Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the characters and plot line :D
Chapter 1
A blast of music made its way to my ears. Either the backstreet boys were singing outside my window, or my cell phone was ringing. Uneasily putting my book down, I sat up and made my way over to my over-sized desk. I really did not understand why my mother had insisted on buying this particular desk, but hey, it did not come out of my wallet.
"Rock your body right…Backstreets back, alright," my phone chanted. Glancing at the caller ID I realized that my best friend Kacy Lansing was trying to reach me.
"What's up," I said.
"Where are you!?" Kacy practically yelled.
"At a strip club," I stated sarcastically.
"Did you forget that you were supposed to sleepover at my house," she replied ignoring my comment, "Georgina is already here."
Shoot, I had totally forgotten that little detail after I had commenced my expedition for a novel to reread. On some level I was just trying to occupy myself so that I would forget the fact that my summer was drawing to a close; there was only one week left.
"I was just gathering up my stuff to come by now," I said whilst looking for suitable attire for a night away from home.
"Fine, hurry," she said and then hung up; I did the same and ran out of my room. I grabbed my keys to my fairly new birthday present from my loving parents. I ran outside and took a few seconds to admire my silver Porsche. It was a little to flashy for me, and revealed the fact that my parents had money but my friends and I had decided that this year was about changes.
You could say we fit in at school, not exactly popular but not outcasts either. Last year had been about trying to stay low on the radar, especially from the elites. See how I used the word "trying," somehow Cassandra and her clones would always track my friends and I down to openly mock us. They were not exactly my favorite topic. Actually, the elites were probably the only people that could make my friends and I ill tempered.
I brushed away any hateful thoughts and got into my car. Since Kacy lived relatively close, it did not take me that long to reach her house. Georgina, Kacy and I lived in the same neighborhood. Not to brag but it was known as the posh side of town. Mostly all kids that attended Forestview High were wealthy spoiled brats. To prove that they were loaded, the population of students at my high school all dressed in designer labels, and drove fancy cars. It did not even matter if their families were rich; everyone tried to be someone they were not.
My friends and I had purposely worn plain clothing to state the fact that we do not need to brag about our families earnings. I silently laughed, the female population of our school had actually believed my friends and I were poor, and some how we had gotten a scholarship to Forestview High.
After, pulling up into the Lansing's driveway I stepped out of my car and made my way over to the front entrance. As the door opened all thoughts of Cassandra and her cronies vanished. It was time to relax and hangout with my friends.
Georgina had answered the door in all her golden blonde glory. The gorgeous blonde locks had grown over the summer reaching her mid back. Her light brown eyes glimmering under the huge chandelier that hung from the ceiling. She wore a white tank top with a pair of light blue denim jeans, which made her slim figure look curvier than usual. She flashed me an award-winning smile, and I stepped inside.
"Kacy is upstairs thinking about the plan," Georgina said in her soothing voice that was always comforting. Maybe it was the way Georgina presented herself, but she always appeared as a maternal figure to me. Every time, Cassandra had single handily attacked my self-esteem Georgina and Kacy were always there to fight back, and then mend my wounds.
"Oh, I thought maybe she gave up on it already," I stated. She turned to me with shock clearly written all over her face.
"How can we give up now," she started, "we've come so far," Georgina said pointing to her body, and then mine "besides it was your idea to take Cx3 down."
"I know but I've been having my doubts-"
"Doubts about what?" Georgina said cutting me off, "don't worry Am everything will be alright, you have us remember?"
"Fine," I said meekly.
"Well come on… Kacy will get impatient," she then turned towards the stairs, and led us to Kacy's bedroom. We quickly entered and walked inside Kacy's huge bedroom.
I had always envied the way she had decorated her room and secretly wished mine were the same. Kacy had always loved painting, and so took the initiative of painting her own room. She had chosen pearl white for the color of her walls, and had made a complicated black floral design as a border. Her bedspread was the same color as the black bordering of her room. Mainly, all her furniture was black and added a certain maturity to the bedroom.
Kacy looked up from her fashion magazine and gave me a look. I could feel her intense hazel eyes settling on me. Her blazing red hair that reached just below her shoulders completed her look, making her appear just like a model. She was lean but tall just like Georgina. I on the other hand was not as pretty as my friends were with my dark hair that appeared black most of the time, and adding to my dark features I had received my fathers' grey eyes. My skin on the other hand was as pale as it could be. Thanks to Kacy, who had forced me to get a tan, my usual pale skin was two shades darker.
Georgina and I had both gone on diets together this summer, trying to lose weight. Since we both loved food, we had quit after losing seven pounds. Kacy had then taken charge and signed us up for gymnastics and yoga. That had helped me lose ten more pounds, and that made my body look curvier. Sure, I wasn't the thinnest person alive, but losing seventeen pounds had helped make me gain some confidence, and self-esteem. I was not the same girl that I had been in grade ten.
"AMBER!" Kacy yelled in her swift voice. Finally, realizing I had gone into my own little world, I looked up at a now furious Kacy.
"Oh sorry Kace I was just thinking about the plan." That being the whole reason I had lost all this weight, and bought a new wardrobe. The plan being the reason we had encouraged the idea of our parents buying us cars.
"Good, I'm glad you actually remember," Kacy said, "I really thought you were going to bail on us."
"Like you would ever let me do that," I mumbled.
"Well, we still need to settle some things," Georgina said.
"Yeah, like how we're going to ruin the big entrance Cassandra Casey and Cory make every year?" Kacy questioned, and as she spoke both the girls' unconsciously turned toward me. They both knew I was great at making devious plans, but not great at following them through.
"Simple," I stated, "all we have to do is enter after them boldly and with more grace."
"I still can't believe we are actually going to take down Cassandra and her clones," I thought about what Georgina had just said. She was right we had always planned on getting back at them, but some how we always chickened out at the last minute. However, this time we were following through on our plan, especially because some of our friends that belonged to the lower end of the hierarchy were going to help us. Just thinking about it made me actually want to go back to school and show everyone that Cassandra and her friends were just bullies.
"You know now that I think about it I'm actually glad we're taking them down," Kacy said, "after all the cruel things they've done to us three, and everybody else at school its about time." I half cringed. Memories of girls looking at me, and then laughing came to mind. Last year had been hell, since I had gained ten pounds as a result of my grandmothers' death. I guess Cassandra could sense the fact that I was self-conscious, as she had marked me with a big red X on my forehead.
"Okay, now that we have a plan to ruin their big entrance we have to make sure one of us becomes cheer captain," I said
"Well, that's an obvious decision," Georgina stated
"Yeah, Amber you are a really good dancer, and your as flexible as a pretzel," Kacy said while applying red nail polish to her toes. I walked over to one of her beanie bag chairs and sat down.
"I guess, but you guys better help me make a routine," I stated carelessly. Thanks to all the drama from last year, I had learned how to hide what I was really thinking. It did not matter if I felt scared to take on Cassandra. My voice had to sound confident, besides it had been my idea to take them down this way. It figures that my friends would put me up to it, or it was fate, because for some reason I attracted trouble.
"You know it," Georgina said as she got up to grab a box behind her. She then carefully opened it and took out three bracelets. "I got these for us," she started, "so we never forget that no matter what, we will always be best friends"
"We don't need necklaces to prove that," Kacy added "but I love jewelry…so…why not?" Kacy got up, and walked over to Georgina. Who placed a necklace in Kacy's palm; they hugged and turned to me. I did the same and inspected my new bracelet.
It was the epitome of beautiful. All three were gemstone bracelets, and each had a different colored gem. Georgina had chosen lilac for herself, yellow for Kacy, and turquoise for me. They all had ancient engravings around the stone.
"You know me too well," I said to Georgina, "I love it, thanks G."
"I love it too," replied Kacy.
"Good," Georgina said, sounding relieved we liked them "okay, now let's get back on track, I need to tell you guys something really important," Kacy and I nodded, and waited for her to continue. "I heard Cassandra and Alec got back together."
Alec Anderson is the typical, handsome, and popular high school boy. Girls died to be his girlfriend, but Alec, like many others was a player. He never stuck to one girl for more than a week. Cassandra had been and is the only one that Alec dated. They had lasted for more than three months, and in our school that was harder to come by than flying pigs. If one was to categorize their relationship it would be filed as 'complicated'. An on-off sort of thing. Don't confuse the fact that I was knowledgeable in the matter, because I was indifferent especially since I despised all the elites, especially him.
He was cocky, self-conceited, and egotistical. Sure he could make any girl drool, but what good is that, if you don't have the personality to match?
"That gives her major popularity points," Kacy stated.
"Well I guess we better get boyfriends too then," Georgina said.
"What!?" I shouted
"Well it only makes sense," Kacy started, "the only way we can take over the school is if we are invited to hangout with the elites, and to do that we need someone to introduce us," she paused, letting the information register, "and besides, a boyfriend is the best bet."
"I guess, but you two can make that sacrifice," I said emphasizing the last word.
"Only one of us has to get a boyfriend," I pointed out while cutting her off, "and Kacy I think it should be you."
Kacy looked up at me, "Why? And whom?"
"Tyler Bradshaw," Georgina said swiftly.
"That makes sense, he is Alec's best friend," I replied.
"I know but why me?" Kacy complained.
"Look at you, you're beautiful," Georgina replied. "Truthfully I'm not ready for a second heartbreak," she whispered.
My tempered started to flare. NOT HIM! Kyle Wilkins was another elite that had broken Georgina's heart. Kyle had been Georgina's first boyfriend, and they had dated for six months. Everyone was convinced that Georgina had tamed the schools player. Most importantly, no one had expected Georgina to walk in on Kyle and Casey Collins in a heated make out session in his bedroom. Another reason to hate them.
I tried to lighten the mood. "No guy would go for me," I said smiling. "I'm like the same colors as Kacy's bedroom, a shade of white with black bordering."
Kacy and Georgina looked at me and started to laugh. I soon joined in. "Babe, you're beautiful, every guys going to be dropping head over heels for you," Georgina said.
"Why do you always sell yourself short," Kacy added.
Inwardly, I let out a sigh of relief I had made Georgina forget about Kyle. I looked at them and smiled, "you're my best friends, you have to say that."
"We would never lie to you." I looked at them skeptically.
"Scouts honor," Georgina said. We all looked at each other and started to laugh. After discussing more about the plan, Georgina and Kacy helped me make up a routine. We played around and then watched One Tree Hill re-runs. Soon after that, we decided that sleep wasn't such a bad idea.
The next morning I woke to the smell of pancakes. Kacy's family cook always made me gain weight from the smell of the food he was making. I licked my lips and got up.
Kacy and Georgina were both sound asleep. Out of the three of us, you could say that I was the early riser. Waking up bright and early was definitely my forté, unlike most teenagers. Before going to the bathroom, I lightly shock my two best friends awake.
After my morning routine, I headed for the kitchen. Georgina and Kacy were both sitting down, eating chocolate chip pancakes.
"They taste better than they smell," Kacy pointed out politely.
"Are we still allowed to eat pancakes?" I asked.
"Am, we don't need the diet anymore," Georgina said, "and besides, Chief Pablo made them low fat."
I made my way over to the table, and grabbed two perfectly cooked circles of goodness. I smiled to myself.
"Kacy, I am so telling my parents to hire your chief," I said.
"Chief Pablo is mine and mine only," Kacy stated, with her mouthful.
"Am, what are you doing today?"
"I have to go to the mall and buy Ian a birthday present," I said, thinking about my two year old brother, and what he would want for his birthday. Truthfully, I had already found a present, but it was out of stock. The store owner had called me yesterday and said that the shipment would be in by today.
"I already bought him a present," Kacy said.
"Same here," added Georgina.
"Are you two trying to imply that I am a bad sister?"
"YES!" they both screamed.
"Well if you must know, I bought him a present last week, but it was out of stock" I replied childishly, and then for good measure stuck out my tongue.
"Well I guess you will meet us at the hair salon then?" Kacy asked.
"They have to fix the layering of my hair," Georgina replied, "and plus everyone is going to be at the mall today."
"We shouldn't go then," I replied "everyone should be surprised on the first day of school."
"Don't worry, we'll stay low on the radar," Kacy said.
"Alright, what time?" I said, knowing I was going to lose this battle anyways. When Kacy and Georgina teamed up to force me into doing something, I always lost. I knew they would not stop till I surrendered, and they both knew I would give in.
"Meet you there at 4:30?" Georgina asked.
"Ok, what time is it now?"
"1030," Kacy said.
"I guess after lunch I should head to the mall," I replied, mentally planning out my evening. I would have to go home, change into a presentable outfit, and then pick up Ian's birthday present from Toys "R" Us. Afterward, I would have to head down to the hair salon in the same mall and hangout with Georgina and Kacy. This was going to be perfect.
"Am, we should go and practice your cheer-leading routine," Georgina said.
"Okay, but this is the last time, I swear I know the routine better than I know my way home."
"Practice makes perfect," Kacy added.
Three treacherous hours later, I was on my way home. I parked in my driveway and made my way to the front door. I opened the door and entered my bedroom. Opening the door to my closest, I walked in and sat down on one of the cushioned benches. Twenty outfit choices later I decided to wear a pair of white mid thigh shorts that included a teal blue rope belt, and a matching teal jacket with a white tank top that had a key hole as a part of the neck line. I grabbed a pair of white heels, and a matching handbag.
I inspected myself in the mirror and then headed over to my washroom and put on some eyeliner, and lip gloss. After doing so, I headed to my car rushing to the mall. It was already 3:45 and sitting in traffic did not sound appealing to me.
By 4'oclock I pulled into the mall and parked by the Toys"R"Us. After making my way inside and walking over to the back of the store. I picked out the camouflage jeep that seemed like the perfect gift. Finally, I paid for it and walked out.
Deciding not to carry it around with me I made my way back to my car and stashed the present in my trunk. It was now 4:23; the line had taken longer than first thought.
I knew it would take at least six minutes to walk all the way over to the other side of the mall, so I got back in my car and found a parking space closer to the salon. When I finally arrived inside it was exactly 4:30.
Through the glass anyone could see Kacy and Georgina inside the hair salon; I walked over to them and watched as the lady evened out Georgina's layers. Truthfully, in the end you couldn't tell her hair was different, but Georgina insisted that it looked better, so I just pretended to agree.
"We should go to a restaurant for dinner," Kacy suggested.
"I am sort of hungry," I added.
We all decided to eat at the popular Thai restaurant three minutes away from the mall. Unfortunately, it was obvious that every important at school ate there. Kacy knew how to get me to agree. Everyone loves chocolate ice cream, mind you.
I met up with Kacy and Georgina at the front entrance, and we walked to the front of the line. The waiter looked up at us and then led us to a table for three.
"Georgina if it weren't for your dad's business we would have to wait in line all the time," Kacy said. She was right, Georgina's dad owned a lot of businesses around the world, and he had superiority. Everyone knew him so whenever we were with Georgina store managers practically kissed our feet.
We all sat down and quickly did a scan of the restaurant. I was the first to spot her. She was sitting with all her friends at the table in the center of the restaurant. Typical…she was the sun in her distorted version of the solar system. We were about two tables to the right of them. Casey and Cory were sitting on either side of her chatting it up with Tyler Bradshaw and Kyle Wilkins. Cassandra was talking to a boy across from her, whom I quickly realized was Alec Anderson.
"Stop staring, they might look over here," Kacy insisted. I blushed realizing I was staring and laughed.
"Like they would ever notice us," I said, "they're too caught up in themselves."
"I agree," Georgina stated.
"I don't" Kacy said meekly.
"There is only one way to find out," Georgina said menacingly. Kacy and Georgina then exchanged a glance, and smiled. They were up to something. I glared at them while silently insisting they tell me what they were planning.
"Maybe if we all got up and passed by their table to the washroom they would see us."
"Why?" I asked, they book looked at me like I had two heads, and green skin.
"Kacy needs to get Tyler to notice her," Georgina said slowly.
"Makes sense," I said, "but I should stay here and make sure no one takes our table."
Before Georgina could argue, three blondes approached our table and stood in front of us.
Cassandra was standing slightly in front of the other two, sticking her fake chest out for everyone to see. She was wearing a tight jean skirt, with a dressy purple shirt. Her blonde hair was hanging down her shoulders, the light in the restaurant made her green eyes shine. Casey and Cory looked relatively the same, except Casey wore a turquoise shirt and Cori was modeling a forest green one. They all looked different but still managed to look the same. That was why they were the mysterious and powerful elites.
Unlike Cassandra, Casey had violet eyes that made her the prettiest girl in school. Georgina had been so upset about that fact, because she knew she could never compete with her. Casey had fake blonde hair, throughout school she dyed it a lot. Her real hair color was unknown to the world.
Cori was beautiful like the two other girls, but not the prettiest. She had natural golden blonde hair, which brushed just past her thin shoulders. She was the curviest out of the three, and had an envied body. She was the sportiest one because of her constant participation in soccer, and many other clubs. Not all of them were sports teams. Kacy, Georgina, and I had decided she was the weakest one out of the three just because she was too nice. I am not saying she is not a malicious bitch, because truly she is. Cori was just not as mean as Cassandra and Casey.
"Boil face is that you," Cassandra said to me. While coming closer and pretending to inspect my face she added, "You look different; finally decided dressing like hillbillies was not going to catch on."
Boil face, how I despised that nickname. Cassandra had called me that because of my tenth grade yearbook photo. You see I had been eating a lot of sugar, and so I had started to break out a little. Before going to get my picture taken I had gone to the washroom and met up with Cassandra. This was at a time I actually sort of liked her, envied her even. I had always thought she was a nice popular. Boy did she prove me wrong that day. She had volunteered to cover up the pimples with some cosmetics. Being, naïve and stupid I let her. After inspecting myself in the mirror and realizing that all the blemishes had vanished. Honestly speaking, it was gratifying seeing that my skin was practically glowing. I thanked her and went to take my picture. I remember that my skin had started to feel itchy, but I had let it slide thinking that was how cover up felt. I headed down to take my photo, because my name was announced. On my way, people had pointed and laughed at me. I ignored it and went to take my picture. Georgina and Kacy had told me at lunch that my face was all swollen and red, and that I looked akin to a tomato. Turns out Cassandra and her friends had chosen me for one of their annual pranks. She had put something in the makeup to make my face swell up. I cried for weeks after that day, my parents called in to the school and demanded that they provided me with a retake. The school decided to allow it, but word had spread fast and everyone had already found out about "Boil Face."
"Rather be a hillbilly than a first class slut," Kacy replied.
"Oh, did someone gain some courage along with their new wardrobe?"
"Good job Casey, you actually just said three words that have more than four letters in them," I shot back, "your parents must be proud."
Casey looked mad at first, and so did Cassandra and Cori. They were probably all wondering where we had learned to stick up for ourselves. By the looks of it, this unnerved them. They could sense that we were a threat, and if they'd produced that knowledge a bit earlier, maybe the trio would have behaved more courteously. Casey's face broke out in to a grin and she turned towards Georgina.
"Kyle!" she shouted, facing towards her table to call over a boy with blonde hair and hazel eyes. He displayed a nice build and resembled a model. Finally registering what was happening I looked over to Georgina. She looked composed, and if she was scared, she did not display any signs of it. I always had thought she could be a Hollywood actress.
Hearing his name Kyle got up and walked over to our table. He didn't come alone though. Right beside him was Tyler and Alec.
I looked at the walking form of Tyler. His beautiful blonde hair had gotten curlier over the summer. His stormy grey eyes were shining brightly, like Kyle he was well toned. Probably because they were all on summer sports teams.
After drooling over Tyler, I turned my gaze to Alec. He had dark brown hair, and blue eyes that you could recognize anywhere. He was very handsome, and as he walked by other tables, you could see girls drooling.
"You called?" the devil asked.
"Yeah, Georgina wanted to say hi." She draped her arm around his waist and looked innocently over at Georgina, who was smiling.
"You guys look so good together," Georgina said while still smiling sweetly. I felt like jumping up and applauding, she was my idol.
I looked back to Casey, who stood speechless next to Kyle. She had wanted a reaction out of Georgina, probably jealousy. Hah! Take that! I thought. I stopped myself before I jumped up and hugged G.
Kyle was staring intently at Georgina, and you could see drool about to escape his mouth. I didn't blame him though. Georgina looked absolutely astounding. She had decided to wear a purple lacy top with black leggings, and pumps. The top had a low neck, but Georgina never compromised her dignity. She wore it with poise, and moved with grace.
Gaining back his composure Kyle shut his mouth and addressed Georgina.
"Georgina," he started, "you look different."
Before Georgina could say anything, I decided that it was time to dismiss the elites. They should get a taste of their own medicine, and besides our food was here. The poor waiter could not make his way to the table.
"Cassandra we love your astounding presence, but our food is here," I said with sweetness.
"Oh, but of course!" This time her face was an open book. She looked appalled. Probably because "boil face" had told her to get lost. The score was one to nothing. "We all know how much you guys love to eat."
"And we all know how much you love sticking your fingers down your own throats, but some of us actually do keep food in our stomachs" I replied.
Her smile vanished and she turned to glare at me. I could hear the boys snickering, trying to contain their laughter. It was a wasted effort, because we could all hear them guffawing. Georgina and Kacy, though, could not hold it in at all. Right, when Cassandra and her cronies turned to walk away, they burst out laughing. The three blondes heard and turned their heads to look at us. Wait, no, squint at us. They thought they were giving us dirty looks.
All six of us knew what this meant. It was the beginning of a gruesome battle. We all knew that this year was going to be them versus us. They knew that we weren't backing down this time. We were in for a tough year, but they were in for a tougher one.
Kacy, Georgina, and I looked at each other and smiled. We were silently celebrating our victory. The three of us had won this one battle, but could we win the war?
Authors Note: This is the first chapter of my first story on Fictionpress. Please comment and let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is appreciated, but don't be absolutely harsh. I will try to update weekly. I would also like to thank my editor Wanderlight, who is working on a story. Thank you for reading!