Chapter One

"Shut up! You have to be the biggest effing idiot I have ever met!" the girl screams, her pale arms crossing over her chest.

The other girl she is screaming at is laughing hysterically at the screaming girl. She grabs on to the open locker door and tries to keep herself from falling over. She silently curses as the screaming girl slams the door. She storms off with the girl following her.

"Ah, come on Emmie. You know I was joking with you." the girl, holding her hand tenderly, yells while trying to keep up with 'Emmie'.

"MY. NAME. IS EMERALD!" she yells, turning around to scream in the girls face.

The girls smile at each other and burst out laughing. They start to head towards their homeroom, the girls talking about last nights Algebra one honors homework. The girl stops and looks at Emerald. She tilts her head as if she has a deep confession to make.

"You got to move on Em," she whispers, shaking her head.

"But I don't want to be another one of the dumpees, Lolita. You've never been there…but I have. And it sucks." she says, her dark black eyes staring into the other girls pale eyes.

"Come on…I told you my name is Courtney. Not Lolita, Emerald." Courtney says.

They smile shyly at each other and burst out laughing. They lean against the door to the closed homeroom, whispering softly about everything that needs to change.

"We're getting a new kid. Heard he's pretty hot," Courtney says very chipper, obviously trying to set them up before they have even met. "Get to him before the gossip does."

"Courtney Lolita! What the hell is up with you that I have to date? Why you try to date someone for once? So?" Emerald says seriously.

"I'm not allowed to date. I have to date though other people." she smiles wickedly and laughs at the stupid lie.

"Would you two stop making out in front of the door?" a gruff voice whines.

They look at the direction of the voice, smiling sweetly as they find the new kid standing there. His hazel eyes are hidden behind thin frames and light brown shaggy hair. His clothes scream slacker, his jeans low around his hips and the large tongues of the purple sneakers over lapping them.

"And you are?" Emerald sneers at the boy, trying to make it seem like she wasn't interested…considering that was how she caught the attention of her ex.

"Oh? You haven't heard of me yet? I'm Seth." he says, smirking at her defensive position.

"And, Seth, let me understand why this is so important? Why haven't I seen you around school before?" she says in the same smirking tone that he used.

"Oh…and I guess I should say that I'm the new student…" Seth says, grinning wildly.

Emerald winces, noticing that he was cute. He would be fun to play around with…and it was obvious that it was easy to annoy him. He turned serious as if he could hear the wheels turning inside her head.

"Does it hurt to think so hard?" he snaps after a moment of silence.

She groans and storms away. Right as she walks by him, he sticks out his large foot. Emerald trips over it and falls flat on her face, wincing as the kid nudges her ankle. She hops up and glares, her dark eyes turning an inky black. The kid smiles and starts to stroll down the hallway, obviously not expecting an answer.

"That little…. That's it. My parents are making a trip down here." she whisper yells.

And then she starts running. She speeds up, the boy, Seth, not noticing what the noise is coming from. She jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist. She grabs to handfuls of his shaggy hair and pulls. Hard. He reaches over and grabs her pony tail in one hand and an ear in the other. He pulls hard as well.

"LET GOOOOO!" she screams.

"Not until you do!" he sneers back at her.

"Both of you! Office now. I expected so much more then that from you Ms. Linky. And Mr. Lokks? That isn't the best way for a first impression." the chubby principle yells, his face red and shinny from sweating.

The let go as the principle yells. They separate apart from each other and start to walk down the hallway. Their eyes meet and they glare.

"I effing hate you!" they scream as they stop outside the office door.

And at that point, they know that a war is about to start. They wonder who will win and who will lose. She knows he has a lot up his sleeve…but she has the people of the school on her side.

"This. Is. War." she whispers and storms into the office, leaving Seth staring blankly at the spot that was now empty.

He turns on his heal and walks into the office, ready to make his case and win the first battle.

I'm BACK!!!! So here's my new story...hope its good. R&R and let me know what you think. Is it to typical...? oh, and i'm going to try and update For What It's Worth soon...but my computer crashed...where it was conveniently kept. i have it on a disk, but have to upload it still. so this will be my new pet project...and i'll try and update the other stories soon.
