watched any of your movies and didn't know who were, just not too long ago," I said as I tried to get myself up.
"So how are you two getting along?" Cherrie said behind me.
I quickly replied, "Fine." At that I was on my feet and gave a slight glare towards Matthew which he shrugged.
I turned to Matthew and said to him, "I will find out soon enough."
My family and Matthew's family were sat down at the dinner table eating dinner which consisted of roast chicken, vegetables and gravy. The chicken was delicious as it wasn't dry or raw. The herbs and spices brought out the taste of the meat. Also the gravy went along with it was the most mouth-watering gravy I ever tasted. I hate to say it but Cherrie can cook.
I sat next to Matthew as I was instructed by Cherrie, my brother sat next to me, Richard sat at the head of the table with his wife and my parents sat across from me.
"So where did you go for your second honeymoon?" Richard asked my parents to start a conversation.
"Oh we went to Fiji; it's our second honeymoon because Nicole was in labour and after the birth of the twins since we didn't have the chance," my father replied as he grabbed my mothers hand.
"So what's behind Louis' name?" Cherrie said. I just knew she would ask that question sooner or later. All eyes were on me. I glanced at my mother.
"Well, it's a long story, I'll tell you anyway. I had an ultrasound and the doctor mistakenly announced that we were expecting twin boys." My mother took a sip of red wine and continued. "Which turns out we didn't. Jack and I decided to name them after our grandfather's first names. After my grandfather died from a terrible accident, I wasn't going to change the name if I was having a girl."
"Understandable but you could've got rid of the u," Cherrie looked down at her food and cut a piece of chicken with the knife and fork she was holding and she put the piece of chicken in her mouth.
"Well, we don't want people calling her Lois Lane." My mother replied back with slight grimace.
I looked down at my food and tried to cut my chicken with my knife and fork and knocked a glass of water onto Matthew's lap. I panicked and quickly grabbed the serviette from my lap and tried to soak up the water from his lap.
Matthew hesitated and tried to stop me. Which I didn't of course. I finally stopped once I realised that my hand was close to his crotch. I looked up at him still with my hand close to his sunshine and blood was rushing to my face. Realising this I moved my hand to my side and apologised once again without looking at him, "Sorry about that."
His eyebrows were raised at me and he had a shocked expression on his face. But I know inside he loved it. Just judging on that slight smirk plastered on his face.
I knew for sure I caught unwanted attention once again. Why am I prone to such embarrassing moments anyway? But who said you can't have fun with it.
I whispered to him, "I bet you loved It." and gave him a wink.
He stared at me for a bit after he was interrupted by his father, "Matthew, could you please past me the gravy?"
Matthew reached for the gravy and past it to his father.
I interrupted the silence and announced, "I really need to use the bathroom." The only reasons I needed to use the bathroom are to pee and call Lyn to get information on Matthew as I was anticipating suspicion. I really wanted to know who I'm dealing with so I could well… make him fall in love with me. But I know my gut feeling was telling me not to.
"I'll show you," said the green eyed man sitting next me.
He got up from his chair and I followed after him with my purple clutch containing my phone in hand. Once I was at the bathroom I thanked him and closed the door in front of him and locked it. I did my business and washed my hands. My hand reached for my clutch and opened the clasp to get my phone. I dialled Lyn's number and after a few rings she answered.
"Hello," she said from the other line.
"Hey, it's me." I whispered.
"How is everything going? And why are you whispering?"
"Good, I'm in the bathroom" I replied.
"And why are you in the bathroom?"
"Lyn!" I whispered loudly.
"Okay okay, so who is he?"
"Well that's just the thing; do you know anything about Matthew Richardson?"
She squealed, aloud which I had to remove the mobile phone away from my ear. I'm sure I lost a bit of hearing in my left ear.
"You're done?"
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh Matthew Richardson! How can't you know him? Oh that's right you are a bookworm. I can't believe he lives right across from you, you'll be seeing me more often."
"Aren't you forgetting something? I'm the one who has to marry him so don't you dare lay a hand on him or even flirt with him. Oh and its best you don't tell anyone I mean anyone that he lives right across the road from me. I don't want those whores laying a hand on him."
"You are very protective of him; I see your point though considering the fact of what you got yourself into."
"So do you know any recent scandals he was involved in?"
"Well he got involved with heavy drinking which led him to do ridiculous things…"
"What ridiculous things?"
"I really don't want to talk about it."
"I think its best you don't know. So he could be himself around you."
I looked toward the floor and felt sorry for him. All the fame and had fortune he just can't handle. But it doesn't answer the fact on why his parents wanted me to marry him. And that I have to find that out. I might as well not be bothered researching him, which would be hard to do.
"Louis, are you there?"
"Yeah I suppose you're right, I have to go now, bye."
"Bye, oh before you go don't forget to act like yourself… okay scratch that just try and act normal, oh and try not to break more things."
Hah acting normal didn't go so well, I thought
I pressed the red button on the phone and placed it back in my clutch. I clasped the clutch and looked at myself in the mirror before I made my way back to the dining room. This dinner thing tonight would be interesting.