Alright, here's the ending of the story. Remember, as I said before, it is only the last chapter in a different viewpoint with a little bit more added to it at the end. Hope ya'll like it.

Watched and Taken

Have you ever felt like you were being watched? I have, quite often. In fact, the last two months, I have only felt like I was able to have privacy in my house; even then, it's only with the window curtains closed. I suppose that it was my intuition that was trying to warn me; I just didn't listen until it was to late.

It was my birthday, a day that was supossed to be the best day in a teens life, reminding them that they were almost adults, but just reminded me that it was the passing of another year without my parents.

I had dressed up totally out of my character. I wore a black mini dress with a ruffled skirt, bone corset, and puffy sleeves. I had placed black and purple arm warmers and tights on, and wore thigh high black boots. I had thrown a long cape over the ensamble, and left to visit my parents grave. I stayed their for a while, still feeling as if I was being watched until I decided to go home.

Surprisenly enough, I didn't feel like I was being watched on my way home. However, that changed once I got inside my apartment. The feeling was back, but ten times stronger. I ignored it, though, after looking around and discovering that all windows were locked, and that my door hadn't been forced open. I was stupid.

I changed out of the clothes I had on into my nightshirt, only pulling on some panties before shutting off the light. I crawled into my bed, trying to ignore the loud hip hop music next door, and went ot sleep. I had started to fall asleep when my light went on. My response was automatic; I jumped up, holding the sheet to my chest as I scanned my room.

My eyes found the disturbance standing at the door leading inot my bedroom, their hands on my lightswitch. I held the sheet tighter to myself, trying had not to allow my body to shake with terror.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here. Get out!" I yelled at him, my voice a terrified squeak.

Had I not been so terrified, I would have been surprised at such a handsome man standing in my room. And he was indeed handsome, more so than any man I had ever seen. His pale skin contrasted nicely with his intense green eyes, his dark colored curly hair hugging his head. He was tall, so much taller than I was, and he looked strong, so much stronger than I was.

I kept my eyes on the man, slowly reaching over for the phone in hopes that he wouldn't notice. My prayers went unanswered, for – just as I was about to close my fingers around it – he streaked forward, far faster than anyone I had ever seen, and ripped the it out of the wall. Of course, the minute he had moved towards me, I bolted out of my bed, running towards the door. I never made it.

He was there, suddenly behind me, grabbing my arm, and turning me around, pinning against the wall next ot my door. I was to scared to scream, my throat feeling frozen. All I could do was make little whimpers, barely hearable.

"Shh, It's okay. I won't hurt you," he said, licking my ear. I mentally snorted, wondering what he was doing in my room if he wasn't going to hurt. I didn't believe his claims, struggling harder due to them. I almost believed that I could get free, for he had let go of my wrist. His hands were now at my waist, his lips trailing kisses up and down my neck.

My struggling didn't please him, for he immediately drew me closer by my waist with one arm before as his other trailed up my back before grabbing my hair near my scalp. He pulled, causing sharp, shooting pain as I allowed my head to follow, hoping to alleviate the pain. I caught sight of his face – cold eyes, marble features, sharp teeth poking out from beneath his lips – before he lowered his head to my neck.

I felt him place as soft kiss there before I felt his mouth open, and I could feel him sucking on my skin. He was sucking hard enough that it was quite painful. Pained whimpers left my lips, ignored by him as he continued. I felt two sharp points touch my neck before tremendous pain exploded out of my neck. I couldn't help it; I screamed, though it was muffled by the hand that had moved from my hair to my mouth.

It felt like hours before the pain began to recede from my neck, leaving a numbing sensation that seemed to spread across my body. It reminded me of the time I was semi-drugged in the hospital after the car accident that took my parents life. It only made me panic more, though I was unable to do anything about it.

A sob escaped my lips, though it was severly muted. I don't thing he even noticed. I felt my eyelids start getting heavy before he removed himself from my neck. By then ,my body felt completely numb to me, though I could still feel what was going on. I felt him pick me up, and placed me down on my bed.

My bed dipped down as he settled himself near me. I felt him removed the shirt and panties I had on, my terror escalating as he stripped me naked. No, no, no, no I thought, unable to work my mouth long enough to put the thoughts into words. The sheets felt cool against my skin, but not as cold as his hands on my body.

I heard the ruffling of close to the side, and looked out of the corner of my eye in time to see his shirt hit the floor as he started to work on his pants. My eyes immediately went back to look up at the celing, my heart pounding as I tried to move yet again. My body didn't respond to the silent commands my brain was sending.

Suddenly, I felt a large weight on me. Looking up, I forced my eyes to focus until I realized that he was on me, his body laying in between my thighs. I felt a bit of confusion before I remembered what position were where in, and what most people did when in this position with no clothes on.

I wanted to struggle, kept telling myself to move, but my body refused to obey my commands. No matter how many times I tried to get my body to do as I said, it wouldn't.

He swept down, covering my mouth that I had managed to get opened enough to scream, and roughly kissed me. I tried to keep him away from me, but I was unable to do so. I could move though he wasn't pressing against my lips with a whole lot of pressure. It was whatever was making my body feel weak that kept me from moving my head.

I was starting to feel a bit lightheaded when he removed his lips. I immediately began to suck air into my starved lungs as he began to slowly kiss my chin and neck before going to my should. I felt his tongue lick where his teeth had been at one point. A burning pain was left in it's wake.

His hands, which had previously been near my head, had begun to trace themselves over my body, stopping and fondling my breasts where he sqeezed, pain erupting beneath his fingers. I felt my breath catch in my throat.

His lips began to trail towards them as I struggled to say, "Stop."

He ignored me as his mouth closed over one of my nipples. I could feel his sharp teeth prick the skin around it as he sucked, rubbing his tongue around and over it. He repeated the same action to my other nipple as well until both stood up, stiffening as the cold air came into contact with them.

His mouth began to move downwards until he was at my sex. I felt his tongue touch me there, and my mind went into overdrive. I felt something in my abdomen. I felt pleasure begin to build without my permission. Unwanted moans left my lips that seemed to encourage him, for I felt his fingers enter me, taking the place of his tongue.

The pleasure that I had felt before began to double in pressure, building and building until it seemed to be a coiled snake. Then, it released itself, causing a film of white to cover my sight as my body shook and writhered beneath him. I was panting, tears streaming from my eyes from the intensity of what had just happened. I tried to gain control of my body as I saw him crawl back up my body.

My tears became tears of shame as I realized that I had just had an orgasm, my first one ever. Of course, I had no chance to think about that as he roughly kissed me, harder than before. I could feel my lips press against my teeth, and wouldn't have been all surprised if I was bleeding.

When he removed his lips, I was gasping for air, though I saw that he didn't notice. I felt him shift as something hard touched my thigh before touching my now moist sex. I froze, paralyzed as I felt him pushing into me. There was not pain at the moment, just a bit of discomfort, but that was fading the more he pushed into me.

Pain was replacing it. The pain wasn't a sharp, shooting pain that was quickly noticed, no, it was a slow build. The discomfort was just the beginning of it as it shifted.

I wasn't in a lot of pain, though, when I felt him stop. He grabbed my wrist, holding them above my head as he thought about something. I noticed him reach a decision rather quickly. His movement, which had been quick, but not fast, was slower this time. I felt him begin to push against something that didn't seem to want to give somewhere inside of me.

That was when the pain became unbearable. I was aware I was screaming, for I could hear it echoing inside of my head, though I was also aware that it was really muffled by the hand that I felt pressing over my mouth. My screams became rather shrill as I felt whatever he had been pressing against break, allowing him to slide further into me. I could feel something warm and wet slide down my thighs, coming from the opening of my sex.

He seemed to waste no time in moving, pulling out of me just to enter me once again. His movements were not gentle; if anyting, they were hard and rough. I closed my eyes, only to open them when I felt him squeeze my wrists until I thought they would break. I looked into his eyes, which seemed to warn me not to close mine, no matter how badly I wanted too.

For I didn't want to. I didn't want to watch him rape me, for that was what he was doing. It was cruel of him to make me watch as he used my body for his pleasure. I felt as if he wasn't just breaking my body, he was trying to break my soul. I knew then and there that I would never feel comfortable doing something like this with another man, even if I were to be willing.

I noticed that he was smiling for a second there, as if he had heard my thoughts. Part of me wondered exactly which thoughts he was hearing that made him smile, though I knew that he wasn't really hearing my thoughts. My pain-filled mind was just telling me what it thought I would want to hear.

I felt him begin to move against me even harder, his pelvic hitting mine with such pressure that I wasn't sure how mine didn't break. Then, he stilled, a growl leaving him as something cold filled me before he collapsed on top of me. I could feeling him breathing hard as he lifted himself until he was once again above me, and kissed me.

I could feel tears still streaming down my face, and knew that he could feel them as well. He ignored them.

I felt him move again, finally pulling himself out of me. A mute whimper of pain left me as he did. I felt him move me, sitting me in his lap with my back to his chest. He held me there for a minute, holding me to him as he stroked the side of my breast before he turned be around, making me strattle him as he made me face him.

I felt in lean forward towards my ear, whispering the word, "Mine," into it before tilting my head to the side, and bringing his head out of my range of sight once again. I wasn't able to do anything this time but stay still as I felt the the searing pain on my neck once again. I felt myself get weaker as he made pulling motions with his mouth.

My heartbeat seemed to slow down until I was positive that I would die if he didn't stop. Maybe I would die even if he did stop, but at the moment, that was what I wanted the most, just to get out of the pain I was in.

When he did stop, I felt extremely weak, barely able to to pull air into my lungs. I felt relief from that. I knew I wouldn't live. I wouldn't have to live with the pain, this fear that something like this would happen again. I would have to live with the shame of being raped.

However, as I thought these thoughts, I felt something being place over my mouth as a strange tasting liquid dripped down my throat. I tried to close my mouth, not wanting what ever he was feeding me to enter me. I don't know how, but something told me that whatever he was doing would keep me alive, something that I didn't want.

When I bit down, however, it seemed that the liquid increased. Even though I tried not to swallow, I felt it going down my throat. It was then that I realized that my teeth had sunk into whatever he had placed over his mouth. I opened my eyes long enough to realize that it was his arm over my mouth, and the liquid that was entering me was blood.

I immediately released my teeth from his skin, but the look on his face seemed to tell me that I was to late. He removed his arm from my mouth, and I immediately tried to spit out the blood. However, he immediately covered my mouth again, this time with his hand. How long he kept it there, I did not know, but I did feel something strange.

My body kept trying to put me to sleep. I tried to fight it, but was unable to as he removed his hand. The last thing I remembered what his moving to lay down next to me before darkness overtook me.

My body felt strange when I woke up. I slowly sat up, looking around me as I recognized my bedroom. However, something felt off as I tried to remember what had happened last night. I looked to the window, wondering if it woud give me any clues. It didn't, but I did notice that it was already night.

I felt weird upon noticing this, and scrambled out of the bed only to notice that I was completely naked. A feeling of dread found me as I looked at my bed, and noticed a dark reddish brown spot where I had been laying. I felt choking gasps leave my mouth as I fell to the floor, grabbing a blanket to hold to me as I backed away.

My bedroom door opened at that moment. I looked up, terrified as I saw the man that had walked in. I noticed him frown before he turned on the light and looked towards me just as I had calmed down.

Another gasp left my lips as I saw him, and recognized him, just as I began to tremble as I remembered what I had forgotten.

Flashes of the night went through my mind. The intrusion, the holding me hostage, the rape…

I stifled a sob as he came nearer to me. I tried to move away, but my body wouldn't move. He was about five feet away when my mouth finally decided to work.

"Who…who are you?" I asked, terror making my voice seem weak. I looked at him as he seemed to contemplate on what his answer should be.

"My name is of no concern to you," he finally said as he once again moved towards me. He was near me before I knew it.

"All that you need to know is that you are mine, understand?" he said, reaching towards me. "Our laws say that this is true."

I sat still before his words went through my mind.

"I do not belong to you, you rapist! And I know that our laws do not say that," I hissed, angery for a moment before I realized who I was talking to. I immediately clammed up again, my muscling freezing up. I was afraid that I had done something wrong. However, despite the fact that I had been serious, I was greatly relived when he just laughed.

"Actually my dear, your wrong," he chuckled before becoming serious again. He reached forward and grabbed my hand.

"Have you not notice the changes in yourself, my pet?" he asked. I froze as he pulled my hand to him only to place it over his heart; he was wearing no shirt, so I had direct contact with his chest.

"What do you feel?"

I allowed myself to try and feel what ever it was that he wanted as I closed my eyes, only to have them snap back open as I realized that I felt nothing, not even a heartbeat. I tried to snatch my hand back only to have him hold onto it very tightly.

"What do you feel?" he asked again, his voice for of anger and authority. I knew that I should answer him.

"Nothing. I feel nothing," I said, snatching my hand back from him. Or, at least, trying to. He, however, had other plans as he moved the blanket out of my grasp onlt to hold my hand over my breast where my heart was.

"What do you feel?" he asked once again. Anger went through me at his insistant questioning, and I quickly said, "I fell my heart…"

However, I stopped, frozen as I pressed my hand harder into my chest in desperation. However, my mind was not lying to me, and I swallowed hard before answering, in a whispered voice.

"I feel nothing."

I felt my mind finish telling about the rest on the night, the pain at my neck, the blood that his poured down my throat from his own arm. It was then that something that had been aluding me since last night. The blood pour from his arm into my mouth reminded me of something that I had once read before.

"What are you? What did you make me?" I asked, terror in my voice once again as I asked my questions. I looked him straight in the eye, though it wasn't in a way to intimidate him or anything like that. Instead, I was pleading for him to anser me, wanting to know the truth. I felt tears slowly trickly down my face, and brought my hand up to wipe my face clear of them.

I went to bring my hand down again, only to notice something red on the tips of my fingers. I froze when I noticed that it was blood. I snapped my eyes back to him.

"What am I?" I all but screamed at him, my voice a mixture of anger, terror, and tears. I broke down crying once again.

"What am I?"

He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around me as he picked me up with a gentleness that had seemed to evade him last night. He walked over to my bed, sitting down at the head of it and placing me on his lap. He held me to him as he gently placed kisses on my neck leading up to my ear.

"You are the same as I am, only a childe instead of a master," he whispered. I swallowed, suddenly feeling a lust that I had not know the previous night. I felt him turn me around, until I was once again facing him, strattling him. I felt him against my sex, which had begun to weep, moisture collecting on it.

"And…what are you?" I asked again, my voice a whisper as desire began to creep through my body. I gasp when I felt his fingers touch me, caressing me.

"We are the undead, my dear," he said, and I felt his fingers move away. I could hear the rustling of clothes before I felt his engorged member underneath me. He slid into me as he leaned forward to my ear once again.

"We are vampires," he said. "And you are mine."

He finished by sliding into me, a gasp of pleasure leaving my throat. And, as he began to move within me, I remembered his final words to me the previous night.


I was his indeed.

The end. This is it. There will be no other chapter, or continuation of this story. I hope that I didn't disappoint with the ending. It a result of the power he has over her that makes her so complient.

Again, I hope you have enjoyed the story. I will be concentrating on the other two stories I have up as well as working on others, so please enjoy them as you have this one.

Please review.

Hearts In Strange Want