A/N: This is not the first poem I wrote, but in my opinion it's the best (And that's not saying much, because I suck at poetry). This is my first Fiction Press story though, so be gentle on me. I need to get used to this fandom. It's such a change from Fan Fiction. As you can probably see, my poetry doesn't rhyme. Don't expect it to. The best I can think of right now is goose and moose. Don't critique me on my 'less-than-rhyming-poem' because that'll be strangely annoying. 

Summary: She understands. Understands why, children are afraid, of the bogeyman, and monsters under the bed. She can feel a fire, in the pit of her stomach. It burns, rages into the biggest wild fire.


Title: All Alone

Rating: T

Author: Senseless Drive



She's in the darkest pit.
No way out.
There's no air around her.
She begins to suffocate.
She hugs her knees,
Against her chest,
And cries alone at night.
Such a gullible,
Pure girl, she was.
Not anymore though.
She knows now.
She understands.
Understands why,
Children are afraid,
Of the bogeyman,
And monsters under the bed.
Those evil beings,
That hide in the shadows,
And prey on the innocent,
She can feel a fire,
In the pit of her stomach.
It burns,
Rages into the biggest
Wild fire.
She's all alone.
She always was.
But she only realized now.
She clutches her naked body.
And begins to cry.
Her body shakes.
But the fire blazes on.
And it always will.
She's been tainted.
And who does she blame?
Her stupid, naive self.


A/N: Tell me what you think. Don't critique too hard on me. Go easy. I bruise like a grape.

--Senseless Drive--