A/N: Okay! So welcome to the Sequel of 'When It All Falls Apart' I hope you all enjoyed that story, so here is part two! Enjoy it. Some of it probably won't make sense unless you've read the first one, but that's probably later to come. Anyways, I've picked out a theme song for this story. And it is….: Fix You by Coldplay.
"Hey there little sister of mine!"
"Kevin! Hey! How are you? You haven't called me in two weeks man. I was beginning to worry about you."
"I'm good as good can be." He said.
"I'm glad. How's Mandy?"
" She's taking care of the little terrorist I am proud to call my son."
Lindsey laughed. "I wish I was there. I miss little Ian."
"He misses you too. I mean, he always says 'Auntie. Where's auntie?'"
She laughed again. "I miss you Kev. When are you going to come visit me again?"
"Visit you? You're crazy; you have to come visit me. Besides mom and dad are dying to see you. Oh yeah, and Andy gets back from winter camp with the church on Friday. It'd be awesome if you were there."
"I'll ask David, what we're up to."
Kevin was now twenty-seven. He and Mandy had gotten married six months after being together, and two months later She'd gotten pregnant with little Ian, Lindsey's adorable little nephew. He looked a lot like her surprisingly. Kevin had Green eyes and Mandy had brown ones, but somehow little Ian ended up with the same crystal clear blue eyes that Lindsey had. But besides the eyes, he looked just like Kevin. But he got Mandy's full lips instead of the thin ones Kevin was given from their father.
And little Andy was now nine. And if there was one thing he loved it was going to church, but right there after was his older sister Lindsey. His parents never let him forget how she had been the one to take care of him for practically three whole years of his life, they never wanted to take the credit of what a good job Lindsey did.
Lindsey was in college now. She'd just turned twenty, two weeks ago. She was attending college in San Diego. It was a long ways from home but she felt she needed a little distance. Lindsey was studying to be a social worker. Or at least something of that sort. She planned on working with adolescents. Maybe she'd work at a teen rehab and help kids there. She really connected with most teens because when she was younger, she'd had it pretty rough for a while. And after fifteen… it wasn't too easy either. But all her plans had changed after fifteen as well.
After Lindsey hung up with Kevin she called David.
"Hey there Davey." She said once he answered.
"Oh wow, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing such a lovely voice at the moment?"
Lindsey laughed. "Oh nothing really, I just miss you."
David was Lindsey's boyfriend of two and a half years. He was a goofball, but he was sweet and kind, and hopelessly romantic as well. But every time he said something like that her heart clenched a little. It used to be worse. A lot worse, but now it was dying down, and soon she hoped it would be gone for good.
"Do you really?"
"I do, I do."
David laughed. "I'll be home in like twenty minutes, what are you doing?"
"I'm just leaving work. So I'll be home around the same time."
"Oh really."
"I know that tone of voice." Lindsey said with a grin. "Want to race?"
"When don't I?"
"Alright, ready…"
"Go!" Lindsey hung up and started her car as quick as possible. As fast and as safely as she could she backed out of the parking lot and got onto the freeway. Speeding? No… never…
She got home in fifteen minutes and she beat David too. She got out of her car and sighed with a smile as she opened the door to their little apartment. It was on the third floor, and it wasn't very big, but it was cozy. Two bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms and there was plenty of room for them. The extra bedroom was their office, and the theme of their home seemed to be beige and red. But David picked out those colors. Lindsey would have preferred something different, something brighter. Like white and blue with Green. That was how she liked her things, bright and clean looking but she figured it was okay, because when they moved into a real house she would get to pick out the colors.
She put her coat in the closet and walked to their bedroom where she put her boots and grabbed her blue and green polka dotted slippers.
She lit an apple cinnamon scented candle and Lay down on the couch, just as David opened the door. "I Win! …" he said as he opened the door, but then he saw her and said, "Oh…"
"Well, Mr. Speed Racer, you took quite a while."
He laughed and she stood up to greet him. He hugged her a kissed her sweetly. "I am so sorry." He said. She smiled.
"What do you want for dinner?" she asked.
"Oh, hmmm, how about spaghetti!"
"Spaghetti it is."
David looked nothing like the man Lindsey had once thought was the love of her life. David was tall and lean, he was muscular and always said stupid things like, "You just won free tickets to the guns show!" and then he'd throw up his arms and flex and say, "Bam!"
His hair was neat and cut, combed nicely to the side, looking like a businessman should. David was tan, had had big black eyes. And she'd known him for a really long time. Kindergarten actually, but they weren't together then. In fact up until freshman year of high school. They hated each other's guts. But then sophomore year they became friends and it wasn't till senior year that they hooked up and that was the very end of senior year. They were still full of ridicule and playful insults for each other though. And everyone had a good time watching the couple quarrel. Lindsey never thought she was ever going to be with anyone but that one from the past. Lindsey thought she'd be married by now with at least one kid, but times change, people change, and things happen…
"Dinner is served." She said and set a bowl in front of David, removing his laptop from the table.
His face lit up. "Yum."
Lindsey prayed before she ate. She always did, David didn't.
"Oh," she said. "Thursday, until next Wednesday, do we have any plans?"
"Um, no, no I don't think so."
"Okay. Can you take time off work?"
"I don't know, why?"
"Because Andy's getting home from camp and I want to be there."
"Ohhh…" David said. "Andy doesn't exactly like me…"
"Come on David. My parents and Kevin like you."
"Um… okay." He said. "I can't take of a whole week, but I can get a few days."
"Thanks." She said.
Lindsey lay in bed alone. David was still working. He was only twenty-one and he was a workaholic. She pulled up the covers as she shivered, and lay looking out the window next to their bed. Alex's voice popped into her head from a conversation they'd had a couple weeks ago.
"You sound more mature than you should have to be Lindsey…I'm not sure I like it…"
He'd said. And Lindsey hadn't responded in the nicest of ways. "We're not all rock stars Alex, not all of us can stay seventeen forever."
All he'd done was sigh and say okay. They moved on to a different topic.
But she was twenty now. She had responsibilities, and then there was her schooling, she had to grow up at some point and she'd decided a while ago that she needed to. Alex and the band were loved for their childlike and immature behavior. They could stay young and seventeen forever, but not everyone could. Not everyone could…
Lindsey was on a plane to her hometown where Kevin would meet her at the airport. Brandon was visiting a family member in Chicago otherwise he would have been there to pick her up just like old times…
She shook that thought from her head. The last time Brandon had picked her up from the airport, it had not been a good thing. She braced her self for a two-hour flight alone. David was coming up two days later. And was leaving one day earlier than her. Why? Because of work…
When Lindsey arrived at the airport, she found little Ian running towards her at baggage claim. "Ian!" she said as he hugged her. "Hi baby. Did you miss me?"
He nodded vigorously. She picked up the little boy and walked over to her older brother. "Hi Kev." She said and gave him a hug. But Ian wouldn't let her put him down. So Kevin grabbed all her bags for her and loaded them up in his car.
Lindsey put Ian in his seat and buckled him in, and then she joined Kevin up front.
"Oh man! It's so good to be home!" she said.
"I bet it's a lot warmer in S D. he said. She laughed, "Wow, you did not just call it S D. but not by much." Lindsey pulled her jacket closer to herself and tightened her scarf.
"You're hair got long." Kevin pointed out. "Yep," she said. "Hair tends to do that."
"Don't be a smart alike with me." He said.
"Oh? You've cut out foul language from you vocabulary for my nephew? I'm so proud of you!"
They laughed, and Kevin told her about life and all its troubles. And Lindsey would laugh and tell him that life was dramatic and that things happen. She would know.