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I drifted through one of the many inner courtyards available to the needs of my Oh So Mighty Family, what a joke!

I was actually supposed to be parading around with my ever so regal family as if we were actually a happy little unit, but unfortunately I had "lost" my way.

I thought that it worked out rather conveniently….really conveniently considering this happened to be the only courtyard that no one happened to be in…… weird!

Ivy danced over the walls as if racing to greet the sky. Flower petals fell like soft rain from the sweet smelling trees that littered this garden…..I feel allergies coming on! The Court of Serenus was one of the most beautiful courtyards you could ever possibly stumble upon, especially when it wasn't filled with nobles who were filled with the sticks up their asses.

I heaved a couple more sighs of the sweet-smelling air, realizing that sooner or later, they would find me. Sigh. They always seemed to find me, dammit!

Little did this poor, unfortunate, bereaved heroine know, this was the courtyard that the demon king and his escorts were traveling through to greet my parents, the Angelic rulers.

The demons and angels have been at war for near...well pretty much forever, but occasionally (every 700 years or so) one of their ambassadors will come over here and request a truce. Usually that ambassador ends up dead, or worse, but for once my father, King Gabriel, had accepted the truce offer, reason unknown, though knowing my slime-bucket daddy, it's probably for some quick power.

So there I was roaming the courtyard like an idiot or human or something, and in through the courtyard gates come the demonic company and a small troop of angels to escort them. I bet they felt like they were the specialest!

One of the angels broke away from the company, darted forward like a chicken without a head, and pounced—as grandly as one of the royal family can pounce. I giggled at my brother Suriel's furious tickling attempts.

My helpless laughter sang throughout the quiet court making anyone in the nearby vicinity (all of the stupid demon heads and angelic guard) turn to stare/glare/smile/leer/gawk/bawk at me, really the plethora of emotions was superb!

At long last, Suriel stopped tickling me pulled me away to a corner of the yard. I guess he decided that the oodles of shame he just brought upon the family were acculmating just a little too much.

"What are you doing here Ara? You knew that the demons were coming (this fact had actually fled my mind completely) and I thought Father told you to await the demons with the rest of our sisters in the Great Hall."

He stated as he tried unsuccessfully to drag me towards the hall. I scampered up the nearest wall and stared down at him.

"Well, my dearest brother, I accidentally strayed to far from the family while we were out on our daily stroll. I was just on my way to meet My Dear Father when I saw...a...loose brick, yeah! And I had to repair it!"

"Ara, the castle is made of crystal and rose quartz, we do not use bricks, now get down here. The demons are coming! "


"Araceli, please! We will be punished!"


"Araceli, get down now!"

I sighed a dramatically mournful sigh.

Then, I spread my wings and plummeted gracefully in down to him. He grabbed my hand quickly and pulled me to some of his angel guard friendy things. They tried very unsuccessfully not to grin at my no doubt petulant expression so I turned my back to them.

The demons stared at me with keen interest, so I stared back. I wanted to divulge any information I fucking could before another war started up. Demons most often have wings that indicate their powers (such as red or orange wings for fire) so it's not that hard to figure out their talents.

Only one demon caught my eye in particular, and that was the sovereign, The Demon King, Orrion.

He was literally my opposite in appearance; curling black hair, shadowy wings, a massive build, perfect regal feature, and swimming orange eyes flecked with gold. He was stunning to behold.

His eyes were flickering along my body and face as he stared at me, judged me. After a moment of scrutiny his mouth lifted into a gorgeous smile revealing two long sharp incisors unique to the demonic species.

I shuddered internally and actually obeyed my brother's earlier plea. Quickly making my towards the Great Hall before anyone could stop me. Suriel cast a confused glance towards the creeper king before scuttling after me.

Orrion POV:

I watched the angel flee my gaze; her hair and feathers rippling in the soft wind created by her flight.

She had been my polar opposite in appearance and I'd be damned if my body hadn't reacted to that appearance: shining ice blue eyes with silver lines extending from the pupil outward, white hair that appeared to be in constant motion, a slim and lithe form, soft curves that seemed to be made for her, and wings were a pure and gleaming silver white.

Those magnificent eyes had challenged me to try and touch her, though her body was positioned to run. There was such an unreachable fire within her. She was perfection of the highest order, and I coveted her.

I motioned to my highest councilor who scurried over in record time. I noticed as well, that all of my couriers suddenly seemed very preoccupied with quiet activities. I decided not to mind them.

"Darcell, I would like that angel for my own. See too it that she is mine by the end of this night."

His flickering eyes raced to where the woman had last been seen. He looked somewhat pleased and somewhat nervous. What a pathetic mouse.

"That my lord is the Angelic Princess Araceli. The same Araceli of whom her father wishes to bring peace between our two races by joining to you." My smile lifted itself into a lascivious smirk.

"Good. I get what I want without even having to steal it. She will make for an interesting bride."

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