A/N: I would just like to thank everyone who reviewed/alerted/ and put this story on their favorite list. For those interested I will be re-writing Operation Eliminate Elites. I have not decided if it will be majorly, but I think the romance was rather rushed. Therefore, one thing I am certain of is that I will be adding more Alec/Amber chapters. However, I want to get the sequel started. For now, False Pretenses will remain on hiatus. Just until I try to fall back into my school schedule.

This author's note is just to let you people know incase you were interested. In addition, I will most likely be posting a preview of the sequel on my live journal page (link in profile.) If you want to see it, please comment and ask to be added as a friend. Most of my story updates are there. I usually post some spoilers and such there.

Well that is it for now. Till next time.
