Chapter 6/The True Beginning of my Story
So now that you're caught up, you can understand everything better. We have moved into the most remote house we could find that held seven at least somewhat comfortably. We made sure it would be in the woods, so nobody could see, or get suspicious. We didn't want any neighbors. We were happy with ourselves. All the moving had finally been finished, the modernizing remodeling done, our cars parked in the garage and all the taped boxes opened and emptied, and distributed. It is routine. No one has suspected a thing. Could have been because of Carrie with her mind control, but that was beside the point. This is where true beginning of my story stars. Here. Where anything could happen. And this time, I believe it would, for some strange reason. Hopefully it was ESP. Hopefully.
"Hey, Harly, get up."
My eyes are still tightly shut, but I knew who it is with the annoying sing-song voice. I hate when she calls me that. She only did it for that very reason. To annoy the hell out of me.
"Carrie, get out of my room!" I nearly hiss.
"So grumpy! I just don't want us to be late, you know."
God, who cares if we were late? It was our first day, anyways. I hear the rustle of the bed sheets as she moves, her footsteps gliding across the hard-wood flooring. I suddenly feel sunlight warm my face. I squint as I open my eyes. It is bright.
"Gah, Care can't you shut those blinds!"
"Can't you get up?"
I grumble. "What time does the school start?"
"I think eight."
"What time is it now?"
"Seven-forty-five, I think."
I sigh.
"Am I going to have to take control of your mind?"
God, she could be so annoying at times.
"No, no, I'm up, I'm up," I uttered throwing off the covers. "Just leave, so I can get dressed."
"Good, see ya' in a few, going to get everyone else up," she chimes merrily—too happily for seven-forty-five in the morning. I catch a glimpse of her fluid, whimsical departure, the door shutting quietly behind her, before I rest my forehead against my hands. I sigh again, but I get up and stretch, releasing a bear of a yawn.
The sunlight streams through the towering trees, sparkling against our five "regular" cars in the fiery mist. There's Slade's black Lexus, Carrie's silver Infinity, Hans's new Mustang, Ben's black on black Pontiac G8, and my red, black-rimmed BMW 3 series. These cars wouldn't get as noticed as if we pulled up into the school parking lot in Ferraris and Aston Martins. They are all paid off, well with a longer-than-normal life, you could that. We were all here, awake, sort of—except for Slade. Lucky.
"Alright, I guess we better go," Joseph says with a sigh.
He looks at Carrie, who nods.
"Yeah, I guess so," I agree.
I walk over to my car as Joseph gets in with Carrie, because, well they're going out now. It's been off and on every other ten years. But they're not the only ones. Khloe gets in with Ben, because they're together too. They've been together since, well after a few weeks when we first met the two girls.
I open the door and slide in. I look over my shoulder as I put the gear in reverse, having to back out first.
Once turned around, I ride down our curving, long driveway. The forest breaks, revealing the bordering road. As I turn on it, I slam down on the accelerator, feeling the wild rush of speed with the tires flying against the dark road toward the school. Toward uncertainty. Toward the both monotonous memorized and the unexpected unknown.
Once there, people would give us crazy stares. Normal.
Then the gossip would start. Normal.
It would only remain gossip, nothing more. Normal.
Who I would meet…well, that would always be a mystery.
A small grin curls up my lips.
I loved a good game of mystery.
And somehow, I just knew this would be one.
Author note here: Hope you liked! The story's finally starting! :D Just to let you know the next chapter, which will be longer, I promise, will be from another person's viewpoint. Well who's? You'll just have think about it. hehe one clue: it won't be from a guy's, or at least I don't think it will...