Prologue/Whatever You Do, Don't tell
You're not supposed to know this, but I'm going to tell it to you anyways. I have a secret. A secret that probably no one, not even you would probably even guess. You would think it to be crazy. Impossible. Out of this world. Because it is. Simple as that. But you got to believe me, because it is real. No joke. I am dead serious.
Why I'm telling you, I have no clue. I guess it would be better for you to know. To explain things. To make everything clear and unclear at the same time. But you got to promise me you won't tell anyone. Okay? No one else. This stays between me and you—and no one else. Why? Well, let's just say if this gets out, I would be in danger. Serious danger, as in my life would be hanging in the balance. So why I'm telling you is beyond me. But I feel that I need to for a reason. That reason I don't know yet, but I know it will reveal itself before long.
To make things more interesting, I'm not going to go out right and say it—just yet. You know the comic books about them. You know the movies about them. You've heard about them. You've even dreamed of having them no doubt. I mean who hasn't? Really, come on. But if we know so much about them, then why are they not real? I've come to learn that with everything there is a grain of truth. That is because they exist. We exist. Living secretly among you, without notice. You unaware humans. How can you be so blind? Life goes on. No one sees, because to you we don't exist. For that matter, the government doesn't even acknowledge our presence, practically invisible. There's a hint.
Feel uncomfortable yet?
Good, my point's coming across then. Forget everything you've been told. Forget everything that would lead to the obvious belief that they they're nonexistent. Because they're not. They're real. We're real.
Do you have a good guess now?
If not, I'll go ahead and let you in on it.
Superhuman powers.
They exist.
You want to how I know they do?
Well I—Harlan Jones—will let you on another little secret.
I have them. Three in fact.
Now whatever you do, don't tell.