Chapter 2

Seth is sitting in the principles office, silently praying that the girl-Ms. Linky-will get the brunt of the punishment. He looks around the office to see the pictures of family members hanging on the wall. He looks closer as a really beautiful girl stares back with arms around a tall and lanky kid. He stands up, pulling his pants down even lower, and walks towards the wall. He stares at the photo and he notices the dark, inky eyes. He then notices the same dark brown hair that he saw earlier today. He notices the silver chain around her neck with a pendent on it. He runs back to his seat as the principle approaches.

It hits him as he waits that the person is her. Ms. Linky.

"What's your side of the story? Emmie told me hers, but I got to know yours to." he says, mumbling the last part to himself.

"Emmie and her friend where blocking the door. I told them to move, she got mad and we fought. She jumped me first though." he says, smiling in a way that got him out of trouble last time he was in this position.

"Sure. Listen here, and listen good. She never does anything wrong. I saw you looking at that picture. She lives with me and I know her like I know the number of students that roam my hallways. She gets detention, but so do you. And you'll enjoy it. But if you hurt her I'll have you expelled and denied access to every school in 3,151 point 41 miles of here. Get the point?" he says, staring at the boys smirking face.
"Cool, Mr. Linky. Just a question-what's your daughter's name?"

"Emerald. Emerald Aurora. Why?" he says, noticing he was saying this to a student.

"Emerald would be a good name for my girlfriend…" he smirks, standing up and walking out the door, "I'll be here around three thirty."

The principle grunts as the old mahogany door swings shut. Seth wanders down the hallway, the same hallway that they had fought in. He starts to laugh, imagining her running down the hallway and hoisting herself up off the ground to attack him. Of all the girls hearts he's broken and annoyed, not one has ever attacked him. He laughs out loud and stops short.

Standing in the middle of the hallway is Emerald.

"What did you say to him?" she yells, her rough voice bouncing on the eggshell white walls.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, Emerald Aurora." he smiles playfully as her glare turns into a sign of annoyance and frustration.

She storms over and pushes him. He stumbles backwards, his hands flailing around. His fingers brush against the soft vintage shirt she's wearing and cling tightly to it. He regains his balance and pulls her so they're stomachs are touching each other.

One of his arms slides around her stiffened waist while the other rests on her flushed cheek. He smiles softly and leans in ever so slightly.

"We got off on the wrong foot. Do you want to start over?" he says softly.


"I'm Seth. Who are you?" he says calmly and confidently.

"Emerald." she says, a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"That's a nice name." he murmurs as he leans down to kiss her.

She tries not to jump back at the feeling of his hot breath on her lips. She knows what he's trying to do. Bracing herself for the light touch of his lips, she rises her knee ever so slightly. His lips touch hers and her knee jerks up. She smashes it into his groin hard, and he buckles over, his body shaking in pain.

"Seth-zero. Emerald-who-doesn't-have-a-middle-name-One. Adios, tu conmovdor, pequeno burro." she says, smiling widely, her straight white teeth gleaming against her naturally red lips.

"What?" he says, glaring up and staring at her.

"Context clues. Use them." she says, turning around on her heal and walking away, leaving Seth curled up against the eggshell white wall.

So??? What do you think? To dramatic? So Let me know, kay? Oh, and what do you think that the Spanish I used means? What do you think about Emerald? Next chapter will explore her personality more.

so R&R, kay? If you do, I will be your best friend....